Maryanne, I'm not talking to you now after that score on Wednesday night. I don't think we can be friends any longer! Just kidding, we played so poorly and the Devils were just so much better. Still, at least it wasn't a shut out and we managed two goals.
How are you feeling today? I'm with Lucasmum, I wish I could make you all feel better about your fears with birth after you and lilesmom's experiences. All my issues were in first tri and being a FTM I have nothing to compare labour to so I'm no good at quelling anyone's fears!
Lilesmom, it's rubbish when plans fall through and you end up feeling neglected. That happens to me sometimes - or I find out that my family have made an effort to see each other and quietly forgotten about me! They don't mean to or mean anything by doing so though so I don't let it get to me too much!
Sounds like your in need of a rest, Lucasmum! It'll be a well deserved one too. I'm not enjoying the nausea like first tri that seems to have creeped back in a bit, especially as I seem to be hungry a lot of the time and battling heartburn too!
Was at DH's cousin's wedding yesterday which was lovely but has left me feeling exhausted. My sister did my hair and makeup in the morning so I didn't have to which was nice and the actual day was lovely. We only managed to stay until about 8:45 as I was too tired and wanted to go home but everyone totally understood. It was weird to think that the next time I see most of those people it will be to visit us and our new baby!
Woke up this morning feeling achy. My pelvis really hurt as I tried to roll over to get out of bed, my back aches and I felt a little nauseated. Then I noticed some light cramping. I know it could easily be weeks but I like to think it's my body just getting the early preparations under way! Makes dealing with the discomfort a little easier that way!