November Rainbows 2016

I have to remind our hospital to check mine. Along with the fact I'm on blood thinners and anaemic. It's like they never read my notes. No point in having them really. Really does make you worry. Be glad to be done with hospitals now. Just get back to everyday life with a new little baby :)

How's your little man feeling today?
They really don't read any of them
The Dr lst week.
Was,saying to me u just waiting to go yourself
When I asked about steroids
But no reason u go early ir section as of yet.
I was like am I told u an hour ago
I'm booked in for section .
She goes but there is no need for one.
Am I told u that too
Cos of my son!!
It was on the page in front of her that my section was booked in
They see far too many people too fast
And get confused.
Least we know what's going on
Dread to think what they miss if someone not clued in
Simes is in between :)
Not bad enough to be properly sick
But off enough to not be himself
Least he isn't very sick anyway :)
I'm so glad it's not just me going through it. Honestly my hospital is a joke. Even today they had absolutely no idea why I was there. I had to tell them. How I'm keeping my cool I don't know.

Awww poor thing :( not what you need this late in pregnancy. Hopefully he will pick up in time for little miss arrival date
Having a very lazy day today just can't be bothered other than hoover and change Lucas's bedding I've done sod all I ache all over and have terrible BH's have no idea what position this little lady is in but something is down the pressure is hideous but then the movements come from all over like she has grown 8 sets of arms and legs :dohh: got my 36 week scan tomorrow and my big appointments straight after they will give me a date for induction and make plans what will happen post birth, not feeling excited about it all I thought I would be but the thought of traipsing across town for 0800 isn't applealing to me it means having to be up and dressed by 0700 not something I've managed since finishing work :haha:
Your experiences with doctors and hospitals sound horrifying! I feel like they are so overworked and don't get the time to really get to know each of their patients which shows in the level of care you receive. It's not entirely their fault but it is still really concerning!

I had my 38 week midwife appointment this afternoon. I ended up waiting about an hour to be seen as only two of the community midwives were working today! Nuts! Got bloods done, weighed etc. and everything is great with my little guy. Bump is measuring 37 weeks, he's 4/5, heartbeat about 148 and everything is looking good. She kept going on about my 40 week appointment and "if we make it that far as we might already have baby". I'm not getting my hopes us but I'd love to think she knows something that we don't!! :haha:
Maryanne did they give u a better plan?
And or new consultant?
Hope so xxx

Lucas mom I hear ya.
Went to town this morn
Then different town with my sis and her kids
To a mc donalds family fun day :)
Healthy me
Then my angel of a sis took Simon home with her for 2 hours
So I'm home alone again
But I'm still tired!!
According to my Dr that's normal
But I've sneaky suspicion on my thyroid being at fault.
But anyways
I'm lucky I hve my sister.
She has two kids who Simon loves
His little face lights up when he sees them
And he doesn't really get that interested in other kids
They r great kids though.
Everywhere I look there r things I could tidy
But I honestly just cant anymore!!
I'm saving my energy to be fun mom when simes is here
I don't want him to think new baby = boring cross mommy

My little miss is the same
Thought she had gone breech cos u feel her legs up under my belly
But arms or something on both sides of base of belly
She is always head down when Drs check
But must be spinning in circles or something
My niece reckons its a girl baby thing.
She has a boy and a girl
Simon never did this either

Lynanne an hour wait would be brilliant for my hosp check ups.
Minimum I've been is 2.5 hrs
Max was 5.5 hours.
Glad alls going so well for ye though xxx
Good luck for tomorrow lucusmum. Hope all goes ok. Having a date will be nice for you. My appointment is early too. It sucks. Getting two kids up and ready to be at the hospital by 8.30 will be hard work. Mind you they will probably keep me waiting till about 10 to be seen!

Glad all is ok Lynanne! Hopefully you won't need that 40 week appointment. Fx.

Yep new consultant tomorrow lilesmom. He will review my bloods I had done today and make a plan. To be honest I'd quite like to stay at home and go naturally, that's how fed up of hospitals I am but I doubt I will be allowed :( hopefully no more sweeps. I dont think my lady bits can take anymore of them.
Id just refuse another o ne hon

If two didn't work.
I don't think 3 be the magic number
Henry just wants to hang on in there
Typical boy causing trouble by being lazy and cosy
Hee hee.
Hope u get someone good
I switched very early on
But I've only ever met new guy once and wasn't bowled over by him
That's exactly why I think. All the sweeps did was give me horrible contractions which didn't dilate me and I bled loads. I don't see the sense in more. Still we shall see what tomorrow brings, might be a lovely consultant although I'm not getting my hopes up.

Do you have any appointments coming up lilesmom?
Maryanne, I think I've come to the conclusion that your body and baby have to be totally ready for any of the so-called tricks to work. So if Henry isn't ready to play ball then a third sweep won't work. If you don't want another one I'd simply refuse it. It is your body after all.

Lilesmom, I couldn't imagine having to wait that long for appointments on a regular basis! The longest we've had to wait before was only about 15 minutes but today they were running an hour behind. It wasn't really their fault but it was still super annoying. The next clinic who takes over the rooms after the midwives apparently weren't very pleased at being told to wait!

I would love to think that I won't need my 40 week appointment but I'm not getting my hopes up. Knowing my luck little Monkey will just be too comfy in there and I'll need to be induced which I don't really want. At least for me I already know that my induction date would be the 28th as they induce at 40+12.

I do feel as though my body is actually starting to prepare for labour though. I am getting period like cramps more often, it feels heavy in my pelvis etc. Lots of things that are said to be early signs of labour but I know every woman progresses at a different rate so I am by no means getting my hopes up!
Sweeps won't work unless your body is ready, it's a proven fact so I don't know why they keep offering them to me as my body clearly isn't ready. If there's an issue with my liver still tomorrow then I'm just going to ask them to induce me as much as I really don't want to be induced. The sweeps and bleeding can't be good for Henry. Last thing I want is him stressed out.

They are great signs things are moving in the right direction Lynanne :) at least you know when they will induce. Didn't you say your Dh's birthday was around then or have i got that totally wrong?
Yeah, DH's birthday is the 27th. I would really prefer for them not to have the same birthday as I think they both deserve their own special day! Although I don't share a birthday I was born the day after my sister's 4th birthday and I used to make a little bit of a scene if I didn't at least get to open a card on her birthday because I was jealous. :blush: Not my finest moments! I know it would be different as DH is an adult so wouldn't care but I still want them to have their own days. Bet it doesn't happen that way!!
I totally get what you mean. Zacks birthday is next Thursday and I really want them to have separate days. But I honestly think knowing my luck that's the day Henry will be born lol.
That's exactly why I think. All the sweeps did was give me horrible contractions which didn't dilate me and I bled loads. I don't see the sense in more. Still we shall see what tomorrow brings, might be a lovely consultant although I'm not getting my hopes up.

Do you have any appointments coming up lilesmom?

Hugs hon.
Here's hoping ur new Dr operates on common sense and medical knowledge
Its amazing how many of them seem to not hve the sense bit of it :)
I'll keep my fingers crossed for a good one for u
They do exist :) xxx
Lynanne if the chairs weren't so uncomfy the wait would be easier
I bring a book and treat it as a break
But the chairs there kill my hips!!
Glad ur place is better run normally xxx
We might hve the same date so hon.
But hope u go before then xxx
Sounds like ur body is doing the right stuff so fingers crossed for u xxx
Just over 3 weeks to section.
Feeling doable again
Even if I do feel like I've been kicked in the vjj :)

Forgot my next app is Tues.
Should get quick scan.
Will get them to do bloods too
I've given up hoping for common sense. Normally I have sympathy for hospitals, over worked nurses and tiny budgets but ours is an exception. It's a dreadful hospital facing huge court cases for failings that can't be blamed on normal nhs issues. It's being demolished once the new hospital us built it 2020. Good I say. I have so many friends who work there and the stories the have to tell are shocking, I have no idea how the place is still allowed to run. I'm going to be delivering in a different hospital now, it's an extra 20 mins away but it's huge and really modern. It's like a hotel compared to the one I'm in now. A lot more relaxed about mine and babies care knowing we will be there. Going for a tour of the maternity ward there tomorrow afternoon.

Only3 weeks away? Wow that's come around so fast!!
Its def worth the distance for proper care xxx
My hosp is an hour away
And is the only choice
Overall they r pretty good
But a few rotten eggs in the staff
And too many patients to give proper time to each
Not their fault
But not ours either
That's where costly mistakes happen
Like with ds
We never saw our consultant during birth
She made decisions by phone
Thinking it b prob be different if she had seen us
And made different call
But we will never know now
Yeah 3 weeks on monday
It actually is going fast again

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