November Fireworks 2017

Lol ebaurhaus... I've had a sweet tooth too! The drink was ok but I started feeling quite bad about 30 minutes in. I think it's the big crash of sugar that does me in...

I hope everyone passes just fine!
Me, too!

So, do any of you ladies feel like you just have consistent heartburn, or do you think that the types of food you eat affects it differently?

Before I was pregnant, I had heartburn a lot after eating carbs, so since I knew what it was that was causing it, I just went full low-carb and it really, really helped.

With pregnancy, though, I feel like it happens at two key moments: when I'm really hungry or right after I've eaten a meal... I know that doesn't sound like there is any down time, but there is a sweet spot in there sometimes where I won't have any issues for some hours.
For me, I never really suffered much from it before. However, lately, I've stayed away from spicy food. I've noticed I've begun to experience heartburn depending on what kind of food I eat. So it won't necessarily be everyday. I think that I can also add that if I indulge in an especially "fatty" food, I might experience some discomfort, too.
Hi all. Glad everyone is doing ok.
I have reached viability day which is good! Very stressful time though as husband is in hospital (third op today) and trying to sort out moving house on a low income is apparently becoming a nightmare :0
Doing my best to keep my 4 year old cheerful until her Daddy gets home though.
I'm getting more of an upset tummy feeling a lot which again is another new one for me!
Tomorrow I am officially 26 weeks so exactly 6 months!
Bump is growing by the day now! 👌🏼

The UK weather is being as unpredictable as ever so I'm struggling for clothes as kind of predicted a summer pregnancy but its too cold and wet! So I'm off shopping today to get some more suitable things!
Justme- It's my V-day too! :happydance:

Oh, I have heartburn worse with this pregnancy than with either of my other babies, and I had it pretty bad with them. I'm taking liquid prescription Zantac for it, and it helps minimally... it helped me a ton with my son (my second baby), but this time, it works for about an hour, and then the heartburn creeps right back in. It's just there, whether I'm eating anything or not. Water does make it worse for me, though. I'm even getting actual acid reflux, which is utterly disgusting...ugh.

Apparently relaxin is the hormone that triggers the heartburn, and oddly enough, it's also the hormone that triggers hair growth on baby's head. This has been true for me, because both of my other kids came out with full heads of fluffy hair. I told my husband last night that this one is either going to come out looking like a wookie, Paul Bunyon, or a yetti. I will laugh so hard if this one is our only baldie!!!
I've been getting heartburn also. It's quite unpleasant! Chocolate definitely sets it off worse though, especially if I eat it on an empty stomach. It's very well though as I don't need to eat chocolate anyway :haha: but it happens at other times also with no other known triggers. Definitely being hungry is a culprit for me!! Milk helps but only temporarily!!
I've ended up with GERD since last pregnancy, and some days are just worse for no apparent reason; but certain foods do make it worse too (chocolate, caffeine, onion). I rarely get heartburn from it though, just a sore throat and gross feeling all the time so I don't know if this would translate to heartburn.
The hair thing was correct with my daughter, had tons of reflux and she had a full head of hair 🙂
This is wayyyyy more than just a sore throat for's a burning that begins in my throat, down deep into my chest, and it's really immobilizing. I just took my prescription a little bit ago, and it's at least toned it down a notch or two, so I could actually look after my other children, and get some other odds and ends done around the house.

I did manage to take the kids to the park for a while before lunchtime...ugh. I feel like the laziest mom on the planet right now. Everyone did kind of nap today, and I managed to wash my rock and play cover, and baby swing cover, and their stands - they're outside sun drying right now. Those two items I gave to my friend who had a baby, and she gave them back to me yesterday, now that her daughter is 2. :)
Congratulations Justme and Wookie on reaching V-Day!

Today I've found myself rather ravenous, lol. I woke up at 5 am due to my husband leaving for work, and I was already starving!! So I had a small packet of instant oatmeal and went to bed.. i cannot believe I did that :shrug: :nope:!! And then I ate more oatmeal around 10:30 am, soup at about 3pm for lunch, so about 1 hr ago!!! I truly felt hungry, so I know I didn't eat just to eat-- I hope the rest of my pregnancy does not go like this!!

I hope that the ladies suffering from heartburn find relief in someway or another!
My husband and I both had hair when we were born, so I just assumed that our babe is going to have hair, too. So, we shall see how this heartburn vs. hair thing goes... but I'm expecting hair.
Congrats ebauerhaus!

Question ladies... this is my second pregnancy. Today I felt like the baby was trying reposition only to find it super firm and retangle shape. Stayed firm long enough to tell dh and have him feel it, then went away only to come back a few minutes later. With ds I never could feel bh, but md said I was definitely having them. Is this what bh feels like?
I also wAs wondering if what im getting is braxton hicks.. never had in either pregnancy before not once.
These feel too intense and really sore. Its odd!
Future, I think that does sound like Braxton hicks.
Emma, I get painful contractions this time too! Not sure why but it's definitely worse than my first two.
Thanks ladies! I appreciate the input. I felt silly asking but everyone is always so nice here. I have an ultrasound monday, students need to practice on anatomy scans. I am excited to see baby again but really don't want to see gender.
V day for me!
Being high risk v day is always a welcome stage.
Hope everyone is well :hugs:
Ah I am also asking about braxton hicks! I've never been aware of having them before, but am hoping what I have now is Braxton Hicks.

I had a bit of an upset tummy on Saturday night (I suspect the icecream) and then Sunday just had a very sore tummy for most of the day. Today I took the day off just to make sure I was getting some rest and again have had quite a few incidents of what felt like period pain. Is this just the baby/me getting bigger? Or BH? Or should I worry?

Hb is in hospital still so going in is really last resort as this Needs to be nothing bad - I have to be home to look after our little girl.
Ah, the Braxton Hicks debate...
I'm really interested in this, following my own experience last week. Tuesday afternoon I had tummy ache - just a regular digestive sort of thing, which I'd had on the Sunday as well. Then in the evening I had 'period pain' on my lower right side, which gradually worsened to the point where I ended up phoning the midwife at 10.30pm. I wasn't doubled up with it, but it was 'significant' and would have stopped me sleeping. Any way, their advice was to take some paracetamol and lie down for an hour, calling back then if I still had it. It took the full hour until it was almost gone, and since it was bedtime then any way, I didn't call back. Next day I felt kind of achy on that side, but no more cramping since. I figure it was either BH or growing pains, but everything I'd read said cramping is not good and to seek advice. I don't remember having BH with my son and since my labour was induced and the only way I knew I was having early contractions was because I was hooked up to a monitor, I feel like I don't know what to look for!

Anyone got a pregnancy pillow to help them sleep? After using a regular pillow wedged under my bump, for a week or so now, I feel my sleep is still being disturbed and I need to get something more designed for the job. I've been looking at a long sausage-type thing, which you seem to put between your knees, then wedge under the bump, but I'm also considering a 12ft thing which you can basically have on both sides of you at once! I'm wondering whether this is more beneficial for turning over in the night, as presumably, you just turn over and adjust onto the pillow that side, whereas at the moment (or with the other pillow) you have to physically move the pillow as well. My reservation is that I have my husband in bed with me and usually several cats ON the bed; :wacko: space is limited! Anyone got any recommendations?

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