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November Nuggets ~ 2016

Dark sorry that your heart condition is weighing so heavily on how you give birth, I hope you don't have to wait until you're in labor to be told definitely c-sec or not.

Deuce I'm super lucky where I work, the ladies there are amazing and as soon as they found out I am pregnant won't let me do anything remotely considered manual labour. Unfortunately most of the time I can't avoid being on my feet all day and on very busy days, when even taking 5 to sit down is impossible, it's hits me hard, then my BH gets worse and I feel it in my legs and back all night. Because I'm permanent full time on an hourly wage rather than permanent full time on a salary I'm not entitled to employer paid mat leave, but am entitled to 18 weeks paid leave from the federal government (available to all working women earning $150k or less per year). If I got employer paid leave I would also be able to claim the government leave on top and could swing almost a full year of paid time off. It really sux that the support is so different in different countries, I seriously feel for the ladies that don't have those kinds of benefits available.

Almost my sister's last baby split her open like a peanut! Her words haha...but seriously, I agree, one way or another you'll need to rest. Born safely is best in the end!
Hey ladies! I haven't been on in a good while, but I was wondering if you all plan on working up until you go into labor (or until your due date/induction date, etc.) or if you plan on leaving work a little early. I noticed a couple of you mentioned it, and I'm in the same boat as Deuce. I'm in the US and I work for a smaller company that has no maternity benefits or paid leave. Luckily, however, I have a desk job and I also am planning on discussing a work-from-home option with my boss for after the baby arrives, but I would really like some time at home before he arrives so I can make sure everything is in order and maybe get a little extra rest before he's here.
Hi Peterpanwendy,
I think a lot of the ladies here are from the UK so will be taking maternity leave in some form. I dont work at the moment anyway but i would have taken Maternity.
we are just going to have me not work I always have summers off because I teach but idk how we will swing it financially after the summer I have a feeling I won't be able to take two years off like dh was hoping for I'm in US so I won't get any leave and if I stayed with my job it isn't fair ide be there for only the first two months with new toddlers and then leave I can't do that I would possibly have e gotten some partial paid leave
pippy your poor sister she must have had 4th degree tears like me so painful
Peterpanwendy I am working up until 34w2d, that will (hopefully give me 2.5 weeks off before my scheduled date. We get 18w maternity pay from the federal government here, that's with or without employer paid maternity leave. I hope you can swing working from home, I would love to do that as an option for when my mat leave runs out but I work in the wrong industry.

Almost I'd say so! It was awful the way she described it, and she had to re-admitted after the stitches busted and she got an infection. I can see the appeal of a cs after a traumatic labor, but it's a big strain on the body either way.
pippy yes a catch 22 for sure I'm so conflicted I know ide prefer natural but I don't want to get a 4th again just going to see if I have a little peanut or not haha sitting in the hospital now waiting to start my 2hr glucose test I'm starving and haven't even started its going to be a long morning.
Glucose test this morning yall. D: ugh one of my least favorite things. But omg third tri is upon us...its so surreal. ☺
I finally got back in so I thought I'd stop in and say hi! I've changed my password 6 times and have always forgotten them. Maybe the 7th times the one I'll remember? Haha
hahaa right it down somewhere safe! I'm the same I'm so bad with passwords.
deuce how is your arm feeling? I got my Tdap shot yesterday and the shot went great a tiny lunch that was it but can't lay on my arm on my side it's so sore but no lump at least! you sound so ahead of the game I have yet to wash any of the used clothing I purchased or the few new things and we had baby items in storage I have to wash still too I think I'm just slowly going to spread out washing of course our dryer isn't working properly everything needs a double dryer session so we need that fixed.
My arm hurt for a few days but that was it.
Got everything set up. Still have to do some washing but my list is marginaly shorter.
Recieved a lovely pram blanket off my aunty.


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dark I love the blanket so cute!

deuce glad with your shot! I think you are ahead of the game or maybe I'm slacking this time around haha I feel like I'm not as motivated to get things done because dh hasn't removed the wallpaper from her room and painted yet. he does that wallpaper removal next weekend but won't paint until the weekend after that it is hard he could do it all in the three days he has off but I think he's been feeling overwhelmed. our sons room set is finally all built he had been waiting for his dresser in the mail dh built it yesterday so we are dealing with two new rooms really! crazy busy can't wait til baby girl is here and we can all snuggle in the winter together as a family!
I love that blanket dark, did your aunty make it herself?

Deuce my arm only hurt for a day and it was really only tender to touch, otherwise I couldn't tell it was sore at all.

Are you ladies asking family and friends to get the shot as well? So far we've only asked immediate family and most of them are already done because they reproducing like rabbits on my side at the moment lol!

Almost, it will be summer here when the babies arrive so no winter snuggles for me. We'll just have to make do with the airconditioner haha!
having a baby in summer is lovely I had ds then I feel like it was be more of a challenge in the winter keeping her warm since newborns needs so much bundling and I'm going to be paranoid about slipping on the ice with baby in the carrier Oh gosh I'm hibernating to be safe hahahaha. I can't though I have to bring ds to and from school ahhh I hope it will be okay I'll just have to tell dh to be on top of salting the driveway!

I had my parents and husband get the shot before ds was born but I think once you get it (unless ur pregnant) your covered for ten years I'm going to ask my obgyn about this next week at my appt so we will see what she says!
So apparently this little girl won't technically be a November nugget. C section to be on Halloween.:haha:

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