NOVEMBER Babies, write your day here! 29 BABIES BORN ALREADY!

thanks will be 2-3 nights was 3 with my son hoping 2 this time i'm going to beg haha yeah i am hoping doesn't start before too. not long to wait though x
Hopefully they wont keep you in too long!! How do you think you will find it after having a Section and having another child at home?
fine with my son i was fine after a week out clothes shopping 5 days after and hubby will start maternity leave when i leave hospital and will have 2 weeks off my son is in nursery 2.5 days a week and hubby so good round house and with levi so he'll just get on with it. i'll just get everything sorted before make it easier on him. levi really good lad loves playing by himself and that he really easy tbh x
my birth story link is in my signature...

levichips, I am finding it lovely having the 2 at home.
Hopefully it'll be a nice easy recovery after then! It'll be hard having to stay in away from Levi and DH for a few night's, but at the same time you'll have a little bonding time with LO which will be nice. I hope i don't have to stay in after birth, I'm lost with out Auron, even if he's asleep in the next room lol :hugs:
my birth story link is in my signature...

levichips, I am finding it lovely having the 2 at home.

bet it's amazing hope your enjoing it saw pic in bump section your boys are so so cute! x
Hopefully it'll be a nice easy recovery after then! It'll be hard having to stay in away from Levi and DH for a few night's, but at the same time you'll have a little bonding time with LO which will be nice. I hope i don't have to stay in after birth, I'm lost with out Auron, even if he's asleep in the next room lol :hugs:

aw :hugs: hopefully you won't be away long.
yeah i will really miss them but think will be nice for them to enjoy time together on their own they've got few things planned and i can get bonding and hopefully will be able to spend bit more time with levi when i get home.
it hard explaining to him that i'll be staying away but i'm just talking to him about what is going to happen all the time and when i get home we'll be having present day for levi so he is getting excited about that we don't celebrate xmas and birthdays as we are jehovah witness but usually have 2 present days one being on our anniversary but we had few days out this year and saved present day for her being born so something to look forward to and get him involved he's bought her couple of presents. :happydance: x
Started packing up the house!! It feels like it's going to take forever, hoping to be fully in the new house by the 11th!! Then will just need to repaint this one! Got to give the landlord his notice tomorrow and pick up new keys tomorrow
:happydance: yay for the go ahead on the new house! You sure are cutting it fine though, didn't I tell you LO will be here by the weekend? All the extra work your giving yourself of moving house if going to help bring on labour (well, that's my prediction anyway lol)
If I've not had my squishy by this time next week, I'll be having a sweep! Booked in at 4pm on Monday, so my prediction of him coming on the 9th could end up being rather accurate :haha:
Im not doing much!! :haha: already taken most pictures off the walls and filling in the holes ready to just be painted... Boxing up excess plates/glasses etc so there is only enough in this house for what we need. Got some suitcases to put any other clothes than a weeks worth in.. Mum has given herself a deadline of the 11th to have the new house ready for us as thats when my next mw app is.. Loft is not about 50% empt.. 50% of kyles toys have also gone into storage.. Looking at a new sofa gran is lending us the money since our one is shoot (only just over a year old but the company went under) so looking at some nice corner suites in red and black.. Dentist thursday ahh!

Yeah you did say she would be here by saturday :haha:

Well I hope you dont have to have a sweep cant imagine its a nice feeling but it would be freaky if he came on your prediction!
It would be cool though, especially if you LO came on Saturday, I'd be freaked out by my own psycic abilities lol. How are you feeling? Any more twinges or anything?
Oh, also, found out that squishy is 2/5th engaged. Though im not sure if the number higher or lower is better?
New sofa, very nice!! Where you thinking of getting it from?
the more 5ths you are the better.. So mine they could feel 4/5ths of babys head, yours they can only feel 2/5ths.. That was from a google search the other day lol

Had the odd twinge here and there but im making sure I dont over do it.
Hey guys - i had Sully on the 27th! :happydance:

Going to write up my full labour story hopefully tonight and i'll link you to it if you're interested. Quick run down - they induced me with one set of gel on the induction ward at 11pm Tuesday 25th and i promptly went into early labour. They had no beds in labour and delivery so i was left on a ward in this early labour non-progressing stage for two days! Finally on the 27th at 9am i was taken to labour and delivery for them to break my waters. They did and by half 9 my contractions were 2 mins apart! We then found out lil Sully was back to back and BOY was it more painful than my first! I progressed very quickly and at 13:54 with just gas and air and after 4 pushes Sully was born, with the cord wrapped twice round his neck. He weighed 6lns 14oz. He took a while to recover from the fast back to back and cord incident but quickly picked up. My body then clung on to the placenta but it finally came away after dripping me up to get rid of it - about an hour in total. I had 2 second degree tears and two grazes which are healing well, and 4 cannulas for drips as my veins kept on busting open!

Would do it all again in a second though, he is perfect. Ladies i'm really looking forward to hearing your birth stories when the come about this month - good luck and thanks for all your support these last few months!


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Thanks guys! If i've done it right, this should be a link to my full birth story... :baby:
Just posted my 36+1 and 37+1 pictures in the bump thread the new one looks really weird compared to last weeks to me lol what do you all think?
Congratulations sparklyjubbly :happydance: He's gorgeous! Was thinking of you the past few day's, wondering how everything had gone, really pleased to hear you've had him safely and are recovering well. Boo for the B2B, Auron was too, but as of yet I have nothing to compare the pain too, so if anything Im hoping for an easier labour this time around lol. How are you finding it having a new addition to the family? :hugs:

WOW lesleyann, that bump has boomed out within that week!! What have you been eating :haha:
Twinges eh? Still got 3 day's, and Im sure your schedules pretty hectic, it usually is! Im still saying she'll come this weekend :flower:

We've made plan's to go to my OH's sister's for bonfire night, have a BBQ (or grill if the weather is crap lol) and get sparkler's for the kid's. Hopefully, if I get really excited about it, I'll end up going into labour!! This is the idea anyway, make exciting plan's and not be able to do them, law of sod!

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