November Nuggets ~ 2016

Jemma congrats on your 3+!!! I might bite the bullet and do mine in the morning. I will be gutted though if it still says 2-3,(even though I know it doesn't mean an awful lot!!)
Got my first number today, my hcg is 109 and they think I'm 3-4 weeks along. ;). Another blood draw Friday morning for me!
Just popping in to say hi and that I'm going totally crazy waiting for my ultrasound hahaha
Morning all, I did another first response this morning, bit silly really but it's made me feel a little bit better, I don't have an digis and would be too scared to do one in case it still said 1-2! But this frer the positive line came up strong and fast before the urine had even moved across to the control line so that's a good sign that my numbers are going up right?

I think to be honest that the reason I'm finding it so hard to get my head around and accept that this is really happening is because they had told us he was infertile now! So for one thing it's still a shock that we managed it but also I think it's because I see it as being different to my other pregnancies in the fact that the antibodies are there now so I'm worrying that the sperm might not have been top notch and therefore the baby might not make it past the first trimester? Or do you think it doesn't work that way, do you think the fact that I got pregnant means the odds are that we found just one good swimmer who didn't have antibodies? I don't know anyway must start to relax more.

How are you all doing? Xx
I can't help you with regards to the antibodies question, I'm fairly clueless when it comes to fertility :shrug: But I think the fact you got pregnant when being told it was very unlikely is a wonderful thing and I know it might be hard to accept given the situation but if you are getting strong positives still and you've no signs of losing the bubs then I'd say you're doing alright :hugs: Try not to worry hun although we always tell each other this and still we worry :haha:

AFM; not much to report, got a stinking cold, couldn't sleep last night between coughing and lying on sore boobs :haha: other than that marvellous!! :thumbup:
Elmo I know its hard but try not to worry. :hugs: its great that you have fallen pregnant!

Jemma I can't sleep either! Real bad insomnia every night!
Insomnia here to. I was lying in bed just browsing online and began flushing. My cheeks were on fire. I have never had hot flushes before. Please ignore my bright red lips I have been quite dehydrated. This morning I tested again with the cheapies. Top one is from tuesday, bottom one is today and the strips are rubbish.


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I've been having a bear of a time accepting this. I wish I could be on here more, but I teach all day. At least that kinda helps keep my mind busy. I thought the lab would have my blood back yesterday, but my RE hadn't heard from them by the end of the day. I was pretty crampy yesterday and decided to just let it go so I don't go crazy. I've tested every day for four days, and I'm pretty happy with the progression as of today. I think I'm finally comfortable saying I'm pregnant at least and not thinking I'm not sure. Gosh, I really hope this works out for all of us! I'm trying to attach a photo from my phone. Hope it works.


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I have woken in the middle of the night the past three nights, and I was so hot and thirsty yesterday. A colleague even told me he thought I looked hot...and it wasn't a compliment. ;) hopefully we'll be sleeping easier in a few weeks.
I have woken in the middle of the night the past three nights, and I was so hot and thirsty yesterday. A colleague even told me he thought I looked hot...and it wasn't a compliment. ;) hopefully we'll be sleeping easier in a few weeks.

Someone asked me what blusher I use:haha:
Ive been awake at 4:30am the past couple of days and not managing to get back to sleep either! I'm hoping this stage passes quickly :coffee: though if I remember from my ds the last few weeks were awful. I just didn't sleep at all past 2am. :wacko:
Definitely woke with sore boobs :thumbsup: first proper symptom!!

Glad everyone is OK minus the bad nights sleep!! X
Jox did you get back in touch with the midwife about getting an early scan like you where thinking of doing?, good news about the sore hooters :) ha.

When I first found out I barely slept at all for a few days but that seems to have stopped now and I can't get enough of it! (Sleep that is)

Here's a question, you would think after 3 babies I would know better, but are any of you scared to death to have sex? I just can't even entertain the idea, not because I'm off it but just because I'm scared I'll do damage which I know is stupid but I can't help it X
Hi ladies I'm freaking out I woke up in middle of the night dhs heavy dead weight arm across my stomach I apparently switched from slide sleeping to being on my back is don't feel pregnant today I'm v er you worried the blood supply got cut off to my embie
Almosthere I'm sure all is fine. An arm across you won't do any harm? X

Jox wooop for sore boobs! Mine have been sore too.

Insomnia is just the worst at the mo, hope I get a good sleep tonight.

I've already had my dating scan appointment through?! 1st April...I will be 10 weeks by my LMP which I think is way too early! Oh well.
Almosthere, I really don't think that will do any damage, we are all so early on in pregnancy that symptoms aren't a guaranteed sure sign.

Elmo, I totally understand what you are saying, OH and I have a very active sex life :blush: but I've been reluctant to do anything as I convinced myself when it happened it helped cause my MC which is ridiculous of course! Just be careful and don't overdo it :)

smiley, that's great about the scan! sooner is always better than later :hugs:
So people seriously have me all freaked out. At my job I basically make meds for cancer. So I have to lift buckets with powder and scoop and measure out the product and stuff to be delivered to other stages to make it. Well 1. Why are people freaking out about lifting? They really aren't that heavy and I was very fit before finally getting my BFP and I lift weights....I even shoveled my drive at 8 months preg with my Daughter. ..
2. I read online I shouldn't work out if I had a MC?? Why? Everywhere else online it states how beneficial it is top the baby. ...
3. I work with powder and chemicals in spoke to my team lead and he thinks it's fine and to continue until further notice.I just started this job 3 weeks ago.

Can anyone shed some light or give me any experience they may have with this? I feel on edge. I feel like I'm scared to workout. I'm worried I'll lose this one too.
Kimbre they say that if you were lifting the same sort of weight beforehand with ease then it is okay to continue to do so for as long as you feel comfortable.

My job involves very heavy lifting. I've already told my boss I will do what I can but wont be overdoing it.
I have to lift my toddler. I am sure it will be fine. :hugs:

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