LittleLala- LOVE the name Otis!!! I think that's adorable, seriously. I have an Oscar (he'll be 3 in a few weeks), and a Hannah (who is nearly 4 1/2)
Names, names....hmmm. If it's a girl, we are DEFINITELY naming her Margaret Ann. If it's a DH has been dubbed the designated boy-namer this time. We have a few we love together, and so far, he's either not sharing his decision, or he simply does not know. I'm willing to guess the latter. Anyway, for boys, we're loving Henry (Hank) James (which I'm iffy about, as we already have two "H" names...I'm Holly, and my daughter is Hannah), he's mentioned liking Charles or Charlie (which I'm kind of "meh" on), or my personal favorite, Cecil James (we'd refer to him as CJ) after my maternal grandfather. He's also mentioned William a few times, which has partially grown on me.
How is everyone doing on shopping/baby items?
I feel like we have the essentials out of the way...we have:
Newborn gender neutral clothes (not too many of them, but enough to get us through the earliest days)
Burp rags
Boppy pillow (I had to buy new one...I donated my old one, not thinking I'd ever have another baby, along with other stuff)
Chicco Travel System (LOVE IT!!!!)
2 sets of new crib sheets (kept our crib and mattress from the first two kids - YAY!!!)
Lactaid nursing trainer (I have IGT/breast hypoplasia and low supply issues, so we're giving this a try)
A set of 3 MAM bottles
A JJ Cole Bundleme carseat cover
7 newborn cloth diaper covers (3 Thirsties, 3 Blueberries, and 1 Rumperooz)
2 dozen newborn cloth prefolds
6 cloth workhorse diapers
1 box of 128 disposable newborn diapers
2 packs of Avent soothie binkies (both of my other babies loved these as newborns)
3 quarts of ready-to-feed formula
3 velcro swaddle wraps
4 blankies
A set of newborn hats (they're the elf-style...they can be tied in a knot on top)
2 wet-dry bags
1 trash can liner for dirty cloth diapers
1 nursing bra
Spectra S2 breastpump
I have a few other shopping lists I've made on Amazon, with an activity mat, some bum cream, a mattress protector, some toys, and some natural baby toiletries, etc.
I'm feeling kind of nesty lately, and kind of want to get going on washing baby's laundry and prepping diapers. Anyone else feeling this way? I guess I'm just slightly excited.