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November Rainbow Babies

blakesmom-so sorry about your test results. Hopefully the 3 hr test will send you passing. I haven't failed one yet but I do know several people who failed the 1hr and went on to pass the 3hr. FXed for you!!!

Sharon-So glad things are going well!

babyjo-Whoo hoo for special bump treatment while on vaca! Glad you had an awesome trip. When we went on vaca this year I kept on reminding everyone that we'd have a LO for our future trips. Fun to think about! It got them all excited. Meanwhile I was thinking...yea there will be some things we won't be doing next year so you better be enjoying lol.

Dahlia-I've had some not so baby dreams---some X rated dreams. Which is strange bc I'm not interested in that at all right now so I don't know what's causing them lol. I wake up and think--what the crap? I think I'd rather be having a nice baby dream : )
I hope DD has a great school year with a nice youthful teacher lol.

We had our 'natural birthing' class on Thursday night. It was good. I hope to avoid an induction this go round so maybe I can give the natural thing a go. I know if I do have an induction there is no way I can do it. My inductions are just too long and hard for it. Anyways, I hope it educated DH some. It really didn't touch on the things that I was hoping for. Episiotmy vs tearing, dilation, recovery etc. I was sort of hoping that would be thrown in there. DH has SOME sort of idea about all of that but I really wanted him to be shocked before we actually go in to delivery lol. When we went in to L&D earlier this week, we did get a room with a patient laboring naturally next door so at least he got to hear some of the moaning etc--haha.

Found out we can labor in the 'labor tub' at 37 weeks since this is considered 'term' I really want to deliver at 37 weeks. I am so miserable. I don't ever remember being this miserable with my other pregnancies. Back to the anymore kids after this one---NO WAY. I'M D-O-N-E. If I have to have a c-section I am considering having my tubes tied :)

UTI-is still causing me pain but no contractions. I just hope it clears up. I go back to the doc on Monday so maybe they will be able to tell me if the meds are working or not. I felt better when I was in the hospital...I don't know if it was the fluids or the iv meds I was getting but yesterday and today I've been in pain. The nurse seems to think that it's baby moving around on everything sore.

Hope everyone has a great weekend!!!
I survived!! I really hope I passed, should know early next week. My intervals got kind of messed up so I hope that doesn't affect anything. My first draw was at 1hour and almost 15 minutes after drinking the liquid, then the next was about an hour and 5 minutes later, and then the final was almost right at an hour (I was seated and the tourniquet was on when the timer went off)--only time will tell...
Hopefully that won't matter they were off just a bit! Hope you passed :) Good luck!!!
Blakes- I hope you pass! Shouldn't they have been more on top of the times, though?

babyjo- yeah I am totally jealous you live near Spain! What a great babymoon. Cherish those memories : )

Klein- We haven't DTD in a while. But I think I should suck it up and go for it. lol. I'm afraid it will be uncomfortable, like it was last time though.
I feel like a tear is much better. The majority of posts I have seen state that a tear healed better, even though it may have needed a stitch after. And speaking of DH being prepared, I have bookmarked 2 articles I want him to read, but I'm waiting until it's closer to delivery time to show him. That way it'll be more fresh in his memory. lol. Last time I was in labor, he was not much help, and I plan on having that change this time around.
What if you drank some pure cranberry juice? And extra water throughout the day.
Dahlia the phlebotomist was the only one working and it was busy as you can imagine being a Saturday morning. She got someone right @ 1 hour from me drinking the liquid and then turned 2 people away and so I was staring her down when she came out to get someone else--She tried to tell me it would be another 11 minutes. I hate speaking up but I had set my cell phone to go off an hour after I finished the lovely glucose drink, so when it went off I hit "snooze" and then it went off again so I knew it was well past my time. She went and checked her timer (THANKFULLY!) and realized it was counting up. Since she set it when I got up out of the lab area I'm sure it had gone off and then started counting up again--so I was 11 minutes past at that point. I was kind of flustered from arguing with her and my arm was flushed and blotchy--she then wanted to send me up to the urgent care to have them look at the "rash" as she thought I was having a reaction--Nope she just had me all worked up--luckily the redness went away so she left it at that...and was more timely with the last 2 draws.
Blakes- seems they were def overbooked. I would have been stressed out. Sorry about all that.

I had my midwife appointment today. I asked her about pain-relief options other than epi, and she said something that started with the letter "N,"... nubane? but I forgot. She also told me that about 30% of her patients will choose an epi.
My labor was 12 last time, and she said hopefully it's more around 4-8 this time.
She also said that a Shrinkx hip wrap would be good support for after the birth, especially with my pubic bone issues, not to mention the fact that I would like to try and shrink my hips anyways. lol. So I will get one of those, one way or another.

*edit- oh gawsh I forgot to mention my weight. Well, I actually decided to look at the scale today at the doctors office and could not believe what I saw. It was about 10 more pounds than I had expected...! wtf! I don't get it. So, thus far, I have gained 35 lbs if the scale was right. That's just crazy to me. And I don't really want to have to start watching what I eat, because right now I don't believe I eat terribly. However, the past two weeks I've felt I was eating more. Like some people say they can't eat a lot at this stage, but I still can eat! idk... how are you ladies in this area?
Missed my midwife appt on Friday so haven't been on the scale--I suppose I could use the one I have here, but its really my least favorite thing LOL. I still have a good appetite--I know my sis in law at this point wasn't very hungry and even lost a few pounds but she started her pregnancy heavy. I got a call yesterday that I failed the 3 hour glucose test so its on to gestational diabetes education for me. Have to meet with a nutritionist/dietician Thursday morning and then they couldn't get me in with a nurse educator until Oct 12th---WOW a whole month wait since I only have Thursdays and Fridays off and they don't do appointments on the weekends. By that point I will be about ready to pop---must not be THAT important...
Blakesmom sorry to hear you failed the test, but your right - if they aren't being overly urgent about it it musnt be that important!

Dahlia I haven't been on the scales but I too have been eating more this past week or 2.. ! xx
Blakesmom-So sorry you didn't pass. Like you said...must not be an urgent issue. That's good to know, must not be too bad.

Dahlia-I'm so miserably large. I've gained 20 lbs. I think it's all boobs and belly though. It's horrible. I don't know what or how to make myself more comfortable. I couldn't find a position to get in last night to help the kids with homework. Sitting upright...I can't breath well. Laying on my sides seems to be the best but that's hard to try to do homework! The weight of my boobs make my upper back/between my shoulder blades hurt. Then I hurt all the way down, on the left and right sides of my spine. It sucks. How am I ever going to make it to the end!!! Anyone else want to vent???

There's no way you've gained that much weight!?!?! You sure don't look like it!!!

Dr said fundal height is measuring a week ahead. Either lots of fluid or big baby I suppose. Head is still down. Come back in 2 weeks lol. That was it.
I'm starting B12 shots, 10 of them to go along with my iron iv's. Hopefully that'll give me some more energy!
dahlia- dont stress about the numbers. IMO whats right for your body is whats right for your body. Just remember that your babys whats most important not your waistline and you only have about 2 months to go anyway :)
Sorry your so uncomfortable klein :(
Blakemom I hope that you pass your 3 hr
Thanks for the feedback. I just couldn't believe it, and having two more months, that probably means another 8-10 lbs. We'll see next time if the scale was "right." ha

Blakes- oh man! Sorry you failed, but then again, they're not treating it like it's serious. I hope it won't be too hard for you to adjust. Did they tell you to change any eating habits in the meantime before your "education"?

Klein- You've been measuring a bit ahead this whole time, if I can recall. Hopefully that mean you'll pop one week earlier : )
I saw something online that was to put in between your boobs when you sleep, so your boobs don't pile on top of one another. lol.
I hope your shots can brighten up your day and give you some more pep. I've been feeling pretty sleepy lately, but that's also because school has started
I'm pretty sure the appointment on Thursday is going to be all about diet, and then the one next month they couldn't get me in sooner for is for actually monitoring daily blood sugar levels with a glucose monitor and logging it?? Seems like that would be the more important thing.
dahlia-yes, according to u/s baby has always measured about 5 days ahead. DH asked if we could have our days wrong. I laughed, as hard as we tried...I was writing everything down. I KNOW THE DAYS ARE CORRECT lol. I don't guess it matters too much but at this point 5 days is 5 days lol. I'll take anything I can get to be ahead. I hope your right and baby will come a week early or so. I've never went into labor on my own so I'm not really expecting that but boy, it'd be a welcome surprise though!

Anyone having showers soon? I'm getting really excited about mine. I just mailed the invites. It's on the 30th. I hope there's a good turn out. It's a couples shower so I don't really know what to expect. I just want it to be a laid back time for everyone to celebrate and have a good time. I'm not looking for anything formal. We are having it at a park pavilion. I put everyone's names on the outside of the envelope including kids. I'm not really expecting much...I can't really register for clothes. I registered for alot of baby gear but all that stuff is so expensive I don't see me getting any of it unless people go in together. I'll be happy with diapers and wipes though! I printed my own invites and I put diaper and wipe preferences at the bottom where we are registered. I've personally never seen that done but I always want to know so thought I'd be different and give it a try lol. We'll see if people pay attention. If not, off to Wal-mart for exchanges :)
My shower is this coming Tuesday - its just really a girly get together to celebrate my pregnancy - not expecting any flashy gifts! xx
Sharon-Same here, I really just want a good turn out so we can all see each other before the baby arrives :) Seems like we haven't had a family get together in a while. Hope to enjoy the socializing etc.

Do you know if you will be playing any games at your shower? My BFF is hosting mine and she has never even been to a baby shower. (How she's going to all of the one's shes been invited to I have NO IDEA lol) Anyway, she is planning on some games. I have just been at a few with games so I don't really know what to expect. She's having a good time planning and reading up on them though so I'm sure it's to be fab!

You'll have to let us know how it goes. Post some pics too if you can. SO much fun :)

Dahlia-I saw that boob thing lol. I think I'll just stick to shoving my pillow and sheet between them for the time being <----haha. I'm sure I look fab when I sleep these days.

Speaking of...anyone want to share what works for them sleeping now days?
I have a body pillow dividing the bed between me and DH. (ugh he seems to annoy me so much these days, even when he's asleep. He tries to take up all the room, the covers etc. lol) Then I shove another smaller pillow between my boobs, then a larger pillow on the other side of me. This way everytime I roll over I have a pillow supporting my belly and I throw my leg over it! I do notice my growing bump makes me almost sit up to throw myself over instead of a nice roll over motion that could be achieved a few weeks ago!
I have a body pillow dividing the bed between me and DH. (ugh he seems to annoy me so much these days, even when he's asleep. He tries to take up all the room, the covers etc. lol) Then I shove another smaller pillow between my boobs, then a larger pillow on the other side of me. This way everytime I roll over I have a pillow supporting my belly and I throw my leg over it! I do notice my growing bump makes me almost sit up to throw myself over instead of a nice roll over motion that could be achieved a few weeks ago!

That made me LOL:haha:
DH annoys me too. I forget what we argued about last night at bedtime. DH ended up leaving the room and sleeping on the couch. But I know it was the pettiest thing ever.
I feel like I want to be close to DH now, but he seems preoccupied/stresses due to work the past few days. It's one of those things that happens every few months, I've learned to just ride the wave, and then it'll be gone.
I plan on renting "What to expect when you're expecting" on DVD either tonight or tomorrow, so hopefully that will be a good stress release for the both of us!
I sleep on my side (obviously). For me, I've got 3 pillows. One for under the head, one for between my legs, and one that sorta goes across my belly (I guess you could say I "hug" it). It is an issue every time I need to flip over. It's hard work flipping this bump!
Last night I was up every 1.5-2 hrs to pee, blow my nose (allergies), put chapstick on, and sip some water. It was terrible.

I can't wait to see some shower pictures! So far, I gather it's Alandsa, Sharon, Klein, and Blakes for showers. Not sure if babyjo or Cata...?

I met a new mom today from DD's school- DD and her daughter have come to like one another. We had a nice time chatting during the school field-trip to the park/splash pad. Made me feel more hopeful about things.
Do you know if you will be playing any games at your shower? My BFF is hosting mine and she has never even been to a baby shower. (How she's going to all of the one's shes been invited to I have NO IDEA lol) Anyway, she is planning on some games. I have just been at a few with games so I don't really know what to expect. She's having a good time planning and reading up on them though so I'm sure it's to be fab!

My friend is in charge of games too, so not sure what she has planned! My mums doing food and I'm gonna bake some cupcakes or something. My friend also said shes got a new camera so she will do photos, so I'll be sure to post some! I haven't really thought of decorations - were doing the shower at my mums. I think I'll maybe just put pink & blue balloons up and hang some babygros on a string like a washing line!

I saw an activity where people were decorating their own babygros- I'd love my friends to do that for me so I was thinking of nipping to a craft shop and getting some fabric paints etc but then I thought it might be hard for people to think of ideas as I'm team yellow.. xxx
Sharon I think that would be a super fun idea for your shower despite being team yellow!! There are lots of cute things that would work for either gender---I love Mommy, I love Daddy, etc

My shower is Oct 14th--wish I would have done it sooner as that only give 6 weeks until my due date--wasn't thinking how big I will be by that point LOL

Klein--I think that is a great idea for diaper/wipe preferences on the invites. I registered for a few boxes of "pampers" on the 1 registry I have done so far so people could know brand preference, but it would be a lot easier for those that don't shop the registry list to know (and also a GREAT hint that those two items would be GREAT to receive!!)

I also totally agree with the difficulty of rolling over these days. I tried to do a "quick flip" the other night and thought I pulled a belly muscle trying to do it--ouch!!

I'm going to do a 2nd registry @ babies r us this weekend and might look into getting a body pillow if they aren't too expensive. I've been using my sheets/comforter more like a belly pillow than as actual covers lately.
Blakesmom-Yea, I wish I would of been able to have mine sooner too. I'll be 34 weeks as well. That's pretty big for a shower lol. Last pregnancy I had the shower at 28 weeks. Too me that was a little early but apparently it was the only time they could rent the building we had it in. I looked great and felt great then. I'll be huge and even more miserable now this time! Oh well. At least I'm getting one, I'm happy :)

Sharon-We're team yellow too. Our decorations are minimal, or at least what I've seen is. We've got to finalize a cake still. Other than that I think they've got it under control. I think you'll have plenty of ideas for decorating those for the shower. You may try googling some ideas too. I'm not the creative one when it comes to things like that!

Dahlia-It's nice when they meet friends. It's even better when you like their mom lol. Makes things easy!

So sorry DH slept on the couch. If it was me...I would of been so excited lol and took up the whole bed to myself! HAHA, I'm so awful! Like you said, just ride it out. It'll be better when he's not stressed.

I was watching Baby Story today and the lady had a forceps delivery. 9lbs 3oz. Baby was facing up (forgot what that's called). She had a really rough time and so did the doc getting the baby out. Of course it didn't show graphic parts BUT it did show how hard that dang doctor was pulling on the forceps! Ew it makes me cringe!
DD was facing what I call sunny side up too and she was a forceps delivery. She was only 7lbs 2 oz though so maybe that's why it wasn't as difficult for me to have her. Even with the forceps it didn't look like that ladies delivery. I feel really bad for her. A week out when they did the interview, she said she was still sitting on a boppy etc. Eh, reminded me of all of that. I couldn't WALK after I had DS properly for atleast 2 weeks. Recovery was better with DD. Just reminded me of how 'bad' it can be :( Makes me nervous! It's been so long you ALMOST forget lol.

I haven't even thought about car seats in the car! We still have so much to get. We're waiting to see what things we get at our shower first, then we'll have to fill in the gaps. Our friend and my mom are going in together to get the carseat/stroller though. So that's one less thing to worry about. I've got a list of what all we need.

I went in the nursery last night and looked around. Been so busy I haven't been doing much in there these days. I guess it's almost ready. I need to put a curtain up. It's pretty simple since the walls are so busy. Anyway, I relaxed and sat in the glider rocking for a bit taking it all in lol. Wondering if I'm carrying a little boy or a girl. (I suspect boy but I could be totally wrong!) It's getting so exciting!

OT but DH will be working an outage at work and be on night shift starting OCT 20th. Working 12 hour shifts possibly 6-7 days a week. He's going to take off 5-7 days when I have the baby but that schedule is going to stink! I'm not going to have a lot of help. Glad he's working and getting a paycheck though so trying to be thankful for that! I hope the kids will step in and help me out.
Sharon I think that would be a super fun idea for your shower despite being team yellow!! There are lots of cute things that would work for either gender---I love Mommy, I love Daddy, etc

My shower is Oct 14th--wish I would have done it sooner as that only give 6 weeks until my due date--wasn't thinking how big I will be by that point LOL

Thanks - I went ahead and ordered some fabric paint pen things from ebay, so hopefully people will get involved!

It will be just over 6 weeks from my due date on Tues when I have my shower. I'm feeling okay about it, just as I'm having it in my hometown its about a 3 hour drive and I'm really not looking forward to that part! I am sure it will be worth it to see all of my friends though.

Thought I would share some pics of our completed nursery :flower:


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