||November Mummies!|| Another Year :)

Hi ladies,

I FINALLY had my baby boy Alfie Mark Turner on 6th November weighing in at 8lb 8oz and a whopping 22.5inches long! A very traumatic birth which required us both to stay in hospital for a week, but we finally came home yesterday. I will upload my birth story when i can bring myself to relive it!

We are totally smitten with him. He is a fantastic little boy. Here is a photo of him xxx

Congrats hun he is beautiful :cloud9:
Awh babies!

No signs for me, my LO is nuts at the moment; wriggles about and plays naughty :D

Cant believe Im approaching 39 weeks :)
My birth story


Alfie Mark Turner finally graced us with his prescence on 06/11/11 at 06:13am at 41+6.

On Saturday 5th November i went to the hospital at 08:30am to be induced as he was refusing to come out on his own. I was hooked up to a monitor to assess baby which was all fine. I was actually contracting but i couldnt feel them. They were really busy so left DH and i for a couple of hours. That couple of hours turned into 11 hours!

I finally had my waters broken at 19:30pm and everything went in fast forward after that. I went from mild contractions to agony in less than an hour. Gas and air was useless for me. It would only kick in after the contraction eased off, so i decided to do it all natural. In less than 2 hours my cervix had gone from 3cm to 9cm!

It all moved so quickly that the baby was really distressed during each contraction which were coming every 3 minutes for 90 seconds a time. It felt like they were constant.
I wasn't allowed to move off the bed as i was being monitored constantly. I was begging for an epidural at this point, but i was told it was time to push.

I was pushing for an hour when the doctor came in to assess me and told the midwife off because i wasn't actually 10cm and the baby was lieing sideways and wouldnt come out that way. DH and i were furious.
Now i was told i couldn't push anymore. It was physically IMPOSSIBLE to stop myself now, which was distressing me and the baby more. I was then told i should have the epidural to stop me pushing and wait for the baby to turn.

The epidural was AMAZING!!! It took them ages to put it in as my contractions were so strong, but once it was in, it was brilliant. I even managed to get some sleep.

Eventually after 3 hours of waiting, the baby had moved and it was time to push again.
I was so numb i couldnt feel if i was doing it right, but the midwife said i was. After 2 hours, the baby still wasnt moving down so i had to have a forceps delivery, which was exactly what i didnt want.

I was told i had 4 goes with the forceps or it was c section time. The doctor was a tiny woman and she literally pulled with all her strength to get the baby out. DH and the midwife even had to hold my legs as she was pulling me off the bed.
The baby finally came out on the 4th and final pull. He was very distressed from the pulling and was born with a gash on his head and facial palsy.

I had a full episiotimy which is painful as hell!

Alfie was checked over and was very jittery so bloods were taken. It turned out he had an infection and required iv antibiotics for 5 days and had mild jaundice. So we had to stay in hospital.

Once my epidural had worn off, i had the WORST headache of my life. It was horrendous. I couldnt lift my head off the pillow even though i was drugged up to my eyeballs. After 2 days, the doctors informed me it was a complication of the epidural where they had put the needle in too far and injected into my spine. I was leaking spinal fluid which was what was causing the pain in my head. It meant i had to have blood taken from my arm and injected into my spine.
I was very nervous, but i am so glad i did it, as after a couple of hours the pain had totally gone. It was like a miracle!

We were finally let home on saturday, and we are both doing brilliantly now. Alfie is a very happy little boy. And i really got established with my feeding while i was in hospital, so i am very grateful for that. The nurses were fantastic. I would highly recommend Salisbury hospital.
Well today I came to my parents, as was taking my car to the garage for a new tyre which is just round the corner, timed it just well as they were on their way out to weatherspoons for lunch, so tagged along for a free lunch! :haha:

Had Riley up in the middle of the night again, hes not been himself, think because he woke up he was then hungry and wouldn't go back to sleep :dohh: so I'm pretty shattered.. But still no signs here, I was so convinced she was going to be early, as my original due date was the 15th.. But I'm going to be so disappointed when I go over due! :dohh:
mrsturner, thank you for sharing your story. Sounds like a very scary time, but you've handled it so well. all the best to both of you x
Congratulations on the birth of your precious baby boy, sounds like such a hectic birth story but you seem to have handled it so well. I hope you are adjusting well to life with your precious baby boy.
Ok, so my 2 friends due this month have had their babies and i'm ready now; seeing their little ones and hearing their stories makes me want to just go get the labour done with and meet this little one. I think i too meed to serve an eviction notice. MIL here ready to take over toddler care, washing done, loo roll in (yup, i seem to have an obsession), and i'm rather uncomfortable... now i jsut need at least a sign that we're moving int he right direction! come on baby!

oh, i'm pretty scared about labour if i'm honest, anyone else got some issues with it all? I'm really hoping what they say is true - that every labour is different. last one wasn't unbearable, just very traumatic for me.
I'm just getting so uncomfortable now, I'm totally ready, even though I've alot to do housework wise.. But I physically can't do it, I'm aching from head to toe, and OH won't do it, but it'll take him no time at all, so I'm hoping when I go into labor he's gonna rush round:haha:

10 days till my due date..
Nimbus think its only natural to be scared be it your 1st or 6th.... i was really scared and this was my 5th (last) once my waters went i actually thought ' Oh shit im not going to cope' Every labour is different.. Serenity took 2 days to make an appearance once my waters went, but once she decided to come she arrived very quickly and wasnt too bad. The crowning was the worst tbh.
I'm just getting so uncomfortable now, I'm totally ready, even though I've alot to do housework wise.. But I physically can't do it, I'm aching from head to toe, and OH won't do it, but it'll take him no time at all, so I'm hoping when I go into labor he's gonna rush round:haha:

10 days till my due date..

You never know, here I am a few days before I'm due hoovering the whole house from top to bottom, might take me forever, but I'm desperate to get things done. The only thing I asked OH to do was clean the oven and that took 3 days lol. I never thought I'd get such a strong burst of energy so late in pregnancy but here I am lol
Fingers crossed - I need it! I didn't get a 'nesting' or a burst of energy last time - but I suppose every pregnancy is so different, let's hope!
I woke up with pulsating back pain and lower stomach ache.. I panicked and started cleaning and doing laundry, changed bed sheets and fed the dogs and gave them their run on the field.. I had a shower and even shaved so Id feel less embarrased if I went into labour now.. Not that the staff at the hospital will give monkeys about my legs, whether they are hairy or not :D

I nearly fainted earlier as well.. I had blurred vision, funny hearing, cold sweat appeared in seconds, had to sit down or I would have fallen over. I nearly puked as well..

I know this doesnt necessarely mean anything but it got me panicking and excited at the same time :D

OH is going to trim his beard now and have a shower quickly as well just incase :D:D
I woke up with pulsating back pain and lower stomach ache.. I panicked and started cleaning and doing laundry, changed bed sheets and fed the dogs and gave them their run on the field.. I had a shower and even shaved so Id feel less embarrased if I went into labour now.. Not that the staff at the hospital will give monkeys about my legs, whether they are hairy or not :D

I nearly fainted earlier as well.. I had blurred vision, funny hearing, cold sweat appeared in seconds, had to sit down or I would have fallen over. I nearly puked as well..

I know this doesnt necessarely mean anything but it got me panicking and excited at the same time :D

OH is going to trim his beard now and have a shower quickly as well just incase :D:D

If it is any consolation, I vomited 4 times before LO was born :thumbup: Also stomach cramping sounding promising! Just drink lots of fluids, fainting normally equals dehydration and you don't wanna be on a drip
I too vomited a couple of times before our LO was born. That was early on in labour.

Had another nice day with the family - i'm going to start calling maternity leave, cake and coffee leave :) I know that it is going to change drastically once LO is here, but i'm enjoying that bit now!

Could do with the extra energy that many speak of for the nesting, but then a couple of hours sleep in the afternoon cerrtainly helps i guess... i just wake up feeling guilty that i haven't done anything.

Thank you all for your encouraging words about birth - i'm feeling much better than i did a few months ago, and going around the labour ward recently helped, despite all the bad memories that it brought back. As it gets closer i drift between wanting to get it done with, and wanting to try to enjoy it. Essentially i'm confused! ha ha!

Sini, sounds promising, keep us posted!
Well I still have the pulsating back pain and lower stomach ache. Ive had such painful shooting pains in my cervix as well.. Will just have to see if it turns out to be something or if its just pregnancy niggles :D

Whenever I get up from bed or a chair now Im dreading my waters breaking etc so its quite exciting :D
Doc appt tomorrow.....kind of hoping to be induced friday :-/ I'm so tired of this false labor..I believe I've given up on him ever making his arrival
All the best with your appontment.

I'm off to see the midwife this morning... i doubt i'll find out anything new, we just seem to chat and giggle, which is lovely, but i'd love to know a bit more detail, some of you ladies seem to know so much about your bodies and what's going on!
Morning, I've got a midwife appointment this morning too, 11.30

Single digits now.. 9 days..! :wacko:

Got up to do one of many toilet trips last night, and had random pains, but was very weird pains, :shrug:

Hope every ones feeling ok, will update once I get back from the midwife
shortie1990 - all the best, hope your pains are good pains... i think you know what i mean :)

I haven't looked at the ticker for a while, oh my 4 days!
Oh I hope the pains are baby related, so exciting for single digits!

I have a doctors appointment this morning so hopefully they'll be able to tell me if something is going on. I'm doing a tradeshow this week for work (Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday) and I definitely feel like I overdid it today. Walking around and standing for 7 hours made me super exhausted. Hopefully it is helping kick start something with baby though.

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