November 29th Due Date - I need a buddy!

Aww BumpHope, I'm sorry! :hugs: How are you feeling? I think the classes will be helpful as from what I understand everything can be managed with diet/exercise. It's still a bummer though...I'm definitely worried I have it as I have strong family history with diabetes. I do my GTT next Wednesday.

Sarah, enjoy your scan next week! Do they think the clot is long gone by now? I'm buddies with many PAL girls on here and it is really, really normal to still grieve your miscarriage while pregnant again. It's not betraying your baby at all! (For me personally,my EDD from my MC had passed before I got pregnant again) :hugs:

Happy Monday everyone....I actually have the day off and am getting a prenatal massage, so that's something to look forward to. Our car broke down yesterday, though, so I'm having to get a ride off my parents haha. Oh, well.
Sarah - Yes, 'large' babies are one of the risks of having GD. There are also a bunch of other things to look out for as well unfortunately. Also, don't feel bad about still grieving for your lost babies. I feel the exact same way. My first baby was due on my birthday and my second was due on mother's day so it feels especially hard when those two days roll around.

Allie - I'm feeling okay, just trying not to focus on feeling upset and guilty. I also have risk factors for getting GD (diabetes runs in my family and being a non-white ethnicity is another risk) but I think my carb/sweets addiction in the past month has not helped either. So now I'm carb counting and cutting out all the processed sweets in my diet. It has only been two days and I already want to cry at not being able to eat whatever I want. It takes a lot of effort to find foods that are low in carbs!! I have also been going on walks periodically, but now I'm going to try to make sure I get some exercise every day. Hopefully those two things do the trick in managing it. My results for the 3 hour test were not through the roof so that gives me hope too in being able to manage it without meds.

I know that I'm now considered 'high risk' so they will manage the rest of my pregnancy and delivery differently. Though, I have yet to hear just what that involves. It's so frustrating not being able to see the dr. right away and to have all my questions answered!!! I have an appointment next week and even that is with the MW. If she is not able to answer all my questions, I am not going to be a happy camper. :growlmad:

Allie - Did you get any nursery shopping done or did the car issue put a damper on that? Have fun at your massage!
I hope it's a good and informative appointment for you next week, BumpHope. Also, remember that eating carbs and sweets CANNOT cause GD. So don't feel guilty! I've looked into this and there is no way it's caused by what you do. Some silly websites may say otherwise but if you find websites run by medical professionals they all say sweets don't cause it. It's just your body's reaction to the sugar.

We didn't get any nursery shopping done but we did get our travel system! We got it at Toys R's a pic. :)


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Thanks girls.

Bumphope-are you having to give yourself injections? My friend had to stab herself every day.

I went and looked at buggys on Sat. Wow- it's another world! I've so much to learn. I've a 2 hr private nursery consultation at a department store this Saturday so that will be my learning curve!

Allie how was the massage? Is it all done on your side? Is that comfy?

Ah Bump.. Im sorry for your GD.. my test is my next appt Sept 15th. Also we get to have another scan because we still havent gotten a good 3d/4D shot of the babies face.. which this will be the 3rd scan in a row.. then I got myself thinking and worried, why would he be so intent on seeing her face? Is he just being nice and wanting me to be able to see it? Or does he think something is wrong? ugh. Maybe Im being silly? IDK. Allie that travel system looks cute. I just sold our first one from my daughter because I needed to get a double stoller, but seeing as my older daughter will be almost 3 I went with a sit and stand stoller, so she can get on and ride, or walk along too. I ordered a new carseat and I will order the stroller within a month or so. Im having a hard time finding a black crib that I love.. I want black because Im doing the nursery in Pinks and Zebra .. so I need black furniture.. and a lot of the black convertible cribs I see are the cheaper ones .. I want a bold beautiful piece of furniture that will last us. The one I love is nearly $700.. yikes. Not sure the mother in law will spring for that when she bought my first daughters for $350 on sale at JCPenneys.. Anyway, sorry for rambling! lol
Grrrrrr. 4am here and I can't sleep. So annoying! Anyway else having problems sleeping? Happens to me all the time at the moment!
Aww, Sarah, sorry you can't sleep! :hugs: It has happened to me a few times so far...mainly waking up really early and not falling back asleep so I get up and eat something and watch TV. I do kind of toss and turn nightly, though...I get up about 3 or 4 times to pee, and I also switch from left to right side constantly all night when I wake up with leg cramps. The only relief is to switch sides. Oh, and it hurts in my pelvis now to roll over in bed, I'm getting what I'm pretty sure is pelvic girdle pain.

Lucky, I wouldn't worry about the scans! It's actually pretty great you're getting extra haha. They would have to tell you if they had concerns...but I hear of instances like this all the time, where they are required to get certain shots for the scan to be considered complete and if baby is uncooperative they will have to redo it. I've never heard of that for 3D/4D though because I thought those were stll just considered 'extra' and not medical? That could just be at mine, though. They told me at the end of the scan they'd do 4D 'for fun' since the main scan was over in 2D.

Good luck finding a black crib! We are wanting a white one...I'm hoping to stay under the $200 mark for ours, and that's been hard. I think we're going with one from Target if we can find a good dresser. Are you all doing changing tables or just dressers? I am leaning toward a dresser we can change baby on top of...not necessarily a built in changer, as long as it's a dresser with a good height.

I'm also still undecided between pack n' play or bassinet for beside our bed. Or both?

Sarah, the massage was great! Yes, she had me on my side propped up on pillows the whole was veeery comfy. I intend on going back, it was so relaxing.
I had insomnia for months but it has finally been easing up in the past few weeks. Ah, what a relief! I still toss and turn from side to side and get up 1-2 times to pee, but at least now I can fall back asleep. My pelvis has been hurting too...more on the left side, I have to be careful how I move that leg especially when getting in and out of bed.

Allie - Did you check out Walmart? You can sort by white cribs $200 or less and they have a handful of options. We ended up getting a DaVinci Kalani in white from amazon (free shipping and no tax when you order from there!) but in all my searching, I did notice that Walmart makes a Baby Mod brand that has some exact replicas of DaVinci cribs for much less. We also ordered a dresser, changer combo in a different brand (which should actually arrive today...can't wait!), that is also a sleigh style so it should match the crib. The front of the dresser does not have the rail (though the other three sides do) so I think it should be usable as a dresser alone down the road.

A prenatal massage sounds great right about now. Yesterday evening, out of nowhere, my back started hurting horribly! Took some tylenol and seemed to ease it for a bit but then the pain came back in full force. Was kind of worried but figured I'd wait to see how things felt this morning before calling the hospital. Luckily things seem to be okay now, just hoping I never feel that again. :wacko:
Hi girls

Im so tired! I didnt get back to sleep... so had 2 hrs last night. I hate insomnia! I keep lying on my back as its the only comfy position but then get worried about it and try my side. Ive got a curve body pillow but dont like it!

I think im going to look into a massage! Sounds lovely!

Baby has been kicking like mad the past 24 hours. To the point im worried why its kicking so much!!
Sarah, same has turned into a kickboxing champ since Sunday. I don't know how on earth she got so strong all of a sudden! Hope u get a better nights rest tonight.
Hi guys,

I'm with you on the lack of sleep Sarah, i'm knackered all the time and in fact i'm catching it up in the day with 2hr long naps! God knows how i'm gonna cope in work! Baby was kicking like crazy up until today where i'm just getting the odd reassuring nudge, i think i'm going through a growth spurt...hope that's what it is, i'm trying to be reasonable and not freak myself out all the time!

Have to say the worst thing at the moment is the back ache and bump stretching like crazy. It was so bad yesterday i just started crying on the sofa :cry: caus i couldn't get comfortable :( OH was so upset for me, he ran me a bubble bath and set up the laptop so i could watch tv in the bath. Then he checked on me every 10 minutes incase i needed to get out or wanted a drink :) What a sweetie!
Awww Sparkle what a sweetie! I love relaxing in the bath....sorry you're in so much pain!

Sorry about the back aches girls. I don't think strong pain is bad as in anything to worry about either...I think it's if it's a dull ache low done that comes on suddenly.

I don't have back pain but I do have pelvic pain. It hurts to roll over and lift up my legs to get dressed now....and sometimes stairs hurt me. Ouch.

Thanks for the crib suggestions! I haven't looked at Wal-Mart yet but I found a white one at Target last night for $130 that seems nice, the Delta Winter Park crib...nothing fancy.

Okay, baby kicking question. When you say baby is kicking like crazy, what do you mean? I'm confused about this for kick counts as well. For instance, my little man has been giving me tons of super strong kicks during the day now as well, but it's mainly for the same two hours every morning, then nothing much, then a bit in the middle of the afternonoon, then nothing much, and then going crazy again in the late evening with a flurry of activity, then nothing. Does this sound normal? When they say 10 kicks in 2 hours for kick counting, they don't mean EVERY two hours do they? I assume it means 10 kicks in 2 hours during an active time?
My MW said every baby is different and just monitor the regularities of your baby. ..:)
Makes sense to me. At the moment mine moves in the same sort of times as yours Allie except for today :shrug:
Probably a growth spurt Sparkle! Watch your belly get huge in a few days.....

In any case I had promised myself not to worry about kick counts until 28 weeks. My doctor's advice last week on movement was as long as I'm feeling him at least 3 times a day, they aren't always predictable until 28 weeks.

The more I think about it, the more I don't think it's possible for a baby to kick 10 times every 2 hours all day, because they are meant to be sleeping 14 hours as well.
Oh Sparkle- Sorry youve got back ache. I started to get bad back pain on Sat afternoon but think that is becasuse id been in the car alot. It had really eased by Sunday and hoping it was a one off.

What does pelvic pain feel like? Doesnt sound nice.

Im not counting kicks - I have had so many last 2 days I wouldnt be able to count. Up until Monday on the whole I had very little during the day and then he got active at night. But starting Monday the little one was going crazy day and night - as in contantly kicking for 5 mins and then a few mins break and then going at me again! But today ive barely felt anything. I went swimming this morning so i may have rocked him off to sleep!
Hi everyone, had visitors over so not been on bnb for a while - so sad that they've gone. The lack of sleep is unbelievable - I often don't sleep until 3 or 4am as the babies seem to think that nighttime is the best time to kick me (I don't really feel that much during the day)! I'm not counting kicks yet either as I'm sure it would worry me, am going to wait until next dr's appt (2 weeks away) and then ask what to do then.

I'm with you on the backache/pelvic pain! It's really bad on my left side. Was out for dinner last night and just had to cut it short as I just could not take sitting in such an uncomfortable chair any longer. Have started to wear a support belt when I'm out of the house which seems to help, and had a few massages.
Aw Robyn, sorry to hear about your sleepless nights. :hugs:

I'm not going to worry about kick counting until week 28 and I'm guessing the MW will explain it all to me at next week's appointment. This weekend we have our childbirth class and will also get a tour of the hospital...looking forward to it! I also have my GD class scheduled for next week. I spoke to a RN a few days ago who gave me some low carb diet guidelines to hold me over until my class. After the class, I will have to test my glucose levels 4 times a day. It does not sound fun, but hopefully the diet changes will help and I won't have to take any meds.

My friend just had her baby at 36 weeks. She and baby are fine, but it has sent me into a bit of a panic thinking that I should try to have everything ready to go by the end of October, just in case baby decides to make an early appearance. Eeeks. :wacko:

Last night we started putting together the dresser/changer and I was totally exhausted. Boy oh boy, I can't imagine how easily tired I'm going to get once the last few months roll around. Speaking of which, I can't believe we are almost in the third trimester!! :happydance:
I know, it's crazy! Going by tickers a few of us are already in 3rd tri and you and I, BumpHope, are joining 3rd tri tomorrow. :happydance:

I have officially joined the no sleep club! I've been up since 4 am with some sort of stomach pains. :wacko: I think they were gas pains to be honest...but I couldn't sleep with them. I had to get up and watch TV and eventually I took a long bath as I was so uncomfy. I felt like I should call the nurse as the pains didn't go away by lunch time! She spoke to doctor who said it sounds like normal stretching aches and pains that are common around 27 I guess I should warn you all! I'm still not sure if it was my stomach or my uterus was kind a of an ache that lasted and lasted.

BumpHope, good luck with your GD class. So will there be a bunch of you in there? Enjoy the childbirth class and hospital tour!! :happydance: Our class starts mid Sept and goes for 4 weeks (lamaze). I've also signed up for a breast feeding and car seat class in October, and hubby is going to a class called 'basic training' for dads-to-be in October at the hospital as well.

Sarah, pelvic pain feels like you pulled a groin muscle or something, right above your lady parts. Luckily I haven't had it in a few days. I've changed the way I roll over in bed...or maybe the massage helped!
Allie - Yup, there will be a bunch of us in the GD class. They will do a general lecture and then a nutritionist will tell us how/what to eat and then the nutritionist will give us one on one time and personalized food plans.
We also have a breastfeeding, infant CPR, and childcare basics class in september. I feel like September is going to fly by! The childbirth class I have this weekend will cover the lamaze/breathing techniques as well. We had the option of taking it over 5 weeks, but opted for a two day intensive class instead.
Allie- Ive had bad gassy pains that have kept me awake. Not nice! Im watching what I eat to see if that helps....

Long weekend in uk this weekend! Yay! And then go to Spain and Portugal on thurs for 10days! Our babymoon! Just hoping I have no problem getting note from doctor to fly!


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