November Rainbow Babies

Gwen-They said they same thing when I was pregnant with DD and she turned out perfectly normal. It caused me alot of worry. I didn't want to have one done this time but the nurse told me what a great excuse for another u/s it would be. I am having mine done Monday but if it shows something abnormal I don't think I will be as worried like I was last time. There is alot of room for error on that test and a huge cause for concern when there needn't be any if you ask me! Try to stay positive. I hope the blood test will help reassure you! Good luck!

Dahlia-So glad you DTD with success! I think it shakes things up a bit gas wise. We don't very often, we did last night and it sorta hurt. Not like in a vaginal way almost like my bladder was being probed! Not to pleasurable. Dh enjoyed it I suppose. Glad to keep him happy, I could totally do without!

Mrs. England-So glad your Due Date was moved forward. I wish mine would be!

12w1d Dr Update-
Baby measured 13w (man what do you have to do to get a due date change these days lol!)
HB 158
Progesterone is a 33. She said they are going to recheck me Monday and then hopefully I will be an official progesterone graduate.
So glad they are going the extra mile to ease my worry. They are AWESOME!

Klein, would you mind telling me more about your experience with DD? How big did her NT measure? I've heard so many good and bad outcomes to these situations, but always find it helpful to hear about others' experiences.

So glad that things are looking good for you and little bubs!
Fab pic Lucy! Glad it went well. I'm getting girl vibes from your picture!

I have my nuchal and dating scan tomorrow now! Argh! I'm going to listen to my bubs tonight on my Doppler.

Klein I am dying to go shopping! Hopefully if my scan goes well tomorrow I will start window shopping!

1 more sleep! Wish I could go to sleep now so that tomorrow will come faster.

Gwen when do you get the results?
Lucy-So glad everything went well :)

Gwen-I will try to tell you what I remember. It's all a fog now. It's been 8 years! I know I had abnormal bloodwork. I had the ultrasound that was 2.5 hrs away at our BIG hospital. I don't remember the details of the u/s other than they couldn't rule anything out and wanted me to have an amnio. I watched the video, out of niceness, I had decided NO AMNIO for me. My situation was different though. I was pregnant w my deceased hubby's only biological baby so I just couldn't take the chance of miscarriage, no matter how small it was.
I had several more u/s done. All with inconclusive results. They didn't give me a percentage or anything just info that they couldn't tell and to be sure I would have to have the amnio. Since I wasn't having it done they finally left it alone. I just had to trust that everything was ok and try to move on. It was very hard, mentally, emotionally. It's an awful place to be in.
DD was perfect. I swore I wouldn't have any tests done this time. It's just too stressful. I changed my mind though, just to get an extra ultrasound. If something comes back abnormal again, I'll just try to shake it off this go around. Knowing what happened last time should ease my mind about the room for error on those tests.
Try your best not to stress over it.:hugs:
so far lately i've been feeling great actually. good apetite no nausea and energy. hopefully that means everythings still going good down there :) i have a scan on friday to make sure. Im not showing one bit!
Dancingsheba-wish I felt as good as you! Good luck on your scan Friday!

Babyjo-I know I really want to start window shopping now too! I really want DH to go w me to look at some things. This is his first and he has no idea what all we have to have gear wise. It's alot to think about lol. There are so many options now too!

My SIL is nice enough to lend me some of her maternity shirts, YAY. She said she hopes my boobs will fit in them, I really hope they do! It's 6 shirts and that would help ALOT!
Lucy-So glad everything went well :)

Gwen-I will try to tell you what I remember. It's all a fog now. It's been 8 years! I know I had abnormal bloodwork. I had the ultrasound that was 2.5 hrs away at our BIG hospital. I don't remember the details of the u/s other than they couldn't rule anything out and wanted me to have an amnio. I watched the video, out of niceness, I had decided NO AMNIO for me. My situation was different though. I was pregnant w my deceased hubby's only biological baby so I just couldn't take the chance of miscarriage, no matter how small it was.
I had several more u/s done. All with inconclusive results. They didn't give me a percentage or anything just info that they couldn't tell and to be sure I would have to have the amnio. Since I wasn't having it done they finally left it alone. I just had to trust that everything was ok and try to move on. It was very hard, mentally, emotionally. It's an awful place to be in.
DD was perfect. I swore I wouldn't have any tests done this time. It's just too stressful. I changed my mind though, just to get an extra ultrasound. If something comes back abnormal again, I'll just try to shake it off this go around. Knowing what happened last time should ease my mind about the room for error on those tests.
Try your best not to stress over it.:hugs:

Thank you so much for taking the time to write all this. What a difficult time that must have been going through all that with a recently deceased husband. I am constantly amazed by the strength and resiliency of the women I come across on these boards!

Babyjo, I have the CVS tomorrow and will get preliminary results Friday.
Gwen, good luck with your results! How did the CVS go today? I hope it went well and you're not too sore. x

I had my scan today! I have a mean jumping bean! I was in two minds about going for Downs screening but OH wanted to know the odds. I also had blood tests done which i wasn't expecting. They will telephone by monday if there is a high risk of Downs. Dahlia were they the blood test you mentioned a while back? I am now 8 days ahead of my original EDD. Yay!

After todays scan I feel a lot more positive and confident. To see the amazement in OH eyes were worth a million £££s.

I will hopefully get another peak at my jumping bean tomorrow when i have scans done for my ovary with consultant to make sure nothings grown back.
Good night ladies
Babyjo, so glad your scan went well today and hoping you get some good blood results back on Monday!

I just wanted to update you all on my long morning today. I had a consultation with a genetic counselor at 7:15 am, which was very helpful. She answered all of our questions and helped us to understand a little bit better the various potential outcomes. At 8 am I had the CVS done. The dr. was great, very reputable and has been doing many of these procedures for a long time. I have to say that the procedure itself was not bad, and felt more like a long pap smear. The emotional stress of it and concern for the baby were definitely the worst part. So, I'm waiting for my results which should come back either tomorrow or Friday. Then the more complete results come back in another week. Feeling so nervous right now!

One thing that came up was that I asked the nurse who was doing the ultrasound to remeasure the NT and she agreed to although she said they do not usually do this. The 2 measurements she took were 2.3 and 2.9 which are significantly lower than the 5.1 measurement that I got on Friday although they are both on the high end of normal. The nurse also found the nasal bone and spent some time looking at baby's anatomy and seemed pleased. I realize this does not by any means mean that there is not a problem, but it gave me a little glimmer of hope to hold on to during this difficult time. Thanks for all of the support thus far ladies, it has helped me get through some dark moments. I will keep you all posted on the results when they get in. xoxo
Hey everyone, just popped in and seen some of the updates :)

Gwen I'm glad that the procedure went well, and that the remeasurement seems promising. I wish you all the best for your results :hugs:

I rang up the hospital and got them to book my 12 week scan over the phone. It's on Tues 15th May :) I will be 13 weeks which isn't too bad. Feeling scared as I have opted for the nuchal and blood test too.
Gwen-So glad they did a remeasure for you, that sounds much better. I'm really rethinking my scan now lol. It'll probably go just the same as last time and even though I know they often cause more concern than their worth, I'll probably still worry. Who know's what I'll decide :(
Maybe you'll get some peace of mind by today or tomorrow. I sure hope you do. The waiting is awful.

Babyjo-So glad everything went well w your scan! Good luck with ovary scan!

Has anyone felt any movement? Or probable movement lol?

I asked DH last night if he wanted to go to Babies R Us w me to window shop Monday after our DR appt and he said yes. I think he is going to be VERY overwhelmed at all of the items we need. I figure I need to go ahead and shock him, then he won't be so surprised when I am picking things up here and there :)

I was noticing I can feel the top of my uterus too! I always remember feeling for it w all of my pregnancies lol.

I had a bad dream last night, I haven't had one in a while now. Since I stopped my progesterone I've been a bit on edge this week. Hopefully I'll get more reassurance on Monday with my u/s and bloodwork. Anyways, I was trying on bridesmaids dresses for a friend of mine and I noticed I started bleeding. It totally sucked. Now I'm even more paranoid everytime I go to the bathroom!
Also dreamed I commited armed robbery lol!!! It was a crazy night of dreams for me!

Hope all is well with everyone!
klein i had a bad dream too last night i dreamt i wiped and there was alittle blood on the toilet paper. I kept wiping and it was still there. i guess i dreamed it because OH and i DTD last night so afterwards i was paranoid. Even though it was great :sex: and there was no spotting at all. Anyway I have my 12 week scan tomorrow and im kind of nervous!!
I had a bad dream to the night before my scan.....more of a nightmare actually. I went to the toilet and a football sized clot came out with the baby inside. Urgh! I hope that these "bloody" dreams never happen to us again! I guess it's our fears coming out!
I know those dreams/nightmare's are awful.

The show One Born Every Minute came on today with some new episodes. I love that show lol. There was a mom in labor that was sucking her thumb. DD was a thumb sucker so I can relate! Thank GOD she grew out of it.

I'm a photographer, I have BFF's who are also photographers. I am considering having one of them photograph the birth. Yes, like the whole thing lol. I am so amazed by birth photography. It's so heart felt. I know I'm probably alone with this idea but I thought I'd check to see if anyone else has thought about having a birth photographer at their delivery?
No Klein i think that is a great idea. I too love all of those birth shows! I would love to have it video recorded or photographed.

I've not felt any movement yet but I guess as a first time mum i will feel it later then some of you.
I had my first trimester genetic scan today. I was so scared because I had 3 separate episodes of spotting. One time was red blood!

This little bean was just flip flopping around have a good ol' time in there. The OB noticed a small space between the uterus and placenta. He said that I can expect some spotting and that there is nothing they can really do. He also said that most of the time all is fine and it usually resolves itself.

Also, they moved my EDD to the 16th instead of 22nd. Whatever that means. lol

Yay Gmans mom! So glad your scan went great and that's good info about your placenta.

I was laying in bed...just thinking about all of the things I can't wait to talk to my OB about. Here's my list...NOTE: NOT FOR THE FAINT AT HEART OR EASILY SCARED... ENEMA, STITCHES AND MORE ARE MENTIONED.

1. How many people are allowed back? I know 2 is the standard rule, but that room is really big and I think we can squeeze a few more in, what do you think :thumbup:
2. Can I have a photographer taking a gazillion pics? Yes, she might be in your way a bit but I think you can manage :haha:
3. I know I'm technically a 'normal' pregnant person, but I'm a bit worked up about this pregnancy. Can we get a calander, so I will know EXACTLY what will go on at each appointment, specifically u/s wise? I need to know how many out of pocket, extra scans I think I need :haha:
4. Can I get some of this miracle drug called Zofran everyone else seems to know about except for me? If it works, you need posters and visual aids for this stuff. I had no clue about it before!
5. So glad to be working with you again...since it's my 3rd delivery, do you think we can speed it up a bit, 22hrs and 17hrs of labor seems a bit slow to me lol. :coffee: I realize it's a marathon, not a sprint...but 17hrs...really? Just kidding, the family knows when they get 'the call' just get a good nights :sleep: and plan on coming tomorrow :haha:
6. By now, we both know I'm not a good pusher.:nope: I've totally came to terms with it. I'll just save myself the trouble and wait for you. When you get there, you pull and I push like normal. I'm so over pushing for several hours only to be told by a nurse...ok you can stop your not doing anything.:blush: Plus, it makes my face all swollen for AFTER pictures and I don't care to take home the hemorrhoid souvenir if I don't have to. :dohh:
7. I'd prefer to be 'cut' the same direction as last time, recovery was MUCH better that way. I've heard it makes a lot of difference for some, did you note that direction in my chart? :shrug: Oh! Yes, I'm remarried now. I will be adding my DH to the delivery room for the first time lol. Lets reassure him that everything goes back to the way things were, maybe have a nice chat with him in the hall and throw in a few stitches for good measure :haha:
8. I've never been offered an enema, can I get one please? :shrug: If not I can do one at home but I thought I'd ask you first! Not sure I'd like it but thought about giving it a try!
9. Assuming all goes well and I have a healthy baby, lets talk tube BURNING. What's the game plan for that?

Some may take offense to the post, not me lol the best thing I did for myself after my labor with my first child was point out to my OB that it was pure H-E-L-L the first go around. I was very honest and told him it was a miracle I even choose to have another child. He looked over my chart very carefully and to my shock he agreed. He made some VERY important adjustments and assured me it would be different. I totally trusted him. Second go round, even though it was a SLOW go, it was perfect. Nothing but great memories came from my second labor.
Don't ever be afraid to speak up and ask questions. It's the birth of your child, you want it to be as pleasurable beautiful as possible. If it's your second child don't be afraid to make changes to make your experience better than the first! It DOES NOT have to be the same!

Ok speech over...with all that said, my birth will probably end up in a c-section w no photographer and my lovely OB out of town for delivery....that's so my luck lol.:dohh:
Good news ladies! FISH results from CVS came back showing negative for Downs, Trisomy 13 and 18 and Turner's! Obviously I still need to be watched closely because that thickened NT never should have been there, but this is a step in the right direction! I'm just so happy and relieved now though and just trying to focus on that. Thanks for the support ladies, xoxo
lovely speech klein! haha some points made me laugh :haha:

gweny congrats on a great result on your tests! must be relieving :)

AFM my appt today was good but alittle disappointing as i thought i was going to get an ultrasound done so i brought OH with me. All they did was find the heartbeat on the doppler which was awesome, and then that was pretty much it lol. I decided to have the 1st trimester screening done which they said they will try to fit me in next week so at least i can have my ultrasound then :)
Gwen-YAY!!! So happy your results look good!

Dancing-That stinks you didn't get a scan today. I don't blame you for wanting a NT scan now. Hoping they get you an appt in time. We have to do what we have to do to get our reassuring scans! I don't blame you one bit :)

I sometimes think I feel some little movements going on in there. I'm not sure that's what it is though. I figure another week or so and I should be feeling things. Even though they say first time moms usually don't feel anything til later on, it depends on your body stature too. In the next month or so we should all be feeling some movements in there! So exciting :)

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