November Fireworks 2017

Wookie mentioned she has a lot of dreams and I wanted to add that I do too. I dream almost every night! It can be about anything and everything. Anyone else?

Also, I'm a little bit worried about changing my daughter's dirty diaper because I don't have practice. My family hasn't had a baby girl in 11 years so I surely haven't changed any since then! I'm sure with time and care all will work out!
I too have vivid dreams most nights, though usually can't remember them, apart from to say they were weird! I know the night before last I was dreaming of zombies! (and I'm not a zombie film kind of girl, so it was a bit random). Not sleeping terribly well... or rather not very 'soundly'. The last few nights I seem to have woken about every hour to hour and a half and needed the bathroom, until about 3am, then sleep through, albeit fitfully. Not sure if I'm waking to use the loo, or waking for some other reason and then feeling like I may as well go!

Still researching pillows... decided on a U-shaped one, but now trying to decide which one!!!
I dream all the time at the moment, too...

I'd have imagined a boy would be harder to change 😂

I had a sort of 'J' shaped pregnancy pillow last time that had a bit that went under your side and supported your back (if that makes any sense). Personally I wasn't keen as it meant I could only lie on one side - and I get particularly fidgety when pregnant. So for anyone else that rolls over a lot I'd suggest bearing in mind whether or not you'll be able to roll over with it when you get a pregnancy pillow 🙂
Edit; missed a few posts already saying about rolling hahaha.
Also LittleLala I was totally confused for a moment when you said about having a summer baby 😂 I forget about hemisphere seasonal differences!
I am SO fed up with toilets! I seem to visit the bathroom on an inordinately regular basis. Throw into the mix trying to potty train my son, so we have a timer set for every 15 minutes, to visit the potty, when he's in underwear and I have had enough! I have attempted to finish drinking earlier in the evening today, in the hope of fewer bathroom visits during sleeping time. I have also (finally - after much deliberation) ordered myself a pregnancy pillow, in the hope that that helps the sleep situation. Urgh! :wacko:

Sorry for the rant! Hope everyone else is feeling good!
I'm in the same boat as you Sizzles. I wake very often in need of the restroom through out the night, every night. I, however, have been visiting the restroom quite often since very early in pregnancy and it never slowed down for me. Needless to say, I'm totally aggravated by it. My doctor told me my baby was right on top of my bladder so I'm assuming that's why all this time I've gone so often, due to the pressure.

I feel sorry for myself because even after I deliver, sleepless night will continue for a couple of months!!!!:nope::dohh:
My nightime visits to the bathroom have been constant throughout as well. I sort of don't mind the sleepless nights once the baby arrives - I feel there's a more justified reason for that; waking to pee is just annoying!
The newborn sleepless nights are more productive than the constant peeing
How's everyone doing?

I'm still a week away from my glucose test. Between now and then I have plenty of work, my sister's wedding to go to, and a meteor shower to watch (glad I can still lie on my back!).

The air has been filled with wildfire smoke the last week or so, and I've been trying to get an appointment with my normal doctor for prescription refills, as I have asthma, but she wasn't open until next week, either. So, for now I'm spamming Walmart with refill requests, because they say when you don't have refills Walmart will call your doctor and ask about refills. You'd think with all the smoke in the air, she'd at least update the prescription to have 1 refill until the appointment...

other than all of that, not much going on for me. I'm still really curious about the glucose test. Obviously not looking forward to the blood draws, but I'll survive all that, the same as I'll survive giving birth. :)
I just had my glucose test today, it's definitely not bad!! I'm officially 3rd tri and starting my every 2 week appointments.. It's going to fly by now!!!
Hello ladies, I hope you all had a lovely weekend.

Ebauerhaus, I hope you get your meds, very important!

Pinkpassion, congratulations on making it to the 3rd trimester!! Excellent!!

As for me, I had a loooong weekend. Where to begin!
On Friday, I went for my check up and was able to re-confirm I'm having a little girl!! I got a beautiful ultrasound picture of her lady parts:blush:<3. But while they were doing my anatomy scan, they did a intrauterine ultrasound to check on a cyst they had seen last month on my right ovary. I don't recall what she told me it was called, I think it was called a mucinous cystadoma, and is the size of a tangerine :cry:! My OBGYN told me that it seems to be stable and has not grown since my last ultrasound but that I will need to have it laparoscopically removed a couple of months after I give birth. I hope it goes away on its own but she said this type of cyst rarely dissolves on its own :(. She did, however, give me some good news by letting me know 99% of the time these cysts/tumors are benign.

On Saturday my lovely sister hosted a diaper shower for me and I received a lot of diapers!!! I am so grateful for that!!! And on Sunday I finally reached V-DAY :happydance::happydance:!!!!

Sorry this post is soooo long! I'm posting some pics of my ultrasound and my diaper haul :)


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Oh ebauerhaus I hope they sort out your refills. Asthma is scary (for some reason, it is very common in Australia - we have one of the highest rates of asthma sufferers in the world). You'd think it would be easier for you to get your refills! You don't even need a prescription here for a puffer (inhaler), you can buy them for very cheap over the counter.

Yay pink passion how exciting that you're in 3rd Tri already!!! Yay! Yessss it really will fly by now!!

Brenda J- such cute scans!! And wow that's great you got so many nappies! Wow what a large cyst, but thankfully they know that it is there and they will take it out before it gets bad :) and laparoscopic surgeries are fantastic to recover from, honestly it is barely anything pain-wise, and I am the biggest sook ever haha. I had gallstones and a very infected gallbladder last pregnancy which caused massive complications with some other organs and cell death in my liver and overall was very painful and scary-- I had the surgery 2 months after delivery and it was totally fine! The incisions are small and heal quickly. I was out and about the next day shopping at the markets and stuff. Hopefully this helps put your mind at ease :)

I am soooo not prepared for this baby yet haha. I need to get out the bassinet and wash all the sheets, and I need to get out all of my son's old clothes and sort through them and wash them and totally reorganise the nursery wardrobe! Such a big task. We have just moved my son into his "big boy bed" last wekeend. So far, so good. Now I need to move over all of his clothes to his new room and start getting organised.

My son turns 2 next Monday! I am in total denial. To me he is still my little baby haha. It is his birthday party on Sunday (which I am also not organised for yet!). I guess I better start with my list of things to do haha :)
So happy to hear from everyone!

Ebauerhaus I do hope your meds get sorted soon! My oldest has asthma and I would freak out if his refills were delayed!

Brenda, adorable pics!!!! Im so sorry about the cyst! I'm glad it's most likely benign. Awesome diaper haul!!!!

Littlelala, so bittersweet he's turning 2! But I must say that's my favorite age so far! They test your patience but get SO fun! Glad you've moved him to a big boy bed! That's so much smoother to do now rather than after baby.

Pink! Yay third tri! I'm officially joining you tomorrow :flower:

As for me, I spent the day at the hospital being monitored. I had some concerning symptoms for preeclampsia. Since I'm high risk for it they don't take any chances. Today everything looked fine but my bp had gotten high for me so we will have to watch it closely. Visits every week to two weeks depending how things go!
Oh ttc126, hopefully your blood pressure stays within a safe range. It's good that they are keeping on top of it and monitoring you.
What were your symptoms?
Thank you littlelala! I woke up fine this morning then a bad dizzy spell hit me and wouldn't go away. I had some tunnel vision and sensitivity to light. With my oldest I delivered preterm due to severe pre-e and my symptoms were dizziness that wouldn't shift and then vision issues. My bp is normally 90/55 pregnant and 100/60 non pregnant and today it was 120/85 so they just want to watch it closely. I'm on baby aspirin everyday to help lower the chances of getting it again but they still get concerned and do some monitoring and lab work if anything comes up.
Thank you littlelala! I woke up fine this morning then a bad dizzy spell hit me and wouldn't go away. I had some tunnel vision and sensitivity to light. With my oldest I delivered preterm due to severe pre-e and my symptoms were dizziness that wouldn't shift and then vision issues. My bp is normally 90/55 pregnant and 100/60 non pregnant and today it was 120/85 so they just want to watch it closely. I'm on baby aspirin everyday to help lower the chances of getting it again but they still get concerned and do some monitoring and lab work if anything comes up.

I'm glad things are alright now. Pre E is one of the things they worry about with my low PAPP A levels (im also taking half a regular aspirin each night just in case) and it is good to hear about what to look out for. Hopefully neither of us get it!!
Ladies I have a weird thing and was wondering if anyone has also experienced it or has any idea about it-- for the last few hours today I have this pain in my left arm. It's like, this dull (but painful) ache that is radiating from my elbow and goes to the mid forearm and mid way up my tricep? It's hard to describe. Like a thumping ache kind of similar to when you get a dead arm.
It kind of scared me being in my left arm and you hear about heart problems, but I have had my blood pressure monitored because of my low Papp A levels and it hasn't been high, and I don't have any other pains that would make me think it would be heart-related.
I have taken some paracetamol & codeine 45 mins ago and it has dulled the pain but it hasn't completely gone away. I was just wondering if anyone else has experienced this?
Sorry littlelala, no experiences here, but you might want to call your doctor for some advice. I hope it's nothing and maybe just some muscle tension. Let us know how your feeling tomorrow!
LittleLala- Definitely call your doctor. I'm not sure symptomatically what that sounds like...but I'd get checked out to rule out anything serious.

Eber- Hope you can get your meds refilled! That stinks!

Pink- Yay for 3rd tri! I can't believe how close most of us our to that milestone already! Has it flown by as quickly for you as it has for me so far?

Brenda- Awww! Look at your little girl! :cloud9: That's quite the stash of diapers...I think that's a great idea. We're going to cloth diaper part of the time and do disposables out in public and overnight (as I've never had luck with cloth overnight...leaks and blow-outs, and then consequently, that means a change of bedding at 2 a.m. - no thanks!!!) I remember using a ton of size 1's and size 3's and 4's with both kids. My son is a size 5, but he turns 3 next week, and only wears a diaper for naps and bedtime...the rest of the time he wears underwear. SLLLLOOOOOWWWWWLLLY getting aboard the potty train with that one. :rofl: Oh well. In their own time, I guess. :)

ttc- Oh, I hope you can bypass pre-e this pregnancy...but my understanding (and of course I could be wrong...please correct me if I am), is that if you have it once, it's very likely you'll have it during subsequent pregnancies. :( The good news, is that you're being monitored closely, and that if it becomes too risky for both you and baby, they'll go ahead and induce at your gestation, and both you and baby will be in great hands. I know that's a scary possibility, but it would be okay if that scenario plays out. But, I'm willing to bet that you have several weeks left, and they just keep a very close eye on things. :hugs:

My glucose test is on the 22nd, and hopefully I pass. I'm 3 years older than the last time I took it, which makes me 39, and I know I'm at higher risk for it due to my age. Sigh. Well, if it gets me eating healthier during this pregnancy, I guess that's the upside. I'm also going to contact an LC up at the hospital today, and begin developing a feeding plan for baby, and having her work with me for antenatally expressing some colostrum that I can freeze and offer baby the first day or two if he/she has trouble latching. I think you can start hand-expressing for 5 or 10 minute intervals beginning from about 34 weeks on...
Little lala I had that with dd1, it turned out to be carpal tunnel. It can present in different ways! I hope you can get to talk to your dr!!

Things have been flying by here but only because I have had so much going on. We just got back from a week long vacation at the beach and Thursday my 3 year old has surgery!
Just a quick one...

Wookie - I just wanted to say, your son is ahead of my son in the potty training! Mine was 3 nearly 2 months back and we're still only doing underwear at home during waking hours. He's not reliable enough to tell us when he needs to go, for me to feel brave enough to go out 'unprotected'! I'm now at that stage of feeling quite self-conscious that he's not yet trained, but I *think* we're now making some progress, so hopefully it won't be too much longer until we're just in nappies for naps and bedtime. I've found the whole thing rather stressful to be honest!

I've just picked up my Emma's Diary freebie pack today. It's the first one, and I'm late collecting, so in 2 weeks I'll be eligible to pick up the next one! There are 6 nappies in this pack and I know then next pack has a whole pack of 22 size 1 nappies. Got a couple, I think, in a Bounty pack early in the pregnancy, so gradually stashing free nappies! Plus I have at least half a pack left from a nappy cake I made a while back.
I'm a sucker for freebies!

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