I went for my MW appointment today. It wasnt my usual MW, another replacement, she was ok tho and seemed to know what she was doing.
She said Im 3/5th engaged. She offered a sweep which I wasnt really prepared for but I went for it. My cervix is high, long and hard, so she couldnt do the sweep.. Im seeing my MW on monday for another sweep attempt and arranging an induction for 41+5.
Ive had such a bad stomach ache after the sweep attempt.. Cramps and dull ache.. Wasnt comfortable at all
Ive had smears before, but this was something else
I doubt Ill go into labour anytime soon as there are no signs, cervix is up by my tonsils and baby isnt even fully engaged
Good to know what everything is ok tho, baby heartrate wise and my bloodpressure etc.
Whatever happens, Ill be a mom in max 12 days!!
Hows everyone doing? Hows the pregnancies going and hows the new mommies/babies doing?