November 29th Due Date - I need a buddy!

It might be me or BumpHope first as ladies with GD usually aren't allowed to go to term. :wacko: So in my head I'm telling myself I probably have 8 weeks left! WOW!

Sparkle, I'm glad to hear you're feeling better. Sorry about the cold. :hugs:

I'm looking forward to eating everything sweet as soon as I can. :haha:

Sarah, wow, your vacation sounds amazing! Welcome back. AMAZING scan pic photos!! So clear and adorable! As for the the UK and GD testing, from my understanding it's not standard unless you are considered high risk for it with family history or something.

I can't believe we are all at/approaching 30 weeks. I told hubby last night 'I'm out of the 20s already. Ahhh!' It's just flown by and for som reason saying 30 weeks just sounds so very pregnant!
Hey girls!! Well, I failed my first GD test.. I have to go in for the 3 hours test next week. Ugh.
My blood sugar was SUPER high .. 205!! Omg right? Well, the day before was my birthday.. the nurse asked me what I had for dinner the night before and I told her a Maple Butter Blondie at Applebees.. and she said, oh okay thats what you had for desert? I said.. um no for dessert I had a slice of birthday cake!! AH! I guess I went a little over board on sweets ... but I wonder if I do have GD ? I ate the cake about 12 hours before I took the test.
I will keep you girls updated.. ugh :(
Hi Lucky! If you have it, I promise it's really scary at first but is pretty manageable! I've been dealing with it for 2 weeks now and I'm definitely getting the hang of it. BUT it could very well have been those desserts messing with you (sounds tasty though) and it seems like a lot of people who fail the one hour pass the three hour...actually, I heard 1 in 5 women fail the first test and only 1 in 10 fail the 3 hour GTT. :hugs: Do you know how you're measuring? Has your fundal height been ahead?
Allie, to be honest I havent been measured for fundal height at all this pregnancy. The past 3 appointments I have had an ultrasound so that we could see my baby girls face. All three times she had her hands and cord in front of her face.. and he even said we can look at her again on the next appt, which is on the 29th. So, because the appts have just basically been ultrasound appts, he has checked much of anything else, other than the GD thing of course.
Lucky - good luck with your GD test! Like Allie said, even if it comes back positive, it is saddening at first but definitely gets much easier to cope with after a few weeks of getting used to the "diet". Also, I would think that if you were getting ultrasounds, the dr. would have measured the baby then so maybe that's why he didn't check your fundal height? He didn't say anything at all about the size of the baby during the ultrasounds? I feel like sometimes if we don't specifically ask, they do things like measurements and don't bother to tell us if everything looks fine.

Welcome back, Sarah! :wave:

Girls, I can hardly contain my excitement for baby's arrival! I wish November would hurry up and get here already! :haha:
lucky, I agree with bumphope that he must have been measuring baby via u/s. When is your GTT and when do you get the results?

bumphope, I know, it's getting crazily close. It feels weird to be in the 30 weeks already! :happydance:

How is everyone feeling this week?
Good to know girls.. I love my doctor but he is kind of a quick, in and out kind of guy and doesnt say many important things, unless I specifically ask. My hospital is weird because I can just go into the lab and do the test any time I get a chance. So I am going in tomorrow morning. I have no idea how long it will take for them to get back the results to me. I wanted cereal SOOOO bad a few minutes ago.. but I had a little popcorn instead.. I dont want a repeat of what happened before. No more sugar or anything else to eat tonight.. Im off to bed soon. I will keep you girls updated.
As far as how Ive been feeling Allie, pretty good, but lots of crotch pressure lately! lol.. and its getting less and less comfortable to sleep.. arg. How are you doing?
I've been feeling pretty good in general but tonight I'm feeling rather uncomfortable if I'm honest! My bump went all tight and hard after shopping and hasn't really gone soft again all evening...not thinking it's BH because it's kind of constant. TMI but I had some tummy cramps as well but went to the bathroom (finally haha) and those are now maybe the tightness was my stomach.

I don't get crotch pressure, lucky, but I do get crotch pain which doctors say is pelvic pain and i should see a chiropractor or take tylenol. It's weird having pain so low down...and it's only when I walk or move around. Is yours only with movement as well?

Good luck for tomorrow! I got my results the same day as the 3 hour so hopefully you will as well. I was glad to just know because I hate waiting!

Yeah, I find with doctors you have to ask questions to keep them in the room haha. At least that's pretty much been my experience so far!

So, does everyone have some names picked out yet? We are pretty sure our wee guy is going to called Alistair but we are still choosing the spelling....Alistair, Alastair or Alasdair? Pronounced Al-ist-er.
Second 3-hour glucose test arranged for this sat - ugh. How did yours go lucky? I usually have u/s at my appts too and they measure the babies then, so don't worry about the fundal height thing.

Our changing table/dresser has arrived! It should be assembled later today.

Had a teeny tiny bit of spotting over the weekend, so am now on bedrest - it seems to have calmed down. Bless my dr - we paged him on Sunday night to ask what to do!
Did he say why he put you on bedrest Robyn? I've had brown spotting 3 times (3 different days) since 19 weeks and always call and they always tell me it's no big deal unless it's 'like a period.' I could be growing a second head and my doctors would tell me not to worry or come in, though. They are relaxed to the extreme.

YAY for changing table and dresser! Good luck on Saturday. :hugs: Did you fail the first time you did the 3 hour? I can't remember if you said.
Hi Girls,

I cant believe how many of you have had problems with GD test. Makes me worried that ive not even been tested.

We cleared out the room that is going to be the nursery at the weekend. Im now looking out for a changing table with drawers, cotbed and wardrobe set ( Wardrobe to out my clothes in!!) . Wheres your furniture from Robyn?

We got our pram last week. So excited. I keep pushing a teddybear round the house!!

We're doing rubbish on the names front. We narrowed it down to 3 girls and 2 boys names but now not sure about any of them!

Hi Everyone, have been on the third tri forum but not visited here for a long time.

I have read back a few pages and seems like a lot of you have GD. Its not a standard test in the UK, they just check for sugar in your urine. I've been measuring big for my dates @ 23 weeks my consultant insisted I was 26 weeks and I had my 28 week appointment @ 29+5 and measured 34 weeks. I'm really concerned now as I have had big babies but never measured big before. Midwife didn't seem concerned and just told me to not eat sugary things between meals as it goes straight to baby. I've seen thread on BNB where people who measure big especially 4 weeks have been sent for growth scans but no such thing for me.

Anyway apart from the measuring big everythings ticking along fine, boys are back at school and I have the house to myself, not getting much done because I'm carrying an elephant but little jobs at a time. OH has started the nursery, floor down and I have ordered lots of accessories to go in there. Can't wait for it all to come together. We have boxes of baby things in every room at the moment. My pram is still in the box and I am dying to take it out and play but I know the boys will mess around with it so I'm resisting temptation. The boys love my birthing ball which I pumped up yesterday. I was hoping it would get rid of my back ache and ease my pelvis but I'm not sure if its going to work.

I'm off on a weekend break to Majorca for our Anniversary in a weeks time. We booked it after last years trip as we enjoyed it so much, little did we know I would be pregnant. Looking forward to it, leaving the boys with Grandparents. Hope I can get on the flight though. Sarah interesting to hear they didn't ask for your fit to fly cert. I have flown at 27 weeks in first pregnancy and at 32 weeks in 2nd and have never had a certificate (1st time doctor refused to give me one because he couldn't be sure I would not go into labour, think he was covering his backside.) 2nd time didn't bother and this time I'm not going to bother. I'll just wear baggy clothes and look fat!
Hi Girls,

We got our pram last week. So excited. I keep pushing a teddybear round the house!!



We got our swing yesterday and I wanted to put it together and try it out. Hehe. But I refrained. It is so tempting to unpack all the baby stuff! :winkwink:

Cherry - Hope you enjoy your weekend getaway!
We have been wanting to take a babymoon somewhere within driving distance (I just can't handle planes any more) but haven't gotten around to planning anything. :(

Robyn - How long do you have to be on bedrest? Glad to hear that your spotting was short-lived. :hugs:

Allie - We have a neighbor named Allister (not sure how he spells it; he is from the UK). I like that it is unique...or at least, I had never heard of it before we met our neighbor. :) We have one name we are most likely going to name our girl unless our friends/family give us a suggestion we like better. But thus far, we haven't liked any suggestions better. I want to get wooden letters of her name for the nursery, but am nervous to do it ahead of time just in case we change our minds (though it's not likely to happen).

We had our infant care class last night. It was good, but like our child birth class, everyone there was due well before me and looked like skinny minnies! WTH?! How do these women stay so skinny when they are about to pop?!? I haven't gained a lot, weight-wise, but I was already a bit overweight to begin with and have gained all my pregnancy weight in my chest and belly. My stomach has definitely grown in leaps and bounds in the past month. I can't imagine it getting bigger...I am bumping it into things left and right! :blush:

Can't wait to see everyone's nursery pics once they are done!!
Hi Girls! I passed my 3 hour GD Test!!! Phew!!! I was worried!! The test was miserable though.. gees I either wanted to puke or sleep after that gross drink. I didnt realize it would be TWICE as sweet as the first drink.. yikes. I never even got a sugar high, I drank it.. my baby went crazy then I got so tired I couldnt even handle myself.. I literally snuck out to my car and took a nap til the hour passed so I could be tested again! lol
Allie, Allister is so cute! I love it! Maybe a cool spelling would be Alastar .. I like that it has "star" in it.
We have our name picked out, and have had it for quite some time.. we havent told anyone yet - we are keeping it a secret to our family and friends.. I get so silly with names, I just dont want anyone else to use them!! lol My daughters name is Macartney.. and we call her Macy.. to most people I introduce her as Macy, that way they dont tell every pregnant girl they know of a cool new name they heard! LOL. Silly I know. anyway, I better get my butt to bed.. My 2nd trimester energy is long gone.. all I think about is sleeping and more sleeping.. and in between, a few naps :) LOL
The spotting was bright red so I think that's why the dr put me on bedrest - if it was brown I don't think they would have bothered! It's been fine since Sunday night and babies are kicking away so am going to go to my antenatal class tonight, although I may skip bouncing around on the birthing balls!

I actually passed my first 3 hour glucose test but they're still making me take it again! Apparently it's because I'm carrying twins. Not looking forward to it...

We originally planned to get our changing table from mothercare (they have some that you can convert from a changing table to a dresser as baby gets older) but when I went to order it the wait was 4 -6 months to ship to Hong Kong - am I seriously supposed to order these things at 3 months?? So in the end I got an Italian brand. I did get the moses baskets from mothercare though - they are so cute! Our cots will probably be from mamas and papas, although we're going to wait a little while to get those.

You're all doing way better than us on names - we don't even have a shortlist yet! Still going through the books...
Allie-How was your shower? I have to wait until Oct 22 for mine. It gives me something to look forward to. It will be close enough to the birth that I can wash the items right away and put them away.

I didn't have any problems with the glucose test. I did however find out that I am anemic so I have to take iron along with my prenatal.

I have gained about 20 lbs and feel like my stomach is going to rip open. I am measuring right on and that doctor is happy with my growth so far. I am sick of people telling me that I am so small and don't look like I am 30 weeks. I sure feel huge. Anyone else sick of other people's comments?

US ladies- are you working until labor?
4.40am here and insomnia!!! Been awake since 2.30! Ahhhhh!

I'd like friends to say I look small. I keep being told I look huge and it's making me feel like a frump!

Baby is so lovely and active these days- lots of foot pushes where u can really see the belly being pushed out! Hurts at times but I love it!

No others news from me! Starting toget stressed we've no names!!

S x
Sarah, i'm so with you on the insomnia! And when i am ready to sleep, i'm so uncomfortable it seems pointless!
Im sick of the comments too.. People keep saying "you sure there isnt two in there?" Ugh. And also.. Im sick of people asking me if Im "done?" "ready to get that baby out yet?" .. Although Id love to be comfortable again, and sleep normal, and not have to pee a hundred times a day.. um no, Im not ready..because my baby isnt ready!! Id understand that question if I was over due.. but come on people!
Ok enough of my rant! LOL! Im so excited, my Mother In Law bought the crib..and I she also gave us a really pretty armoire .. the crib is black - ... I know it was an expensive one, but I really wanted a nice bed that will last her until she moves out!! lol :)
and we just picked up the armoire yesterday, so I washed it and added a few things to the top.. Not sure if I will paint it to match the crib, or if it will be okay to have black and white in the same room, seeing as we are doing a zebra print and pink theme?


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Cherry, have fun in Mallorja!!

Bumphope, if you're measuring normally than it's just the way you're carrying it over these other women in your class...I've been told I'm all bump and I'm happy with that...but like you am unsure how it's going to grow bigger when the wee guy is already kicking up near my boobs!

We got little wooden letters for the nursery for Alistair even though we're not sure of the spelling yet haha. I love the idea of having his name up on the wall...but we're keeping his name a secret from everyone.

Robyn, I hope the bedrest isn't going too badly and you're not too bored! :hugs:

Melissa, yes, I'm sick of the comments! Even though I'm measuring right on I've been told I look small, or it's all bump and I'm losing weight other places (hearing that freaks me out that I'm not providing nutrients to the baby, etc).

Sarah, I have been getting insomnia as well. UGH! For me it's waking up in the middle of the night and not falling back asleep. I kind of make it worse for myself because when I get up to go to the bathroom I wait to feel the baby when I lay back down and if he's sleeping or something i lay for there ages until he moves and I end up getting too awake. And some nights it's heartburn, or an achey growing bump, etc.

Hehe I've had some of the super pushes from baby as well. The other day he was moving my plate that I was resting on me to eat! So funny. I get so many strange movements...really high up as well, I feel like he's near my boobs already.

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