November Rainbow Babies

Hi Mrs. England and welcome. Looks like you conceived right after your MC? You must be so excited for your scan
Hi Mrs. England and welcome. Looks like you conceived right after your MC? You must be so excited for your scan

Yeh i was so blessed and fell pregnant about 3 weeks after miscarrying. I'm more nervous than excited right now, i'm so scared that something will be wrong!
wow i feel like my babys heartrate is fast then. it was 186bpm at my 10 week scan. i wonder if the old wives tale is true....faster heartbeat means a girl

Mine have been around 188bpm, I've convinced myself its a girl! X
Hi Mrs England, welcome to the group. I also conceived three weeks after MC and was worried about this but after two scans I can see things have been okay so far. Can't wait to get my scan date through. Looks like we are only a day apart, mine is based on my ovulation date as my LMP date isn't quite right

Have you had any midwife appointments yet? I had my first last week

How is everyone else doing? I'm needing to have a good catch up and a read through.

I have been so exhausted, literally going to bed shortly after coming home from work, only really eating a small size dinner due to being tired too. I have lived on beans on toast with chese and marmite for the whole week! Is that an addiction? Lol
Hello ladies :flower: we don't seem to be very active lately :shrug: are our worries decreasing? maybe that's why :hugs:

This is a very looooooong post:blush:

Klein and Dahlia - thanks for the advice :hugs: this will be my first so taking note

Sharon - yay for your scan! cute pic!! mine were pretty bad I guess because they are meant to show some stuff to my doctor, being the nT scan

tuckie - Glad you had a great scan too!! thanks for watching the vid :flower:

Alandsa - I had to google marmite because i had no idea of what it was, it looks yummy!! wish I had tried it when I was in England!!! too late now :cry:

Mrs England - Welcome to the group :) I also conceived 3 weeks after my mc and so far so good, happy and healthy pregnancy to you!!:hugs:

Life doesn't seem to be very exciting lately :shrug: I just sit at home the whole day and play with my dog.

LO's dad has been emailing and insisting he wants to be part of baby's life and he will be here for the delivery and how excited he is and all that. Is just sad that I will forever have to talk to him, I mean i don't hate him but he makes me feel like such a bad woman now that I know he's married (of course I don't have anything with him anymore, that's so over)

I told you a while ago I had been bad too...well today I'll tell you why :blush:
During my last contract on a different cruise ship last year I met this colombian guy, not handsome really but umm he insisted so much that he liked me and I was with nobody for like 5 months and 1 year before that so one day I said to myself: what the heck, I'll give him a chance :dohh: he was great, used to drink a bit at the crew bar and one day i told him i don't like you drinking and he stopped completely lol. One day I was a little tipsy ( Ididn't stop drinking LOL) and he said: I LOVE YOU :kiss: and I just started laughing without control because I was sure he was joking... then he cried and well I said i was sorry but it was too early for me to love him yet.

Months passed and we were still together so we got close, still no love love from me but he was so sweet, i would call him on my afternoon break ( 2 or 3 hours) and he would go to my cabin and rub my feet. If i was going shopping he asked if he could go so he could carry my bags lol.

Well I was very bad, he left the ship on vacation on August and we already knew we would be going to different ships on the next contract. We called each other a couple of times and the lost contact.

I assumed it was over but still emailed him and asked to call me when i got to Costa Rica. He called and I told him I wanted to tell him I was pregnant before someone else would, he said: Ay Catalina :nope: I don't know what to say... then he asked about the baby's father and if he was going to take care of me and baby, I said I don't know really... we spoke a bit more and then he said: I was waiting for you you know? I know you're pregnant but I love you still. I will resign and go to Costa Rica and take care of you :dohh: I asked him to relax and finish his contract, don't do anything crazy.

Since then he emails once in a while and the ship he's on will be in my country on the 7th ad they are crossing to go to Seattle and then Alaska. he emailed asking for my address so he could come and visit but i live like 2 hours away so the only way would be if I go see him. I asked if he didn't mind as I'm already showing and many of our friends in common are still on the ship, he said he doesn't care about anyone but me:cry:

Well I really don't know what to do. I feel like i want to see him and see if there is something still there, but on the other side i also feel like I would be taking advantage of him :cry: what do I do?? Am I being too selfish?

Oh wow that was longer than I thought :dohh: sorry about that girls i just had to get it off my chest :blush: I hope I you can understand everything that i wrote, english is not my language and I get all lost sometimes.

On a side note *clears throat* I'm officially on 2nd trimester!! yayyy!!:happydance:

Hope everything is going wonderful for all of you lovely ladies :happydance: have an awesome Monday:flower:
Cata - Welcome to 2nd tri, doesn't it feel great!

I think you should go and see your guy! You have been honest with him so I say go for it! I think you deserve this happiness!! xxx
Hi, Mrs. England. So glad to have you here. Congrats!

Cata-I say if you want to go, go. You can totally do whatever you want! I think you need to see if you have feelings for him. Believe it or not, some men truely don't care if your pregnant w someone else's baby. They are the rescue type. Thank goodness for those soft hearted few lol. Just don't take advantage of him or lead him on if you know you don't have feelings for him like that and I think you'll be good.

Off to the FINAL dr appt with the specialist. Then released to the OB next week. It's going to be so hard to leave that wonderful office :( I think the time is ready to move forward though! FX for a good scan today. I stopped my progesterone injections 3 days ago, nervous something will go wrong now!
i dunno if its because i am almost out of first tri but i really dont even feel pregnant. i have more energy and no nausea, and all in all i feel pretty great. i still have larger bbs and veiny, so i guess its just normal to feel this way? i have my 12 wk scan on friday and i am getting nervous i think because other than seeing baby on the screen i wouldnt feel pregnant :wacko:
Hey ladies,

Tense week for me too as I have my 12 week scan and follow up after surgery scans?
Dancing good luck with your scans!

Dahlia and Klein thanks for the advice! I got my Bounty pack with goodies in and the amount of stuff you can get for baby is crazy!

Klein good luck today!

Mrs England welcome!

Hi ladies, Just wanted to update on my scan last Friday, which unfortunately did not bring good news for me :( Baby was measuring perfectly and we saw s/he bouncing around on the screen. But the ultrasound tech left the room and came back with an OB who said that the nuchal translucency was significantly above average which could indicate a chromosomal abnormality or some other defect, like a heart problem. It could also mean nothing, but the odds are stacked against us at this point.

Needless to say, it was a tough weekend with DH and I going through a lot of emotions. I'm having a CVS done on Wednesday morning, which will provide some preliminary answers. Just trying to get through the next through days, it's going to be so hard!
Hi ladies, Just wanted to update on my scan last Friday, which unfortunately did not bring good news for me :( Baby was measuring perfectly and we saw s/he bouncing around on the screen. But the ultrasound tech left the room and came back with an OB who said that the nuchal translucency was significantly above average which could indicate a chromosomal abnormality or some other defect, like a heart problem. It could also mean nothing, but the odds are stacked against us at this point.

Needless to say, it was a tough weekend with DH and I going through a lot of emotions. I'm having a CVS done on Wednesday morning, which will provide some preliminary answers. Just trying to get through the next through days, it's going to be so hard!

Hugs! I'm so sorry that you are going through this stress! I hope there is nothing found in CVS and that your baby is perfect! Good luck for Wednesday! Keep us posted! x
Gwen- I am sorry the NT gave you this news. It's important to hold onto the fact that it could all mean nothing, as you said. And of course that's what we're all hoping for. I hope the CVS is all clear. :hugs:

Cata- I would give this man a visit, and see what happens when you get some face-time. You never know what it will bring.
I do have to ask how the babies dad actually expects to be a part of this babies life. If he does decide to, is that fair for his wife to still not know about it? I would have some initial rules if he were to ever b around your baby. And I don't mean to get to much into your business, but will you be putting the dad's name on the birth certificate?
oh and ps- you're not a bad person, we all learn from our mistakes. It's important to forgive yourself

AFM- 12 weeks today and feeling alright. DH and I finally DTD last night for the first time! lol. It was sensual, and I'm guessing that's because of all the hormones. But I didn't spot, like doc said might happen, so that's good. But afterward felt woozy. It's like the sex tossed my tummy too much, even though we took it easy. I felt like I might throw up. I begged DH to get me some grapes, even though he fell asleep, and he did : ) I felt a little better after eating.
Today I still feel a little yucky in the tummy, but maybe it's bloat. Tummy just feels full.
My due date had been bought forward to november 20th =)

Gwen- I'm so sorry about your scan i hope further tests bring good news.
Hi ladies, Just wanted to update on my scan last Friday, which unfortunately did not bring good news for me Baby was measuring perfectly and we saw s/he bouncing around on the screen. But the ultrasound tech left the room and came back with an OB who said that the nuchal translucency was significantly above average which could indicate a chromosomal abnormality or some other defect, like a heart problem. It could also mean nothing, but the odds are stacked against us at this point.

Needless to say, it was a tough weekend with DH and I going through a lot of emotions. I'm having a CVS done on Wednesday morning, which will provide some preliminary answers. Just trying to get through the next through days, it's going to be so hard!

Oh gosh I am so sorry to hear this, I hope the CVS brings some good news for you

Gwen-They said they same thing when I was pregnant with DD and she turned out perfectly normal. It caused me alot of worry. I didn't want to have one done this time but the nurse told me what a great excuse for another u/s it would be. I am having mine done Monday but if it shows something abnormal I don't think I will be as worried like I was last time. There is alot of room for error on that test and a huge cause for concern when there needn't be any if you ask me! Try to stay positive. I hope the blood test will help reassure you! Good luck!

Dahlia-So glad you DTD with success! I think it shakes things up a bit gas wise. We don't very often, we did last night and it sorta hurt. Not like in a vaginal way almost like my bladder was being probed! Not to pleasurable. Dh enjoyed it I suppose. Glad to keep him happy, I could totally do without!

Mrs. England-So glad your Due Date was moved forward. I wish mine would be!

12w1d Dr Update-
Baby measured 13w (man what do you have to do to get a due date change these days lol!)
HB 158
Progesterone is a 33. She said they are going to recheck me Monday and then hopefully I will be an official progesterone graduate.
So glad they are going the extra mile to ease my worry. They are AWESOME!
:happydance: Klein! Wish my due-date would move up by a week lol. I'd change the due-date myself, so that just means all you have to do is update your signature :rofl:
Dahlia, If I did that, I'd :blush:
I know it's early, but really dr's, change it and change it back if you have to!
How's everyone feeling these days?

Anyone have any upcoming scans?

Anyone having any new symptoms?

Anyone started shopping yet?

Who's showing

I'm showing and I really need to go buy some clothes. If I ever felt good enough to go I would! I'm so tired all the time and when I'm awake I'm so nauseated and blah feeling. YUCK. I thought it was going away but I was mistaken!
I've been having crazy dreams lately. Their so crazy their almost annoying!
I really want to go to Babies R Us in the next couple of weeks and look around. I'm starting to get excited!!! I told my mom that if the scan and levels are good on Monday then they can start telling people. My sister said she already knows exactly what the FB post will say lol!
Hey all

I have just come back from my dating and NT scan and it went really really well I was in there for about 45 mins as Jellybean would not stop wriggling he he.

I went in thinking i was 12+1 and they would put me back, however they put me forward to 12+3, baby is now due 10/11/12...also means i have to change my ticker lol.

For the NT screening i came back Low Risk, the NT measurement is 1.70 MM and my Risk is 1:8704 - If anyone could shed light on this that would be great

My next scan has been booked in for 18th June and i cannot wait

Here is a picture of Jellybean...anyone fancy taking a guess at the gender?

Lucy xx


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