November Fireworks 2017

I have the U shaped pregnancy pillow and have found it does help!
My hips are still achy though.
Congratulations on V-Day sbl, I cannot wait to hit that milestone on Sunday!!

I have also had been experiencing a lot of back pain, I haven't gone to buy a body pillow or anything of that sort-- but I did buy a memory foam pillow and believe it or not, my back pain has tremendously eased. I believe my spine must have been compromised since I normally sleep on a high and firm pillow. Unfortunately I have no experience with any kind of pregnancy pillow.

I experienced BH with my son towards the end of my pregnancy, and have experienced discomfort with this pregnancy now. And for me, the contractions of BH vs the discomfort I've experienced now is completely different. But as long as there is no type of weird discharge/blood, pattern, or increasing pain etc., it shouldn't be an immediate cause for concern.

Wishing everyone well!!
Ah I am also asking about braxton hicks! I've never been aware of having them before, but am hoping what I have now is Braxton Hicks.

I had a bit of an upset tummy on Saturday night (I suspect the icecream) and then Sunday just had a very sore tummy for most of the day. Today I took the day off just to make sure I was getting some rest and again have had quite a few incidents of what felt like period pain. Is this just the baby/me getting bigger? Or BH? Or should I worry?

Hb is in hospital still so going in is really last resort as this Needs to be nothing bad - I have to be home to look after our little girl.

Justme, I had this happen at almost the exact time! I wasn't quite 24 weeks. But I went in and it was a growth spurt. I was having contractions but they weren't changing my cervix. They suggested a support belt and I have not been that sore or had a bunch of contractions like that since.
Thanks for that idea, I must look into support belts 🙂

U shaped pillows, I had one first time round and found that it made me sad as I couldn't reach my husband to cuddle him 😕
Cuddling isn't a priority for me at the mo I guess :haha:
They do take up allot of space though!
The pillows now not the hubby!
Congrats on V-day, SBL!!

I have been looking into things like pregnancy pillows and support belts so that I know where to get them when I feel like I need them, but so far I haven't felt the need for either. Around 16-18 weeks, I had some really bad hip pain when I'd lie on my side... but haven't for a while.

The only time I really have back pain is when I've been sitting on the ground or in an odd, unsupported way.

I'm doing my best not to spend money on things that I'm not going to use, I guess.
Also, this is going to be a silly question, I'm sure.
I've changed baby diapers in the past, many times, but it's been long enough that I don't remember this particular aspect: If the baby only has a wet diaper, do you wipe their bottom down anyway?

I feel like you don't have to, from what I remember. Plus, I'm having a boy and I have rarely changed one of them...
Ebauerhaus, when they're newborns I wipe their little bums every change but after awhile I only do the dirty diapers...
Also, this is going to be a silly question, I'm sure.
I've changed baby diapers in the past, many times, but it's been long enough that I don't remember this particular aspect: If the baby only has a wet diaper, do you wipe their bottom down anyway?

I feel like you don't have to, from what I remember. Plus, I'm having a boy and I have rarely changed one of them...
I've always used a wipe to clean my nephews after a wet diaper.
I've 8 nephews so I've changed quite a few. :haha:
Also, this is going to be a silly question, I'm sure.
I've changed baby diapers in the past, many times, but it's been long enough that I don't remember this particular aspect: If the baby only has a wet diaper, do you wipe their bottom down anyway?

I feel like you don't have to, from what I remember. Plus, I'm having a boy and I have rarely changed one of them...

Not silly at all! Haha I remember wondering the same with my son. I would sometimes just pat down his bits but generally I didn't need to :) often though I would place a wipe over his willy incase it started getting hard and ready to wee in the air mid-change :haha:
Justme- I hope your husband is okay.

In terms of pregnancy pillows, last time I bought the "Dreamgenii". I haaaated it. I gave it away to a friend who had a sore back. I didn't find it supportive enough or padded enough between the legs, and I hated how it had to be moved if I rolled over.
So far I have just used a spare pillow, but I am going to go and buy a cheap long body pillow to use soon to support my bump or back (depending on what is more comfortable each night lol).

My (almost 2 year old!) son has been sleeping terribly again and I am so stressed at the thought of never sleeping again once the newborn comes along. And of course of the toddler waking up the baby and my poor husband having to help out at night and go to work the next day (he really struggles when he doesn't sleep).

Also, I have totally forgotten so many things about newborns. I only remembered yesterday that I used to only bathe the newborn once a week in the beginning, and no soap until about 6 weeks.

This baby will be a summer baby here, and my son was a winter baby so I am also feeling confused about what clothes I will need. I wonder if he will need blankets or just mainly singlet onesies with muslin cloths. I know newborns need lots of warmth but it gets very hot in the part of Australia that I am in. I feel way less mentally prepared this time around than I did last time haha!

I had my hospital appointment and growth scan on Monday. Despite my low placenta efficiency, baby is growing right on track!! Everyone (especailly me) was so pleasantly surprised. I cried some happy tears. I will continue to have regular scans and appointments just to keep an eye on the little guy though. It was so so nice though, because at my initial specialist appointment they said that most women with my incredibly low Papp A levels don't make it past 24 weeks, and now I'm nearly 25 weeks and everything is perfect. I feel so so soooo lucky!
Thanks, everyone, for answering my wet diaper question. :)
I just got to thinking that was something I didn't know and it's something I feel like I SHOULD know for some reason. I don't know why, since this is my first. Mother's instinct, maybe? Lol.
I would wipe for a wet nappy - reasoning being that if they sit in a wet nappy they get sore, so to me I'd think it could create soreness or dryness or whatever 🙂 I think mother's intuition kicks in after baby's born for things like that to be honest as you learn on the job 🙂
Re wiping, I've bought some of the reusable cheeky wipes. They seem really awesome and hopefully will be a good reusable alternative to early cotton wool and water! And I am normally the least patient person for that sort of thing so it must be surprisingly simple. Also smells nice 🙂
I too normally wiped my son even if it was just a wet diaper. However, I cannot say I didn't skip occasionally!
I may be the odd one out here, but I don't generally wipe after wet diapers. I usually try not to use commercial baby wipes on babies, either. I get the 2-sided fleece wipes from Green Mountain Diapers, wet them in warm water, and then wipe...we have rarely had issues with diaper rash or irritation. Pat dry, and you're done! The only time I'd wipe after a wet diaper, would be if baby has been wearing an overnight diaper that is really, really wet, and they need a bit of freshening up in that way.
Oh,'s DH?

Pregnancy pillows...hmmm. I have never used one. I stick a pillow in between my knees, lay my head on a couple of pillows, and then kind of hug a pillow, on my left side. I don't sleep well during pregnancy, and tend to be very restless, and have ridiculous dreams. It makes for some tough days with a toddler and preschooler...I'm never rested, and have zero energy. Ugh. I guess I'm gearing up for round #3 of newborn sleeplessness.
Thanks for the input re pillows. I too thought the Genii looked annoying for when you roll over. I think I'm going to try one of the long sausage types so that there's support on whichever side I'm sleeping on.

Re wiping after a change: I always wiped my son, regardless of whether it was wet or dirty. I figure a freshen up is always nice, and also got rid of any residual urine that might cause sores. It's only now (he's 3 and we're struggling with toilet training) that I'll sometimes not wipe after a wet one. Funny the things you realise you've forgotten or don't know! I'm kind of dreading changing a nappy for a girl; most people I've spoken to say it's much worse because of the pressure to keep bits clean and germ-free to avoid UTIs.

Little lala - that's great news about your growth scans. Long may it continue!
Hubs seems to be improving. Various slightly grim medical things are starting to be removed, and also his morphine is being dropped. So fingers crossed. Thank you for asking. I just really want him home :(
Justme- Hoping for a speedy recovery, and that he's home soon. :)

Sizzles- Yeah. Girls are tougher to change when they have poopy/dirty diapers. There's a lot of folds, and you definitely have to wipe front to back to help prevent the spread of of germs that cause infections. Blech.

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