November Rainbows 2016

I hope that we all get nice straightforward births whether they are C-sections or not. Lovely, healthy babies and minimal hospital stays. I absolutely hate the idea of having to stay in hospital for more than one night after birth but I know it's not something I'll necessarily ever get a say in. Last year after my ectopic surgery was the first time I ever had to stay in a hospital and honestly I couldn't wait to be outta there. I can't imagine I'll feel any differently next month! Being home makes recovery so much easier!

I'm sure the back pain is nothing to worry about, lilesmom, but if you are worried you should get it checked out. Even if you only phone the maternity assessment line and see what they say. Always better to be safe than sorry!
That's great he is coming home to you xx
U hve him home for the weekend then too

I could ring hosp .
But I know they prob say come in if worried
Its too far away
Cos its prob nothing.
I'll be fine once Simon is home to distract me
I dreaded the hosp stay first time round lynanne
I ended up in 8 nights.
It was fine
The idea of it was much worse than the reality
I get super anxious in unfamiliar places with people I don't know so the idea of being achy and sore in hospital, without DH and with a new baby for nights on end is my idea of hell! I'm sure I'll manage if I do have to stay but I'm keeping absolutely everything crossed for the most straightforward of labours and deliveries so I can be out of there as quickly as possible.
That's exactly why I'm still holding out for a normal birth. I hate the hospital stay. I find I recover quicker in my own house. I was in for a week before I had Aurora and then four days after and I hated every second. Although it was easier once I had her as I had her to focus on. If a need a section though then so be it, I'm not stressing over it anymore. Fingers crossed we all get the deliveries we want!
Hope we all get home super fast with healthy bubs this time xxx
Definitely a more money than sense thing going on :dohh:

Maryanne how are you feeling any more plug?

Lilesmom how's the back?

Lynanne I think we are all worried about hospital stays :flower:

So scan and appointment went well this morning she is still about 5-6 days behind so still no earlier than 38 weeks they told me today they could do 39 weeks if all is still well hell no I want this little lady out asap :haha:
Glad it all went well. Does 5-6 days much of a difference at this point? Does it mean you will have to wait till 39 weeks? I don't blame you for wanting her out, I feel the same way. Once I've passed 37 weeks baby can come when ever he is ready.

No more plug, it all came out in one go. But no contractions, no waters breaking so I'm feeling a little more relaxed now. Gotta go for my weekly monitoring tomorrow so they will check my cervix then to make sure I'm not dilating.
Glad she is staying on same growth curve hon
That's great.
But I totally understand.
Would be very tempted by out at 38 weeks here too :)

Maryanne glad its settled xx
Fingers crossed stays that way for awhile.

Back is still sore
But not in waves so I'm thinking its more normal back pain then
The other pain wasn't normal
But seems gone :)
No it will still be 38 weeks but can be any time in the 38 weeks just wanted it earlier lol
Ah I see.
I thought it was choice between week 38 or 39.
I've been told somewhere in week 39
But gonna try asking for 38 6 days.
See what they say
If cholestatsis comes back it might be sooner.
But I don't think it be sooner than 38 even then
Wow though that's only 6 weeks

Just said to Oh I don't think she is gonna stay put till 39 weeks
She us doing weird stuff today.
Much more pressure than I ever felt with simon
Even at 39 weeks
I literally have no idea when our little man is coming. Hoping for answers Tuesday. OC is well controlled so they won't bring him early because of that unless my levels start rising, blood thinners aren't an issue they just won't let me go overdue, and if he stays breech the earliest they will do a c section is 39 weeks. So I'm guessing as long as his growth has slowed down and that belly measurement is smaller that he won't be coming earlier than that. Unless he chooses to come early of course. Our hospital has so many new rules now about not inducing before 39 weeks unless it is an emergency. It's crazy because when I was having Aurora they kept nagging to induce me from 37 weeks. All I want is some clear answers on how he's coming and then I can plan things. Im a really organised person, not knowing is driving me insane.

The pressure is awful lilesmom, I've had it this pregnancy and last. Worst is when I sit down on the toilet, I feel like he's right there. Didn't have it on my first though. It's worse this time than last time. But it can't be his head as he's the wrong way up.

Glad they aren't moving it later lucusmum :)
Here if oc no matter how mild they don't like u going too far over 38 weeks
That was with Simon
Might be different now
They r always changing their rules.
She seemed pretty firm section be after 39 weeks last visot
But I'm hoping a day before might be swingable
Just to hve 4 weeks recovery before Xmas :)

Yeah peeing hurts.
Its a mix of spd with the extra pressure I think.
Why she feels the need to burrow down so early I do not know

Legs still mildly itchy
Looking forward to liver blood results on tues
Still hoping its allergies to the baby clothes I washed in our machine
But sneaky suspicion its liver
Fingers crossed though
I have the pressure as well feels like she is going to fall out :haha:

I thought she was head down but she's not head is in my side they weren't concerned though so I'm not worried still reluctant to buy any more clothes for now as I've not a clue how big she will be I was expecting elephant but I think she will be smaller than Lucas he was 8.9 :wacko: I really wish all these measurements were spot on and reliable
On line shopping is dangerous using a credit card is even worse £400 in about 30 seconds all gone :wacko: I do have a changing bag some bottles a breast pump and a new dyson all coming Monday though :haha: OH has been given a steriliser just need to pay a few ££ postage and we are off out later to buy the matteress shall have to use real money for that as I think my credit card has just gone into hibernation :haha::haha:

But I'm getting a bit organised :happydance: we decided not to get any more clothes she does need more vests and sleep suits but my baby shower is in two weeks so may get some bits then and as we don't know what size she is we have decided to put money aside for OH's mum and when we know at birth she can go grab the size we need :flower:

So apart from cot sheets which I might convince OH to buy today :haha: I think we have all we need at home just to stock up on nappies and wipes and that sort of thing :flower:
I'm banned from online shopping :rofl: it's so easy to buy too much. Bet it's nice to be all sorted though. I've been out for a few bits this morning. Bought a teeny little Halloween onesie just incase he arrives by Halloween and bought some little ready made formula bottles. I struggled with my milk supply and latch straight after birth last time and baby's blood sugars kept dropping so they were a godsend last time. Not expecting the same issues this time as I still have a good supply, been pumping even though aurora has weaned but I wanted them just incase.

Of to the hospital for weekly monitoring in a bit. He's been active today though so doubt I'm going to be on the monitors long.
Think my little mouse is switching between head properly down and head squishing my left ovary :)
She is much more trouble some than simes was inside :)
Lets hope it doesn't continue coming out
Hee hee.

Id love to just buy rest of stuff and be done
I'm jealous
I'm feeling the pinch of my newer car!!
Bills all came in last few weeks too
Even oil ran out
Soon hopefully.

I realised I used the bag on wheels I was gonna use for hosp to bring in turf when preg last winter
So gonna borrow one from my sis on Monday
But lots of the stuff in going to hve to pack later
I don't hve enough spare clothes to fully pack now :)

Will see what bub stuff she has for me then too hopefully

We r ok for clothes after my sil s last visit :)

My boobs leaking a good bit now.
My back and boobs feel like I really want to pump them
Yucky feeling this early.
All these things ik half thinking she is getting ready
But I know they could just keep going for weeks

Took paracetamol tonight for my hips.
They hurt a lot more yest and today
First time I had to resort to pain killers.

I'm a moany mrytle tonight.

Oh apology is under way today.
He has spent the whole day making me desk and shelves
He never verbally apologises
Usually by action though.
We each hve a room downstairs for our stuff
Mine taken over mostly by kids stuff
But he is building me a,wall of shelves
So I can finally get totally organised :)

Happy weekend ladies xx
Don't worry I'm in a moany mood too. It must be one of those days. Hope your hips feel better by tomorrow.

Check up went ok. Got fitted in for a quick growth scan as belly was measuring way above the usual curve. I'm always above but it's increased more than normal. Little high on water but not too high but baby is measuring 7lbs9. Which means 10lbs9 at term. So yea I'm praying that scan is wrong. Getting an extra one now in two weeks to check. But I'm actually thinking a section might be best if he really is that big. I was 11lbs2 born and my mother said she was never the same again. I'm not even keen to try if his growth doesn't slow down :/
OH refused to buy sheets he said I have spent way to much money this month I may have also got Lucas an iPad for Christmas last week :blush: beans or spaghetti on toast for us until payday :wacko: he also flatly refused to take us out for lunch :haha: I'm also not allowed a new hospital bag said I can make do with a tesco bag for life or failing that one of our small hand luggage cases such a meanie :haha:

I feel slightly more organised though and with less than two weeks at work I feel better that we may actually be ready once work is done I can rearrange our bedroom to fit the cot so we can build that once it's done :flower:

Feel really rough today though think I may have a kidney infection they sent a sample to the lab yesterday but I have all the right pains :cry:

Lilesmom I've had to take paracetamol a fair bit for hip and back pain I know it's safe but I still don't like it

Maryanne that's seems big but these things are never accurate this one was weighing in at approx 3.8 yesterday which if you google is the higher end of average yet all her measurements were behind so where the heck is she hiding the extra weight :shrug: makes little sense to me
Aurora would have been 9lbs if she had gone to term and that seemed huge, I was glad she came early as it was hard enough getting her out. Hoping if it's correct that he just does the same and comes early. They just keep on about his belly measurements though, that they are very big and now they want the GD test repeated. I don't understand though as I've had it done 4 times. 3 borderline results and 1 negative result. So I'm just going to do it and not stress. Hopefully my body will do the same as it did with my last and bring him early before he gets too big.

Awww that's great that your almost all done. ive been starting on xmas too. Pretty much bought all of Henry and Auroras things now. Just Zack and DH to sort out. Zacks easy though as he wants another Xbox so he can have one in his room and practice for his gaming championship things he does. I've given up fighting against it now, especially as DH is like the proudest dad in the world over it. I don't see the thrill in gaming myself but each to their own I guess.

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