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November Nuggets ~ 2016

Ladies have any of you gone to a concert pregnant? I won darius rucker tickets and didn't want to miss out on the fun my specialist obgyn I see on occasion was totally fine with it but I've read contradictory information about damaging baby's ears from 24 weeks and on and I'm 25 ughh I hope I didn't deafen my baby! It was so unlike me to go but it was my and dh 9yr anniversary and we wanted to have a good time it was an outdoor concert it was nice but a bit hot and uncomfortable chairs
24 week scan all ok! Discharged from fetal medicine with no concerns. Baby wasn't playing ball and is bum down in pelvis. Happy all is ok. :thumbup:

Happy to hear all is well. Were you planning to find out gender? At this rate, may be a surprise, eh?

We had to have a NIFTY at 12 weeks due to our high risk so we know we are having a boy this time. Although, I saw this on the 12 week NT scan and then couldn't miss it on any of the others :blush:

Thank you Deuce xx
Everyone is so close to third tri it's so exciting I bet some ladies already are actually. Almost glucose testing time if ladies haven't yet already so boring I have a 2 hour test but I know some drs do a 1 and if you fail you do a 3
Ladies have any of you gone to a concert pregnant?

Twice. First pregnancy it was Willy Nelson. This pregnancy it was Bob Dylan. Both around late second trimester/early third. Neither were very loud but the amount of noise dampening done by the amniotic fluid and all the tissue between the baby and the outside world makes it generally fine.

I actually found sitting on the ground more comfortable than in the tiny plastic chairs they had at the Willy concert.
Nikko those sound like amazing concerts jealous! Haha thanks makes me feel better although I felt mine was quite loud for country! My water bottle vibrated! Haha. Hope your doing well!

Thanks deuce now I'm counting down to 3rd tri! Hehe so exciting your soon to follow.

Hope everyone is doing well I'm about to have chicken enchilada casserole for dinner can't wait it's almost ready to come out of the oven!
deuce sorry if I missed this from previous posts but why can't you go to full term? if my girl doesn't come out before term I think I'll be induced because I want another vaginal birth and they are concerned about see and me retearing. I was 4 days late with ds and that was with induction 48hoirs prior it was not a fun long wait haha
I totally forgot who was having twins haha sorry makes complete sense to go early :) I swear I have complete pregnancy brain since 2nd tri like total mush over here. if you want natural I hope they behave it must be so tricky making sure they are both safe to deliver that way and baby's can flip so fast!

hope all are well! :)
deuce that is a good point though I had 4th degree tearing which maybe is more rare but that with a c section would be horrible but you will be resting anyways if that happens so I say go for what you want you may have to rest for weeks either way! I remember I couldn't even walk without assistance my experience was just super shity I had to go home with a catheter and my stiches reopened but luckily didn't need surgery i naturally reclosed! our bodies are amazing. I just hope I won't be afraid of sex as much as I was after having ds hoping my girl will be more petite than my son haha. Oh I am rambling I can get pretty chatty with the venting haha
My OB has recommended a C-Sec straight up. He said the same about if A isn't head down a C-Sec would happen, and also that even if A is head down but B isn't and B doesn't turn on her own soon after A is delivered, they'll do a C-Sec to avoid complications with B being in there too long. Both girls have been breach for the last 10 weeks and are very cramped in there. I decided at the beginning that I would have them however they recommended so just agreed to go ahead with planned C-Sec. I'm actually relieved to have the decision out of the way rather than wondering which way it could go. Now I just have to decide when to stop working...I'd like a couple of weeks to relax (and probably clean haha) before they come!
I am still waiting on a decision on what is happening. Things have become a little complicated for me due to my heart struggling (why I have a consultant). I have to rest and take it easy. I am thinking a csection is more likely for me but feel sad.
dark I'm sorry to hear you are struggling with your heart condition I hope you have plenty of time to relax and rest big hugs!

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