Ah, the Braxton Hicks debate...
I'm really interested in this, following my own experience last week. Tuesday afternoon I had tummy ache - just a regular digestive sort of thing, which I'd had on the Sunday as well. Then in the evening I had 'period pain' on my lower right side, which gradually worsened to the point where I ended up phoning the midwife at 10.30pm. I wasn't doubled up with it, but it was 'significant' and would have stopped me sleeping. Any way, their advice was to take some paracetamol and lie down for an hour, calling back then if I still had it. It took the full hour until it was almost gone, and since it was bedtime then any way, I didn't call back. Next day I felt kind of achy on that side, but no more cramping since. I figure it was either BH or growing pains, but everything I'd read said cramping is not good and to seek advice. I don't remember having BH with my son and since my labour was induced and the only way I knew I was having early contractions was because I was hooked up to a monitor, I feel like I don't know what to look for!
Anyone got a pregnancy pillow to help them sleep? After using a regular pillow wedged under my bump, for a week or so now, I feel my sleep is still being disturbed and I need to get something more designed for the job. I've been looking at a long sausage-type thing, which you seem to put between your knees, then wedge under the bump, but I'm also considering a 12ft thing which you can basically have on both sides of you at once! I'm wondering whether this is more beneficial for turning over in the night, as presumably, you just turn over and adjust onto the pillow that side, whereas at the moment (or with the other pillow) you have to physically move the pillow as well. My reservation is that I have my husband in bed with me and usually several cats ON the bed;
space is limited! Anyone got any recommendations?