November Rainbows 2016

I've got some music on to bounce along to while I look for Christmas presents. The dog is sitting under the table watching me. I think she thinks I have finally lost it! I should probably have curry sometime and see if that gets him moving. Willing to try most things if it means that I don't have to be induced.
Would you ladies think any less of me if I gave birth in prison? I'm seriously close to murder OH works "so hard" during the day he in his words "doesn't stop" so far to day he woke at 1100 and has spent the last 2 hours playing the Xbox :wacko: yet when I go out to work I leave at 0730 get in about 1800 clear his crap up from the day empty the washing machine he was far to busy to do and cook dinner :dohh: I don't think I will last a week with him being at home never mind 9 months :haha:
Ha ha.
I'll join u in prison
Oh got all shitty last night
Cos I let Simon sleep in between us
When simes is sick its the only place he will settle.
Usually he sleeps in 3 sided cot to my right .
So whenever he moves I wake.
Apparently its fine for me to hve broken sleep every night
But not oh for one night!!
Got all huffy, went to sleep on couch
Slamming doors on his way.
Even though it took me yonks to get simes to sleep.
More room in bed for us.
I used to wake him to come to bed before too Lynanne
Now I'm happy for the space.

Dr have steroids for simon
But won't give me anything
Says its all part of late preg
And do I realise I'm nearly 36 weeks.
Gosh no, I'm not counting at all
Just skipping along.
Getting contraction in my back
But not enough that they r real.
So looks like ill hve to struggle for next few weeks.
She thinks it coincidence that they stopped when I was on antibiotic
And came back when off it.
Bit weird.

Maryanne u do sound safer where u r xx
Hope ur new consultant is better xxx

Still laughing at ur skin Lucas mom
I'm not trying anything till 37 weeks
Then I think ill start pumping
See if it does anything :)
I shall put a request in for you as a cell mate :rofl:

I hate it when I say something and people reply with the well you nearly due you know, am i, I never noticed :growlmad:

Glad Simon has something to make him better :cloud9:

OH wouldn't let me under the bed and I can't move the matteress myself he said no point as he will have to do it again in a few days which is true but besides the point so I've been through all our drawers chucking out some under wear that has most definitely seen better days and stuff like that found pj's buried in Lucas' drawers aged 4-5 I think I have a bit of a problem throwing out clothes :haha: all gone now though
Prison sounds like fun compared to my house! Count me in too! Remember I said I missed them all, I've changed my mind. Aurora left chocolate buttons on the sofa, which I sat on, then when I stood up I had that horrible moment of have I poo'd myself, Zack has barely said a word to me all day as he's practising making gaming videos and then DH comes home and straight away asks does Zack want to play Xbox with him. Grrrr heads are going to roll. I shouted out them both, stormed out the kitchen slamming the door on my way and am now sat at the kitchen table waiting for an apology lol.

Lynanne I don't think it hurts to try. The only thing I've ever found that worked for me was walking and birthing ball but I've tried everything this last week bar Castor oil which I won't touch, I know it might not work but if you don't try it then you don't know. I'm going to have curry tonight to see if it helps.

I'm glad they gave your little man something but sucks they haven't helped you lilesmom. I hate the way everything gets blamed on late pregnancy.
It was also my fault when at 1520 he just had to walk and get Lucas from school because clearly I wasn't despite me telling him several times he doesn't finish till 1600 today as he has film club so when he got back at 1530 childless I couldn't help but snort with laughter sent him to Tesco I'm hoping he gets knocked down by a bus/lorry/car/mobility scooter anything really will do :haha:
Don't some prison take 4 :)
They do on telly anyway .
We could all be in together .

Apparently late preg means u can grow spuds our the top of ur head
And go green
Its all a normal part of late pregnancy :)
Things ur told to look as maybe early labour?
Ha ha
Nope all normal , don't bother telling us :)

Much better now.
Simes in better form.
So rest of the day got better :)
Went for a walk
And on phone to my bf for an hour
Adult company even by phone works wonders.
I'm gonna stop thinking early now too
And just aim for section date
Cos I'm making myself bonkers :)

I cant get under my bed anymore.
Between belly and hips I physically cant reach it
Let alone get back up :)
Its a no go zone
Its full of my skinny and half skinny clothes anywat
Wont be used for awhile :)
Hee hee

Maryanne I was sp looking forward to getting home.
Within two hours I was soo tired
I was wishing for peace and quiet xx
DH has a cold so I might have to join you in prison if he gives it to me just in time for giving birth :rofl: Fortunately he doesn't seem to be a man flu type of guy so he wont complain too much. I hope anyway! Just hope he doesn't ask me to take the dog out tonight, as if I can bend over to clean up after the dog!! Bloody useless pair we are tonight.
I got stuck on the floor :haha: I decided I was going to build the storage unit I bought over a week ago waiting for him it would still be there next year!

It's not as big as I thought and isn't really going to solve a huge amount of my storage problems :wacko: never mind its finished and I eventually managed to get off the floor :flower:
Honestly the ward was quieter than this house.

Oh no hope he doesn't pass it to you Lynanne! I remember how worried I was last week when I had tonsillitis. To me I can't think of anything worse than being ill through labour.

Hope they rearranging and tidying is going well lucusmum

Hope your feeling a little better now lilesmom.
I'm pretty good again.
Mouse is terribly cranky though.
My sis is going to take him for an hour or two in a bit.
I'll hve quiet in the house :)
Hope you can get some rest. Hugs. It's tough when your looking after a little one with such a high dependency. Especially being heavily pregnant as well. We are having major issues with Zack. I know it's caused by me being away for a few days but it's meltdown after meltdown. Feel like we have progressed back years.
Aw hugs.
If I'm away from Simon when I come back.
He slaps me in the face but then cuddles and kisses me
He can't decide if he is angry I was gone
Or glad I'm back
He always plays up for a bit if I'm away.
Which is rare , like u.
Hope it all settled again soon xxx
He accidentally kicked his sister this morning while having a meltdown. Not enough to hurt her but enough to make her cry. So he's been stopped entering a gaming competition this weekend. His dad warned him yesterday that if he kept kicking and hitting he might hurt me, bump or aurora and if that happened he wouldn't be allowed but he chose to kick off again this morning so we had no choice but to stick to our word of no competition and no Xbox for a week. But now he hates me apparently. It's tough because he doesn't really have much of an idea why he's in so much trouble but he has to learn. Being autistic doesn't give Him a do what you want and get away with it badge.

Still in disbelief that we are in November!!! I really just can't imagine bringing a baby home at the moment. It all seems very surreal. Any one else had enough of the 'is anything happening' 'is baby here yet?' Texts and messages. I have.
It's tough when they don't understand Lucas went to bed at 2000 last night because he thought he was being clever but in fact just dug a big hole for himself :haha:

My gym ball thing came this morning took me nearly an hour to pump up with the crap little hand pump it came with now my hands hurt and I'm to tired to do anything
Its so hard to discipline them isn't it.
Simon doesn't get the connection between the two things
The bold thing and the punishment.
It just doesn't work .
Cos he doesn't hve the understanding or words to get it
So I'm left with the very ineffective,
No and stop with virtually no consequences.
Takes a million times of doing the wrong thing for him to get he is wrong.
Hopefully get a little better if he gets more understanding later.
But that's not a given :)
Glad aurora wasn't hurt,
It could happen so easily
Cos when in a meltdown, they r blind to everything
Hugs xx

I keep getting the how much longer hve u got Qs alright.
Is an eternity the right answer
Cos it sure feels like it :)
I keep thinking I cant wait to hve her
Silly me thinks or be easier than being pregnant
It will in one way.
And the only way I can get beyond the section recovery.
But then yest I was thinking the reality of it
Day to day will prob be tough for awhile.
But lovely baby cuddles will make up for it :)
My sis called and took the little munchkin for a bit.
He was delighted going off.
He is starting to miss play school I think.
I'm too slow for him now :)
Not enough energy to hve him on the go all the time like he wants to.
She has two kids who r 5 and 6
And very good to him.
So he loves her house.
I feel a bit guilty since its just so I can sit in peace for a bit
But I honestly hve no energy to do a thing while he is gone :)

I was awake for 2.5 hrs with heartburn last night
Finally got to sleep
Then simes had a fit so we were awake.
Got him back to sleep
The rubbish collectors woke him 2 mins later.
Then got him back again
And his cold woke him!!
Crappy night.
Lucusmum mine came with a stupid little pump too. I remember trying to blow up it. Took hours. Ended up buying an electric pump but then blew it up too much and the ball was enormous and rock solid :rofl: I wish I could use mine more often. It's mainly used by the kids as a toy, I never get a look in.

It's driving me insane lilesmom, I wish people would leave me alone. Today we have even had people posting on my Facebook asking If baby has arrived. That really annoyed me. So bar on here to you ladies we have decided to leave announcing Henry's birth for a good few weeks. I can't wait to have him now mind. Can't wait for newborn snuggles :)
Dont people know by now u never ask a preg woman that
We r obvs a bit more impatient than the random acquaintance asking the Qs!!
I'm not looking to go early anymore
I was thinking maybe is try myself if I went before section.
But she is already 6.5lbs.
Early wont mean much smaller than Simon was.
And her bones r measuring big.
So prob just hve early section then.
Halfway through midterm.
I'll hve playschool back for a break next week

And time flies from the routine
Lucasmum, my younger sister had to help me blow mine up. I'd never have managed it myself. It's so much more hard work than it looks!

Maryanne, I had my sister asking on Monday if there was any sign of my little monkey and whilst I politely said not yet I felt like saying, "Don't you think I'd have told you if there was?!" I'm not really looking forward to all the "is he here yet?" "any sign of him yet?" questions that I am bound to get a million of in the next few weeks!

DH is home from work today as he is feeling terrible. We think that he actually has the flu as he is really achy and tired which isn't like him at all when he gets a normal cold. Oh well, I guess it is putting this flu vaccination that I got a couple of weeks ago to the test. I really hope I'm not going to catch it!!

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