November Rainbows 2016

I don't think I'll get a lot of use OH on the other hand has already bounced and fell off it I laughed and is thinking up racing games he and Lucas can have on it bearing in mind we live in a teeeny tiny shoe boxed sized flat it's gonna end in tears either way if not by one of them getting hurt by the sodding thing bursting :wacko:
Hope ur flu vac saves u Lynanne.
Last time my two guys got very sick in sep
I only got a tiny touch of it
Think it was flu jab working for me.
I have two of the balls
Cos we use them for Simons physio
But I never use them this time.
I used it all the time fir Simon
But it never did anything for us :)
Hope the jab stops you getting poorly Lynanne. I don't get flu jabs anymore as they always make me Ill for weeks after but my nan gets one every year and a lot of my friends have had them and said good things about them. I've told DH that if he comes home ill at any point in the next few days he's staying in a hotel lol.

Sounds like my lot lucusmum. We have my birthing ball and Zack has one for his physio so they are used as space hoppers or giant footballs or what ever other stupid game DH and Zack think of. Even Aurora joins in.
I'm glad we don't have 2 :haha: I got it in bright pink thinking they wouldn't touch it, doesn't seem to have put OH off I fear they will probably draw a face on it at some point :wacko:
That could be cute.
Not a bad idea fir Simons actually :)
Don't give my lot ideas :rofl: they have already given them names. Carlos and Fiona. Yes this is what I have to put up with.
:rofl: they really are idiots. I just sit and look at them in disbelief sometimes.
Attacked Lucas' room today finally got round to transferring his snakes to their new tank they look little and lost in it :cloud9:

Just need to finish hoovering I love the cordless Hoover but I keep forgetting to charge it so it ran out midway through his room!
We were going to buy a cordless dyson but that's what put me off was the remembering to charge it thing. As I know I'd forget and I'm such a neat freak and waiting to hoover would drive me insane.

I must sort out the pets tomorrow, clean the hamsters and rabbit out, bath the dog, flea the cats. I should have done it today but just couldn't be bothered. It's been one of those days. Hospital tomorrow to check my liver levels and monitor baby. So over going to that place now.
I had the laziest day
But it was lovely :)
Had lots of cleaning and sorting I could hve done
But did none of it :)
Oh well.
It just gets dirty again anyways .
I enjoyed my break.
I'm glad it's not just me that can't be bothered. I'm glad I sorted everything early or it wouldn't be done now. I just have no motivation what so ever. Can't wait to go back to feeling like me again.
It's not got a bad battery life to be honest and OH is pretty good about charging but I've been hiding it a bit in my cleaning frenzy the past few days :blush:
I've completely run out of steam
Just doing the bare essentials to keep the place ticking over.
Long gone r my painting and cleaning days :)
Yucky rainy day here today.
So possibly no walk either.
Hope it clears later.
My hips r better when we do go.
And we r both happier for having escaped for a bit.
Totally how I feel lilesmom. I think my sudden lack of energy must be to do with my liver as it's odd it came on so suddenly. Have they checked yours?

Zacks birthday next Thursday. I need this baby out before then. Watch that be the day baby arrives now.
I haven't had it checked in nearly 4 weeks
And it had gone up a little last two times.
But not my bile acids
Just my regular lfts.
I wouldn't be surprised if my liver is under a bit more pressure
But I'm not bad enough to be itchy or anything
So hopefully cant be too bad.
They did bloods when I was in hosp.thought they would check then
But never assume they will do the right thing
They forgot cos I forgot to remind them!!
Its someone new everytime
So its up to the patient to sort stuff out
Which I think is a bit shite
But it seems to be how they operate.
Only a small bit left for us all now thank god.
Them we complaining bout lack of time and sleep
Hee hee
But no more waddling
Well unless section causes a waddle :)
I know it's normal for it to go up in the last tri but it depends by how much. Surprised the arent checking you more though. It says in my notes that they should be checked every two weeks in last tri if you have previously had OC. I had mine done today and my bile acids are normal but the other levels are still climbing. All is ok though for now as long as the bile acids are staying ok. Seeing my new consultant tomorrow to make a plan. Quite excited now. It's crazy that in a few days my little ma should be here :)
They haven't gone up crazily
But by a good bit
That they prob should be checked
They checked mine once a month the whole time
And would hve skipped a few if I didn't remind them every visit :)

Its great that u get to meet him soon xx
Woohoo zxx

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