November Rainbows 2016

Hope the new consultant is better I agree a third sweep isn't really worth it :flower:

Lucas is desperate for the baby to have the same birthday I however don't really want that to happen if they say 38 weeks that will be 2 days before his but that's providing the nduction is fast then 24 hours in hospital it's doubtful I'll make it home for his birthday the Monday 14th would work out a lot better for me but I will only be 37+5 and I don't think they are so keen, I think I could convince my diabetic team it would work and they would back me but that all depends if I see them or my consultant first tomorrow :haha:
So I saw my consultant first who did not agree with my idea :growlmad: induction booked for Sat 19th diabetic team weee surprised but said they can't go against the consultant on the bright side she is head down :cloud9:
I'm sorry lucusmum :( I'm glad she's head down though! That must be a relief!

Hope everyone else is well.

Induction Monday!!!! Eeeeekkkk!!!!!
Ah, lucky you having induction dates! This whole not knowing when he is going to appear is driving me a little nuts at the moment. Like, could he not just come now?! I suppose I do have my induction date already too but because it isn't official and I'm very much in the wait and see group it doesn't seem real!
Oh wow Monday :happydance:

Feeling a bit down mainly because I'd convinced myself they would agree with me even though I knew deep down they probably wouldn't ah well at least I have a date told my mother so she could book a flight and she told me her stupid ass wanna be boy friend has been rushed to hospital with suspected TB what is it with out family and TB at the moment! consultant said that seeing OH's brother who has TB won't have any impact on baby and if I'm worried I can go to the GP and get tested I don't think I will though it was such a short period of time and we were on complete different sides of a room I don't want to open the Pandora's box that is google on the matter though as I know I will have myself diagnosed within about 30 seconds and be ready to need a decompression chamber or something :haha:
It's crazy that by Wednesday but hopefully Tuesday I will have my little boy in my arms. I can't quite believe it. I'm so so scared after what happened in zacks induction but I'm imagining things have improved a fair bit in 11 years.

Awww lucusmum I'm sorry it's not the date you wanted :( was it because you would have only been 37 weeks? Our hospital won't induce before 38 either unless in an emergency. Try not to let it get you down. Just think it's hardly any time at all till you meet your little lady!!!
The waiting does suck Lynanne but it's 100% worth it when they arrive :)
No they would induce me any time from 36 weeks it's more because she is doing so well slightly above average weight but not as big as she could be that they want to leave her as long as possible I could have had the third or fri but with the fri being Lucas birthday I would rather be at home for that I'm just being stroppy lol
At least you know your not going to get a giant baby! Did they give you an estimated weight? Henry is apparently going to be 10lber but I'm thinking realistically more 8-9lb ish. Still seems big, but hopefully doable. I don't blame you wanting to be home for Lucus. I'm hoping I will be home for zacks birthday. I should have him Monday or Tuesday and then 24 stay so that makes Wednesday so hopefully be there for the Thursday.
Must be so exciting to know when you are going to get to meet your babies! I'm hoping that my wee guy doesn't keep me waiting too long. In fact, I'd love if he could come before I have to have my next midwife appointment. That would just be grand. I keep wondering how much he is going to weigh. I'm terrified of having a really big baby!

DH went back to work today but it seems as though he is struggling a bit. By all accounts he doesn't feel as bad as Wednesday but not as good as yesterday. I was worried this was going to happen and he was going to set his recovery from the flu back a bit but he didn't want to leave his dad in the lurch any longer.
Did you manage to avoid catching it? My DH is always the same. He hasn't had a sick day in 4 years :/ well since he broke his back in the army. I appreciate him working hard but worry about him making himself ill.
DH never takes time off for illness. Something makes me say this is the first time he has taken time off for being ill in about 4/5 years. I know it's because it's just him and his dad in the office and with them having to do deliveries if one of them isn't at work then the office ends up being empty meaning they could miss out on business. I can only imagine how FIL will cope when DH has his two weeks paternity leave! I seem to have avoided catching it so far at least! Thank goodness!
They estimated her to be about 6lb 9 already which seems blooming huge considering she still has 2 weeks in there they reckon about 8lb ish born

Fingers crossed you will be home for Zack :flower:

I actually feel like I may go a few days before that date not sure why and it would bugger my plans up :haha:
I'm sure he will be ok Lynanne. Try not to worry about it.

Hopefully she won't be too big lucusmum. I understand how you feel though. As Henry's size is bothering me. I'm hoping they are totally wrong. The thought of a 9lber terrifies me. My midwife keeps saying bigger babies come out easier though, I don't know how the bloody hell she works that out!
I remember them telling me that with Lucas and he came out pretty quick so who knows if there is any truth behind it :shrug:

I'm ok with 8lbs - 9lbs but no more :haha:
They reckon bigger babies are easier
Because it makes the contractions more effective
Ur womb wall muscles get a better grip of bub
And push them down more effectively
With each contraction and or push
Smaller baby might be a bit 'lost' in there
And harder to push out as a result.
I was told simes be huge
So I google lots.
He was only 7-9 but tall and big bones.

I think little missy be close to that weight too
They r meant to arrive on exact same gestation date
If she waits till section
Sometimes I think she will
Others I think she wont :)

Wow Monday Maryanne
Lovely !! Super soon xx

Lucas mom urs wont be long coming round either hon xxx

Lynanne I know it feels like we know our dates.
But we r just as much wait and see too
Bub can change our plans in a heartbeat :)
My induction took two days too.
But hopefully not that long for ye ladies
36 tomorrow
Whoop whoop
Serious down pressure today.
Got some oh ur carrying soo low now comments.
I wonder if she wants to come early.
Me too, I've no magic answer to that

Still haven't got a hosp bag together.
Shocking how unorganised I am!!
Got a letter off hosp to start taking iron cos its gone a little low
Could explain why I've been feeling a bit off
Better than liver or thyroid being extra funky
I'm gonna be so tired tomorrow
Cant sleep.
I hve the worst heartburn again
Which is weird cos she has gone even lower
U would think Id feel better
Not worse
Maybe its cos I started taking the stupid iron.

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