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November Nuggets ~ 2016

thank you ladies for the support with my SO losing his job. it SUCKS , horrible timing all my savings for maternity are gone.

he got a cooking job but JUST started that and now my landlord is going back on his word and evicting us for ONE months rent over due....he told me we coul dworkit out and now im thinking theres an eviction letter being sent to the post office to pick up. im so stressed out! its so hot out and to think of moving right now is INSANE.

also ive been having BH?? alot.... does anyone know why id be getting them??

OMG! Kimbre, I'm so sorry to hear this. That's pretty horrible of your landlord. My family rents a couple houses and we would NEVER consider kicking a pregnant woman and family out after only one month late rent. What makes you so sure there is an eviction notice, as from your post it doesn't seem like you've actually received one yet?

I'd call my dr. about the BH, just to be safe. However, it's not uncommon to feel BH in second tri. Just as long as they are not 4 in a hour or have a pattern etc. Stress, dehydration, and over-activity can all bring on BH. Take a load off and try not to overstress about the housing/work situation. I know easier said than done; try some relaxation techniques and let us know how things go! :hugs:

I think it's an eviction notice because I spoke with him about the back rent and he seemed to understand and said he didn't want us to move. I explained my hubby lost his job, but was going on many interviews. I also explained how my loans took my tax refund even though I'm paying payments bc I'm JUST getting out of default
I told him I could A pay it back when my hubby got a job, or B he could get a notarized letter stating how much I owe and a lease so I can try to get my taxes BACK to pay the back rent. But in meantime in can only <BARELY > pay the full upcoming rents.

He agreed and said he'd text when he got the papers I need. A month went by. I paid full upcoming rent barely it's been very hard with car insurance, internet, phone, electric, my daughter's cheerleading, and food. ...
I text him very polite and asked had he had the chance yet to get the papers stating how much I owe so I can get help. He responded with a rude pissy text saying you told me you'd pay the back rent , that didn't ever happen [it's been like 2 months on the first and u never told him that ] I told him I'm confused bc I thought you understood blah blah and reap rated the conviction we JUST had a couple week prior. He just continued to say that any money I pay goes to back rent? ! What? ? He's never done this before. ....

So he never text me after that. Now I have a letter stating I need to pick up certified mail from him. ...I'm assuming he's trying to kick me out. I would be shocked if it was anything else.

I'm very stressed about this bc this would mean no nursery....I've been nesting bad. And moving in with my mother. ...all of us, shes a hoarder. We had to live there once before and it really took a toll on our relationship. I'm very scared at v this point. But I do plan on teeming the judge he said he'd work with us and all the crap we've dealt with.
:hugs::hugs::hugs: Kimbre, I'm so sorry all of this is happening. Your landlord is a terrible human being if he's seriously threatening to evict you when you're pregnant and for being behind just one month. I hope it doesn't come to that...

I had some Braxton Hicks this week, too! It was hot outside and I was overdoing it and my body protested in more ways than one, including BH. What DeuceMom says, as long as it's not more than 4 per hour. If you ever wonder about whether symptoms are normal or not or you have any concerns: just call your Dr, it's what they're there for :hugs:

He's the worst. I hate him now. He's a drunk and refuses to respond to texts when things go wrong but if you're late a day he's blowing up your phone!
He ignored all my texts about my car and his "storm windows" falling out and hitting it and shattered all over. Not mentioning all the other problems! We want to move out soon but right now is NOT an option....I'm 6 months pregnant. I really do not want to stay with my mother and have the baby there. ...it will take a few months to save up rent and deposit
Kimbre - It doesn't sound like your landlord is very knowledgeable or considerate. The fact that he won't take the necessary steps to help you obtain the money he is hounding you for also sounds down right lazy on his part. Also, I don't know how he's going to manage to kick you out with such little notice? I mean, tenants have quite a few rights and I assume even in NY that they can't just evict you without some time given to find an alternative place to live. Have you looked into that?

Sadly, I have no nursery for my little ones. We have a shortage of rooms in our house and for now, I'll just have to squeeze them in with me (which would probably be the case anyway for a time right after birth). As they get older and I can put some money aside, we hope to either expand the house or even move all together to a bigger place. I'm not terribly worried about it as they'll have a play area and such, but there is a bit of sadness of not being able to decorate a nursery.

On a more happy note. Twins are doing good. Just had a growth scan and they are still measuring close together. In four weeks they've both packed on a pound so measureing 1 lb 12 oz and 1 lb 11 oz. at 24+3. I was relieved because I've not been eating the best (skipping a meal here and there, and sometimes not on target with the healthy eating). Doc says they make good parasites. :)
hes so dumb! i dont know i feel like if i go to court the judge will give me some time? weve lived there a year and a half and never been late.

my hubby GOT A JOB!
Kimbre great news glad he got a job!

Deuce glad your twins are doing well!

My little girl is giving me her usual 3 to 4 day I'm hardly going to kick for you scare. Haven't felt good kicks since saturday on one light one hear or there each day suckss!
Kimbre great news glad he got a job!

Deuce glad your twins are doing well!

My little girl is giving me her usual 3 to 4 day I'm hardly going to kick for you scare. Haven't felt good kicks since saturday on one light one hear or there each day suckss!

my little one i feel hasnt been very active either! i dont like it! lol
Kimbre that's so awful about your landlord, especially now your husband has a job!!! I can't imagine the stress of worrying about moving so far into pregnancy, plus having to come up with bond and rent in advance.

Our nursery is pretty much finished. Can't do much decorating because we're renting, but we've got all our furniture.

I've had BH since about week 16, some days I get them several times an hour, sometimes just every hour or so. Not painful or uncomfortable at all, I can just feel my whole stomach go really hard...it goes a bit pointy too.
Kimbre that's so awful about your landlord, especially now your husband has a job!!! I can't imagine the stress of worrying about moving so far into pregnancy, plus having to come up with bond and rent in advance.

Our nursery is pretty much finished. Can't do much decorating because we're renting, but we've got all our furniture.

I've had BH since about week 16, some days I get them several times an hour, sometimes just every hour or so. Not painful or uncomfortable at all, I can just feel my whole stomach go really hard...it goes a bit pointy too.

I knowww i so do not feel like moving at the moment! if we DO move we will have to stay with my mother, and thats just not a good idea for alot of reasons. my daughter wont have a room there yet as my mother hoards everything! so she has boxes filling the 3rd bedroom. i really do not want my daughter to go from having an awesome room to a couch or our bed....
if we do have to move im going to try to get my taxes back which wil be more than enough for deposit and rent to move into a house. but that may take a month or so! so that means we'd basically be wiating until right before our daughter gets here or after! and its stressing me out!

hubby now has two jobs. he cooks for a bar 3 nights, and works for a pipeing company mon -fri! im so happy because i fee like itll be less stressful on me....IF we dont have to move!
i posted a photo of my DD room:shrug:


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i AM SO excited for our little girl to get here. im feeling VERY fat. i was so dumb and glanced at the scale and ive gained like 25LBS!!!!! im only 26 weeks.... that scares me...

i LOVE october so we are SO hoping she'll be born in OCT esp. on halloween its my fav. holiday. i posted a few photos of us being crazy for halloween with our costumes. cant wait to add another to our halloween dress up!

i made our costumes=)


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and heres us as the Adams girls. hubby was working. am i the only one who loves halloween? anyone else dress up??


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Haven't been on for a while but have been keeping an eye on the group. 24 week scan tomorrow with fetal medicine and then hopefully discharged back to normal care. Baby has become so much stronger over the past week and his kicks are really strong now - can see movement from outside! Getting really uncomfortable at night when trying to sleep and having to prop myself upwards in order to have a good nights sleep.

Reflux is back and despite taking 20mg of omeprazole is making me sick towards the end of the day again.

Hope everyone is ok!
Thank you - i'm going alone to the scan for the first time!

Baby has been really active today - lying in bed feeling him wriggling now.
Hopeful - good luck with your scan!

Cute Halloween costumes Kimbre! On my side of the planet, Halloween sadly isn't much of a thing :(

I'm just glad this kid isn't coming in December! Half our family has their birthdays then, plus Christmas & New Year's.... It's always a full, hectic month.
Very happy with my November baby :lol:
24 week scan all ok! Discharged from fetal medicine with no concerns. Baby wasn't playing ball and is bum down in pelvis. Happy all is ok. :thumbup:


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Hopeful so glad your scan went well!

I'm a bit bummed dh scheduled contractors to come insulate parts of our house the day of my 28 week scan it's not a routine one it's to check for genetic issues so I'm dissapointed in his scheduling ugh...it is what it is.

Moving ds into his new room by Monday as most of his new bed set arrived just need the dresser and the matress the matress is due to arrive tomorrow so we will see! Dh will be busy on our anniversary tomorrow morning building ds bed

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