November Rainbow Babies

Sharonfruit-why is it the men just 'have to tell' or at least that's my man anyway. It frustrates me. I swear, I told him yesterday if I wanted it kept a secret I should of kept it from him. I really mean that. If there ever has to be a next time....for sure I'm not telling him. He can find out when the baby kicks him for all I care. :devil: Sorry-my rant for the day :growlmad:
Hi Pixxie- So glad to have you here. It's been a nonstop ride for you. So sorry for your loss. I'm sure your a bag of emotions. Your two little boys are adorable! I hope you will have a H&H 9 months and add another little one to your family then :)
Klein I have to agree! Why do they agree to keep their mouth shut and then blab, it hasn't bothered me too much as his family live in ireland however makes me feel guilty as if my mum finds out his family knew before her I am sure she would be heartbroken but I just really need to keep it to myself until we are out of the danger zone, so to speak! X
Welcome new ladies!!! So glad to have you on board.

I've been feeling down today. I've been having stretching pains for about a week and today nothing. This is about the point I have got to with both of my m/c. I never saw heartbeats. The growth stopped about where I am now.

I looked up the progesterone supplement side effects and apparently the cruel part about the drug is it makes your body still think it's pregnant. So if you have a miscarriage your boobs would still be sore, still ms, still horomonal, no keeps your sac and placenta growing. With all of that said, who knows what's going on in there.

Needless to say, I'm feeling just down and worried.

The nurse I talked to said progesterone will not prevent you from bleeding if you miscarry. Don't worry, the cramping comes and goes, sometimes takes a break for a couple days. You are OK, no worries!!!
hey all im really worried. i was having a great day and it felt like i was starting to get ms. so i was getting happy because i never had ms with my miscarriages. but later tonight my OH had sex (the first time since i found out i was preg because i am too paranoid) and afterward i saw pink on the toilet paper. im not having cramping or anything but i started crying because i dunno whats going on. OH says its prob from sex and unrelated to the preg but im still so worried.
sharonfruit-I agree, I'm sure she won't be upset. She'll be too excited to be upset. Plus, if she lives close she'll probably get to see it more so she'll be ok with it if she finds out they knew before her. FXed she won't find out though.

I have a confession-I checked online and read up on mc %'s I origionally told DH that since we have had 2 mc we had a 40% chance of mc again before we saw the hb, then it would drop to 20% after we saw hb. Since then, I found a calculator online and that put our % at 13% now and if we see a hb then 8%. (not really sure how accurate that calculator is though) I haven't told DH the 'new percentage' he'd probably rent a billboard, order t-shirts and send out a text message to all of his contacts. UGH...Heaven forbid us to have a secret for a few weeks!!!
myvirgoways-Thanks, are you on progesterone, sorry I can't remember. UPDATED-so sorry answered my own ? by looking at your siggy!!!

dancingsheba-chances are it's sex probably just knocked a little blood vessel loose or something. According to what I have may continue until it clots, so hours or so but it should stop on its own. I think the ms is a great sign though :)

TIDBIT OF INFO- my BFF who's preggo had some bleeding in her 1st trimester and come to find out it was a vein that needed to be cartarised (sp?) She and baby are fine, just naturally scared her to death.
Sheba - your OH is right, during pregnancy the cervix is swollen and full of blood, many women bleed after sex when they are pregnant for this reason. Hence me depriving my OH for 5 weeks now :haha: try not to worry, baby is fine.

Klein - :rofl: at your OH renting a billboard! When I asked OH why he felt the need to tell his mum he said 'because I wanted to have someone to talk about it to, and I don't like talking to you' !?!!

sharonfruit-omg about him not wanting to talk to you!!!! That is priceless :rofl: That's probably what my DH was thinking too. I've been a bit moody these days. :muaha: Heck, I hate being around me and you know that's bad!!!
thanks im trying to stay on the positive side. I guess ill see tomorrow what happens. no more sex for while! too scary
My son (almost 13 yo) just came in my room to tell me goodnight and I did my usual 'minimize' to the computer screen. He looked right at me and asked me 'do you think it's a boy or a girl' :saywhat:I heard DH in the livingroom mute the tv so he could hear my response! It took my breath in :shock: I responded by saying what do you mean?!?!? He said, 'the person I've been on the phone with all day, do you think it's a boy or a girl'
Wow-what a day, I'm going to get some :sleep:
Goodnight girls!
Haha jeeeez you did well not to say 'how do you know?!' !!
I just had the WORST night EVER!! I kept dreaming I was having a MC:cry:And worst, I also had a dream in a dream, so i was dreaming that I was dreaming I was having a MC!! Am I making sense??? I woke up this morning feeling scared but silly at the same time. Thing is, today is my 4 weeks+6, which is when I had my MC. I know I'm not out of the woods, but by tomorrow, I will feel better. But still no symptoms, not even sore breasts, which is another reason why I worry...

Kleinfor: I'm not sure about those numbers, but about having miscarriages in a row, if you had one MC, you have about a 5% risk of having 2 in a row. And if you had 2 MC in a row, that risk is less than 1%. Because for your 1st MC, you roughly have, let's say, a 20% risk, and same for a second, but when working with probabilities, you have to multiply those number, so 0.2 x 0.2 =0.4, or 4%. After 2 MC, even is the risk is higher (let's say 40%), it would be 0.2 x 0.2 x 0.4 = 1.6%. But that's only about miscarriages in a ROW. That made me feel a LOT better, hope this helps you too :)
Melfy-So sorry for your bad night with your horrible dreams, and dreams in dreams. That's bad. Not only that it's bad about the dreaming but usually if I have dreams like that the 'quality' of sleep for me was BAD that night too.
**On the bright side one of the pregnancy symptoms is vivid dreams :) So maybe there is some comfort in that.
Maybe tonight will be better.

You must be really good in math b/c you totally lost me on those calculations!!! I just keyed in my info on this little website and it did it for me lol.
My history is as follows:
Live Birth, MC no hb, Live Birth, MC no hb, and pregnant now...
So I don't know if that changes anything or not with your lovely math calculations on that. ((I should of found you two months ago when my son was studying probability in math class. BOY, did it throw me for a loop!!!!!!!!!!!!!))
no more spotting since i woke up this morning so i guess it was from the :sex:
whew! just let me make it to my doctors appt!
oh and melfy you're not alone on the vivid dreams. I dreamt last night that i was in a room where people where chained to beds like some kind of horror movie and some of them were skeletons and one guy was still alive. then this woman comes in just staring into space. she holds up some kind of object and starts slamming on the guy chained to the bed and killed him while screaming and staring into space. i hid under the bed. then i woke up. freakin weird
Welcome Pixxie. You have really overcome a lot and I wanted to congratulate you. Having those levels I'm sure can help you to relax to some extent, as well as an upcoming ultrasound : ) When is your duedate?

Sheba- how are you today? <--- oh I see now that you're okay: )
I am sure your doc is right and that it's just from :sex: We have not had sex in probably like... at least two weeks. I'm not sure if we did after I found out. I don't want to anyways, and I don't think I'll feel safe until at least 9 weeks.
CrAZY dream whoa! I hate scary dreams. I can't even watch commercials for horror movies or I'll have nightmares.

Klein, I am going to tell DD after the first tri. I can't take another episode of her knowing, and then me telling her the baby went t heaven. It is a pretty sensitive subject and DH should be able to understand the importance of you waiting.
-- wow what a close call, that was too funny with your son! Sometimes my daughter will just come up to me and tel me she wants me to have a baby, and I want to tell her, but I know better! lol
-- I'm going to check out that calculator!

Melfy- how terrible! But you know, your mind was probably winding up so much about your milestone date, that that's why you dreamt that. I'm sure everythig is okay, but I know it shakes you up. You've made it to today though! so yay!
I dreamt two nights ago that I was nursing a baby boy, it was my first pregnancy dream (I think someone else on this thread was mentioning baby gender dreams). So I had mine. I'd prefer a girl, but in my dream I was very content, and I know I would be just fine in real life if I had a boy as well. But with pregnancy with DD, I dreamt I was having a boy, and it also made me realize that a boy would be just as nice. So I am just hoping for a nice healthy to term baby!
myvirgoways-Thanks, are you on progesterone, sorry I can't remember. UPDATED-so sorry answered my own ? by looking at your siggy!!!

dancingsheba-chances are it's sex probably just knocked a little blood vessel loose or something. According to what I have may continue until it clots, so hours or so but it should stop on its own. I think the ms is a great sign though :)

TIDBIT OF INFO- my BFF who's preggo had some bleeding in her 1st trimester and come to find out it was a vein that needed to be cartarised (sp?) She and baby are fine, just naturally scared her to death.

Haha! Yep, I am on progesterone. I had worried in the past too that if I miscarried, I wouldn't know. But truthfully, even women who are not on progesterone sometimes have a missed miscarriage, so really either way it could happen. I haven't read what you found about it continuing the pregnancy symptoms. When I miscarried in December, the first thought I had was that my boobs didn't feel big and sore anymore. So I went to the doctor for blood work, and my numbers went from 36 to 22 in 48 hours. So I stopped the progesterone and three days later I started bleeding.

I have had the slightest bit of dark old blood in some discharge too, both this time and last time. But I have been on progesterone for nearly six months now, and even before I was pregnant, it never made me "feel" pregnant. I think it's mostly the HCG that gives you the pregnant symptoms. I have never had nausea, dizziness or sore boobs from the progesterone, but those are my primary symptoms now that I am approaching six weeks.

Just remember, 80% of pregnancies after a miscarriage are successful! The odds are very much in our favor of the babies growing just fine. Keep that in mind, I tell myself that every day. I've actually contemplated giving up these message boards because it seems like each feed is very negative-focused and I'm constantly comparing myself to others and making myself feel like something is wrong or something bad is going to happen because it has happened to all these other women. We all come here fearing the worse instead of supporting each other for the positive things we should be looking at.

I also think about all the women who find out they are pregnant and don't go to message boards so they don't even realize miscarriage could happen to them, and they likely go on to have successful pregnancies, so I try to pretend I'm like them. I try to think that really the baby will grow and be healthy because that's usually what happens. I'm here for you if you need to swap progesterone stories. :hugs: :thumbup:
Dahlia-That's a lovely dream. Amen to a healthy term baby. I do not care one way or another about the gender. In comparing my son to my daughter. My son is much more laid back and my daughter is much more emotional lol. Both were pretty content babies though. My son may have been a little more content than my daughter. I do remember wanting a boy desperatly and I was fortunate enough to have one the first pregnancy. Then I desperatly wanted a girl with the second and that's what I got that time too. I feel very blessed for having my wishes heard on the gender before. So now whatever the Lord wants to give me I will be overjoyed to get it!

I do remember I had a lovely dream when I was pregnant with my daughter. My husband that passed away, Eric, was in heaven and him and God were 'making my baby'. Eric told him that my heart was set on a baby girl and he agreed. Then God 'made it so'. Still brings me to tears to think about it!

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