November 29th Due Date - I need a buddy!

Sparkle- agree - I've editted and deleted that section. Just felt a bit emotional about it.
:friends: no probs Sarah Xxxx

I'm kind of enjoying the holidays, but to be honest the bigger I get, the more uncomfortable i get! We're not going to find out the sex, we decided that it'd be more fun to do things the traditional way. tbh i think we're team :pink: but it's just that i didn't get a clear enough shot to really be able to tell!

So this is me at 26 weeks!
Sparkle- great bump! Wow- you're challenging Lucky!

My sister in law ( brother wife) is having a c section tomorrow as baby transverse breech. Seems so strange to think her baby coming tomorrow! I'm so excited to find out if I have neice or nephew!
Hi everyone!

Weeell, now I'm just curious what happened to Sarah's friend...I take it was a stillbirth...I think it's invetiable to think about that kind of thing while pregnant, though. One of my BnB friend's cousins lost a baby to a cord accident last week and then yesterday while I was getting a pedicure of all things I saw a poster for a fundraiser for a local baby who was born at 26 weeks (she's alive :) ) a few weeks ago who wasn't getting blood in her umbilical cord and had to be delivered by emergency. I spent all of yesterday wondering how on earth you'd even know if the umbilical cord wasn't working and if mine is. So yeah, it is scary to be reminded of that kind of stuff for sure and it seems like it's everywhere. It was probably always there but we just notice it more now that we're pregnant. I couldn't avoid it even at the spa....

Lucky, welcome back!!! Look at that bump!! It's just beautiful! I'm so jealous you got to look at baby again and really happ you got to confirm her sex! How are you feeling?

Speaking of which, are any of you getting more scans as well or was the 20 week the last one for you? At my practice that is the last one unless they have a medical reason later on. It seems like a really long time to go with no scan!

Sparkle, look at your bump as well! It's also just beautiful! I'm interested to see if you're right and it's a a girl. Only a few months to wait now. :) You've waited this long, and now the wait is over half over.

Sarah, I am like you and craving sweets like mad! I've had....10..yes 10...cookies already today!! And the thing is, it's like I have zero willpower anymore. I just gorge on sweets and cannot seem to stop myself.

How is everyone doing this week? I don't have much going on. I think I started to experience Braxton Hicks last week some time. My bump gets really hard and tight, but I'm confused because it happens only in the evening and it doesn't seem to come and go but just stay that way. :shrug: I asked my drs appointment on Friday and she said it was BH. We did our baby registry over the weekend and that was kind of cool but it also felt a little wierd to be 'asking' people to buy us stuff.
Great bumps Sparkle and Lucky!! I love seeing how different all of our bumps look. :)

Not too much to report on my end for the moment. I'm at the dr's right now waiting for the hour to pass for the glucose test. Then I will have my blood pressure taken again to see if it's back to normal or not...fingers crossed!

We put the crib together this weekend and I am so pleased with it! I think even DH is finally getting excited to get the nursery ready because last night he wanted to put the mobile up...hehe.
How are you feeling BumpHope?

Hope the glucose test goes smoothly and your BP is nice and normal. :thumbup: When you do find out if you passed the glucose test?

Okay I have another thing to ask is everyone's energy these days and are you exercising? I ask because I just decided to quit working early today and get some stuff around the house (we are STILL unpacking from our July 1st move). It's been 20 minutes and I'm exhausted! I admittedly have not exercised very much since we moved, either...
Oh by the way, I am totally on a sweets kick too. I feel guilty afterwards but still keep doing it! Ugh.

Allie - i should get the glucose results by tomorrow if not sooner. The lab here is pretty quick for the most part. i feel pretty good for the most part. I still cannot get comfortable sleeping at night bed might as well be a torture device. I definitely have more energy these days to do stuff around the house but going out is another story. After a few hours of walking around, I'm pooped. And as usual, i got winded and out of breath just walking to the dr's office from the parking lot. It is so hot outside today too...i can't stand it!
Thanks girls! Wow, Sarah thats so sad.. you are right Allie, things do happen.. althought they are rare they seem hard to not see or notice when you are pregnant yourself. I have a friend who lost her baby at 38 weeks.. they never did find out the cause.. She has since had a healthy baby boy and are planning on trying for another. Just because things happen to people, does not mean they will happen to us.. so we just have to stay positive! :)
Speaking of no will power and sweet eating, OMG I cant stop myself.. I love food too much right now!
As far as energy goes.. I do have a good amount.. however Ive been getting a LOT more sore lately when I push myself too much. I havent been exercising but Ive just been keeping myself busy with traveling and doing lots of stuff this summer.. This pregnancy is a lot harder on me than my first.. as far as soreness goes. I have LOTS of pressure in my crotch, and I didnt have that at all with #1.. also my hips hurt like crazy if I sit too long.. IDK if its because Im a little older, on number two.. or because Im about 30 pounds heavier this time around?
Doc says baby is still head up, but should turn soon.. I knew this baby's kicks have been different from my first.. Im getting kicked in the bladder instead of in the ribs! lol I sure hope she turns before she gets too big because I do NOT want to have a c-section
Good news on the blood pressure is back to normal. Bad news on the glucose test...I just got the results online and my level is pretty high. It says anything less than 130 is the standard range and I'm at 129. EEKS!!! :nope: I'm going to call the dr's tomorrow and see if I need to go in for the 3 hour test now. *sigh* In the meantime, no more sweets for me!
lucky, I know what you mean about being sore. I just walked around the mall with a pregnant friend for 2 hours and I am sore all over...but she wasn't! And she's 27 weeks! Oh well.

Bumphope, you're still in the normal range, though, so that's good! I've heard most people that 'fail' the one hour pass the 3 hour and since you didn't technically fail I'm optimistic for you!
Thanks Allie! I hope you are right! I have a friend who failed the one hour but passed the three hour test like you said. Just in case though, I had to fight the urge to have a bowl of chocolate peanut butter ice cream. :( I think I'm scared enough now to give the sweets a rest.
Ladies, this three hour glucose test is not fun! I am on hour two and have been feeling sick from the sugar drink. Not to mention I am exhausted for some reason. Can't wait to go home and climb into bed!

Hope you all have a good weekend! :)
Urrghh bumphope, i know I had to do the glucose 3 hour test two weeks ago. It was standard because I'm measuring bigger than normal. The sugar drink was disgusting!!
Aww I feel for you! I've heard it will make you sick. Urgh! Hang in there.

I hope you all have a good weekend as well.

We are going to do some serious nursery furniture shopping this weekend. :)

Btw my new symptom is that I'm thirsty all the time! Anyone else? I also had a strange sensation earlier where I felt my pulse from the outside of my bump. I can't figure out how that would be either.
Yep, thirsty ALL the time. Especially for ice cold water! My newest symptom is heartburn! It sucks! I'm constantly chewing antacids!

Have fun with the nursery shopping! We got out all the baby clothes I'd saved from my daughter, they're sooooo small. The problem us that most of them are pink :( Not good if it's a boy!
Thanks Sparkle, I'm looking forward to it. :)

Yes, you can pull off dressing a girl in boys clothes more than you can pull off putting a boy in a pink dress haha! Hopefully you found some that are usable though.

Well, I am just back from my first exerience at the hospital up at the labor and delivery unit . Our lovable doggie, bless his heart as he had no idea, used my bump as a launching pad to jump of this evening. He has done it before, stepped on my bump and stuff, but this one REALLY hurt. I wasn't that worried but I called the on-call doc just in case as I was hurting and had a bruise and they told me to go in to labor and delivery (it was after hours)! Yikes! So, I called Alex and off I went and met him there. They monitored the baby and me for awhile on that machine and his heartrate sounded good and I wasn't having any contractions, so they gave me a precautionary Rhogam shot and sent me home. It felt weird being in there being monitored though. The nurse was nice but did make me feel a little bit stupid (even though I was told to come in).

I've never felt the baby kick so hard as he was at that monitor around my belly! It must have really annoyed him as he kicked right at it for the whole half an hour or however long it was.
I am thirsty all the time too, even though I am drinking plenty of water (or so I think...?).

Allie - glad to hear baby is doing just fine. :hugs: I felt a little strange going to labor and delivery too but better to be on the safe side. Have fun nursery shopping this weekend!

Sparkle - Were you able to find any clothes that could work for a boy? I am impressed at how much self control you have to not find out the gender. Do you have a preference??

So ladies, it turns out I DO have gestational diabetes. :cry: Ugh, I'm so bummed and upset but I suppose at this point I should just stop focusing on feeling upset and try to control it through my diet and exercise. Apparently a perinatal nurse is supposed to call me soon to set up a time for classes. Not sure what 'classes' involve but I'm guessing it's something informative about the complications of GD and how to manage your carb intake...? *sigh*
Aww bumphope :hugs: don't worry. I'm sure everything will be fine :friends:

I have to say i am surprised at how restrained i've been about finding out the gender! But i think in my head i really feel, if i was meant to know i would! I have found a few little tracksuits and yellow all in ones that could work but i have a feeling i'm gonna have to do some serious shopping soon!
Allie- glad u are feeling ok. Sensible to get checked out. It does frustrate me when health staff are judgmental of you for being concerned about your baby. Ofcourse were going to be anxious about someone we live and can't see.

Bumphope- sorry to gear you have GD. What does this mean for you? My friend has/had it ( she just gave birth on Friday to a baby boy) Big baby - which I believe is a sign on GD. I'm not being tested... I dont think it's routine over here but will ask my midwife next week why I'm not. I've also got a growth scan next week to check baby and blood clot. looking forward to seeing him/ her!

As well as my friend my brother had a baby last week. A little girl. That makes 4 babies I've known born this month! I've found it quite tough as the little one I lost was due beginning of this month.. It's felt strange and I've felt so guilty for thinking f that baby when I love to pieces the one growing in my belly. It's hard to not think about my m/c but feel like I'm betraying my bump. Don't know if that makes sense?!

Monday morning here- ergh- it comes round so quickly!!

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