November Rainbows 2016

Yeah sometimes it does feel a bit unreal
But be real enough soon ladies :)
Hee hee.
6 weeks + left now
Must start getting myself sorted too.
Gotten uber lazy about it.

Ur break sounds nice Lucas mom.
But busy :)
I've seen some people say they get the epidural sited
With no meds if high risk.
But if its the siting that terrifies u
That's not much good
They cant force u.
All medical intervention is with permission only
But if u needed c section
Hopefully not.
Would u get one or go general anaesthetic?

Maryanne next week will come in fast for u xx
Sorry ur dumb dr wasn't there for u xxx

Lynanne how u doin xx
Just wrote my birth plan
It's pretty short .
Section cuts a lot of it out :)

Bub is 4.5 pounds now :)
That's me just packed my hospital bag. I feel like I'm missing something but equally feel as though I've packed for just about every eventuality! We went to the shops last night so I could pick up the last few bits and pieces, including very mature Disney and Harry Potter nighties for wearing during labour :haha: To be fair they were the only dark coloured ones that I could see and something tells me labour is going to be messy! :haha:

I haven't even begun to think about my birth plan yet. To be fair, I sort of want to see how it goes like if I can just manage on gas and air then fine but if I need more pain relief I'll take it etc. To be honest, I just want me and my little monkey to be fine and healthy so will do whatever it takes. I mean a pain free, intervention free, quick and simple birth would be lovely but I don't think that's really how it works!
If I end up needing a section (think I may need sectioning soon :haha:) And it's not to late then I will have the epidural if it's to late then they will have to knock me out I don't really want that either my body does not cope well with anaesthetics takes me days to come round properly :wacko:

My little niece was born this morning at some point by c section a week early and weighing 6lb something that's the extent of the details I got from OH can't wait to meet the little dot :cloud9:
I packed baby's hosp bag :)
So cute :)
Feel good to hve hers done anyway.

My stuff buried in a heap cos oh still making the shelves
And varnishing them
I'll get mine mostly packed once he is done :)
Feel good to be properly prepared.

My plan just says skin to skin, I'm bf and dad there as much as possible.
Anything else can take care of its self
Since pain relief etc already decided :)

Hope u avoid ur epi and section Lucas mom.
Funny to be planning mine
But I understand why people want to avoid it.
I wanted to avoid it last time.
Wish I had demanded it now though.
But every case is different xx
Congrats on your niece lucusmum! Hope mum and baby are well!!

Lynanne in the same as you in regards to my personal birth plan. First time I had a fully natural birth, not even any gas and air, where as last time I was begging for e wry thing they could give me. Didn't have time to have anything but I bloody needed it. I have to have a birth plan from the doctors in regards to my medication and previous history but in my personal birth plan I've just written that I want to breastfeed after, skin to skin the minute baby is out and should I have to go straight to theatre again my DH will do skin to skin instead as he did with dd. Same if I have a c section, DH will do the skin to skin. If I deliver naturally then what ever it takes to bring baby safely into the world then do it. And don't worry I have lion king pj's for after I give birth haha.

Awww that's nice you got the bag packed lilesmom. I loved packing babies things.

Having some weird twinges/shooting pains in my cervix today. Not too painful but enough to make me say ouch. It's not baby kicking, it's hard to explain. Anyone else had these?
Think its what others on here call lightening crotch.
Happens me more when bub is putting on pressure downwards.

Lucas mom sorry forgot to say congrats on ur niece.
I was caught up on baby prep here xxx
It's horrible. I can honestly say I've never had it before. It totally stops me in my tracks. Glad it's normal though :)
If ur worried or its very bad maybe ring ur mw.
But it sounds like it to me.
Very sharp but brief pain down through ur crotch
That's what mine feels like anyway.
Mines in my cervix. I was worried so I just gave triage a ring and they said its most likely my cervix getting ready which can start weeks before delivery in some ladies. It's normal to feel twinges when it starts to move forward from being posterior and starts to thin out. Because mine tore when I had aurora and was repaired she said it could be a little more uncomfortable for me but still shouldn't be overly painful. But yea she said its a good thing that my body is starting to prepare. Feel a million times more relaxed now. It's always scary when something new happens.
All that is in my birth plan is that I would like to stay mobile for as long as possible, want it to be as natural as possible although I'm open to any medication/intervention/c-section should it be required, I want skin to skin as soon as he is delivered and if I can't then I want DH to have it instead. I think I want the injection for the placenta and I want baby to be given VitK. I plan on formula feeding so I guess I should put that somewhere too. I think that's it.

Yeah I've got a nightie for labour that says "Never grow up (it's a trap)" and a back up one that says "I Solemnly Swear I Am Up To No Good". VERY MATURE. I've also got a HP t-shirt as part of my pjs for after and HP flip flops too! :haha: I'm going to look like a nutter! They were all Primark buys though so super cheap and I don't mind if they get wrecked and need thrown away!
Glad that the pain in your cervix doesn't seem to be anything to worry about, Maryanne, especially with what happened with Aurora's birth. Good thing you checked though. I've been feeling a lot more achy in my pelvis the last few days so I'm hoping that's just my little guy sliding down a little further. Totally going to start trying everything to get him in the best position to come out now that I'm almost full term!
Do you have a birthing ball Lynanne? They are amazing! I had aurora the night before I was due to be induced and as I was desperate not to be induced I asked the midwife what I could do to help. She said walk and then walk some more and get on a birthing ball. And I worked. My cervix was deemed non favourable just a few hours before but it got things moving for me.

I'm glad I phoned. I actually feel better knowing my body is doing as it should and starting to get ready.
I do have one but I haven't really used it yet. Should I start now? Don't want to get the ball rolling too quickly but at the same time it's not as though I want to hang around to 40 weeks before I start trying to encourage him out!
Yea it's safe from 34 weeks it says in my hospital notes. It just helps baby to move down and engage ready. I used mine in labour too and it did help early on.
Fantastic. I'll dig it out tonight and get going on it!!
Here's a great link on how to use them if your not sure :)
Appointment went really well he doesn't want me to have anything I don't want and has put in my notes only if I ask do not offer the epidural so pleased with that.

As for my birth plan I haven't one and didn't with Lucas either nor am I planning on one but if I was it was it would be a little like this
Turn up at allocated day and time for induction
Be induced
3-5 hours of labour then poof baby is here
Stay the required 24 hours without a midwife/nurse/doctor getting in my way unless absolutely necessary the only person I will allow to see me is the diabetic team as they will need to to make major insulin adjustments and I quite like them
Go home
Not be bothered at home by useless health visitors

Some how I don't think they would like my birth plan much I remember the look of disgust last time round when they asked for a birth plan and I said I haven't one :haha:
I had one last time.
I got nothing I wanted
And everything I didn't want ,:)
Which is why mine is very minimal this time round
Plans r often thrown out the window by circumstance

Glad your meeting went well xxx
My ideal would be ,
Be in labour at home
But think its not established labour.
Hve a bath.
Baby slips out while oh minds Simon.
We call ambulance get checked out
Stay a night
All perfect and go home
But that's more a pipe dream than a plan
Hee hee

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