November Rainbows 2016

Now now ladies play nicely but I do have to agree with Joshy Batch playing for the devils I'm gonna have to cheer for them he is after all one of our own coming up through the same academy Lucas is in and is one of the boys fave players in the UK :haha:
I've no clue who these teams are
Will I hope for a draw :)

Henry teasing his momma

Little missy isn't budging anytime soon
All the things I thought were gearing up
Must hve been uti
Cos they r pretty much gone after few days of antibiotic
I'm wiped today
But not sick.
Little man home with me and he is being brilliant
Gonna call up to my home now to say hey to nana and granda
Midterm week after next,
I'm gonna be wrecked .
Am used to my playschool breaks :)

It was two days after the jab my arm got sore lynanne
Was grand after flu one
But whooping cough one went bananas
Simes had his flu shot today
Cried but forgot it very fast
Did they give Simon the injection or nasel spray? Lucas has his at school but not till December I came home from work a while back with him and OH grossing out about him getting the flu injection in his nose :dohh: idiots lol
I didn't even know nasal existed
But he prob go bananas for that too
Injection was very fast.
He was grand again in no time.
Gone off to school happy out again today.
That's handy ye get them in school
We hve to go to Drs to get them.
Nhs is always ahead of hse :)
Nearly 34 weeks.
Whoop whoop.
I always thought once I get to 35 its nearly baby time :)
Still waiting for my taxback
Hoping to get a teeny bit extra
I want another massage before baby gets here :)
Might not happen though .
But I can wish :)
Maryanne ur quiet
Wonder is henry making an appearance!!
No such luck!!! Been in triage for hours. Still 2cm and strong contractions every five minutes but the arent dilating me anymore. They are classing it as slow labour but apparently some ladies stay like this for weeks!!! Not happy. I'm off home now to do all I can to get baby out. Might even jump DH, be a nice surprise for him with 9 months of nada :rofl: But on a more serious note I hope it doesn't take weeks. I really am in so much pain and until I get to 3cm no one will do anything.

Hope everyone else is well?

Can't believe we are all so far in now lilesmom!

And how are you feeling after watching your team lose Lynanne? Haha
Ah no
Hope things progress a bit more for u hon xxx
With your history it prob wont be weeks surely
I'll keep my fingers crossed for xx
Is he head down now?
Hope so xx
If he went head down he prob speed things up himself.
No he's transverse but he has turned a little more. So it will be a section should I go into labour now but they won't intervene till I hit 3cm at the very earliest. Just achey and fed up now. So today it's pinapple, hot curry, birthing ball and star jumps haha.

All ok with you? How's your little man?
Hope its soon for u hon xx
Maybe henry heard u wanted to avoid section :)
Turn henry turn
If he turned it would prob kick things off for u from the extra pressure
Hope so.

I'm good thanks.
Had nice day with Simon yest.
Miss him today .
He seemed a little reluctant going on bus this morn
Very unlike him.
So then I'm not happy for the day
And he is most likely fine :)

Hve a funny feeling in my head
Want a scan again
I've no real reason for being antsy.
Just getting nervous for no reason again
Been awhile since I was nervous.
He's turned a fair bit in a few days so fingers crossed its the start of a head down baby.

Will you get another scan now??
I thought hosp would bring me back for my 34 week app
But they said go to gp
And back to them at 36.
I'll get mini scan then
But no more growth scans unless something goes haywire :)
To be honest I've had far less hosp app than I had with Simon
But I think its possibly cos I transferred from the high risk clinic
But I'm still supposed to be high risk
She is kicking away mad at the mo
So I'm not too bad
She is very patchy in her movements
Can go a good stretch with nothing
But then goes mad for a bit
Last hosp app was super rushed as well
But if something was wrong they still should hve picked it up
U would hope.

That's great that henry has turned even more
He could turn in seconds if it occurs to him :)
U still getting contractions?
Henry's movements are like that lilesmom. We can go 6+ hours with nothing and then he goes mad. Aurora was very different though and moved very regularly.

Im sure all is ok. It is worrying though when there's a long wait between appointments. There's two weeks between each of mine and I find that bad enough and start worrying. I totally understand how you feel. I've paid for so many private scans out of worry.

Yep. They aren't super painful but still there. Would like them to stop for a little bit now as my tummy is so achey from two days of it. Still at very most I only have 3 weeks left.
Thanks hon.
I know babies need sleep too.
I think its prob cos I'm approaching the finish line.
Its another danger zone for me
Early preg I'm afraid of mc
Late preg it would seem I get nervous too
After simon
I'm worrying when she us quiet cos Simons stroke could hve been in utero
Its most likely it wasn't
That it was during birth or after
But they don't know really.
I've said it, hopefully admitting it,
Will diminish it.
I'm half afraid we wont ever hve uncomplicated preg and birth.
So far 5 times out of 6 haven't been
But I know for now I'm lucky things seem fine
I'm just half afraid a bomb is going to drop on us again

Sorry verbal diarrhoea :)
I feel a little better admitting it.

Hope u get a rest hon.
U be exhausted from that xxx
If you ever need to talk Hun feel free to message me. It's good to get your feelings out. I'm sure all will be fine. I know how scared you must feel. Zacks problems were caused to lack of oxygen during birth which caused brain damage, he was so ill after. I literally was a nervous wreck before last birth. I was totally convinced after what happened with Zack, the losses and losing Tabitha that we wouldn't be bringing baby home. But although there were complications that affected me Aurora was ok. I found it hard to believe something wouldn't go wrong though. I think it's 100% normal to be anxious.
Thanks hon xxx
I know my fears r rooted in my past stuff rather than this preg.
Just hve to make myself believe that fully :)
Thanks a mil for understanding though.
Hope both u and henry hve the best birth this time.
U more than deserve it xxx
I cant stop eating today!!!
Somebody please make me stop
I'm no sooner done eating something but I'm wondering what's next!!!
Jealous! I'm struggling to eat still. Few mouthfuls and I'm full and then get terrible heartburn which sucks. This point in pregnancy is where I should be able to eat lots and make a pig of myself :(

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