November Rainbows 2016

My cat thinks he is a dog
He doesn't scare at all
Which can be bad when faced with a dog
Who I think has some pincher, some German shepherd and def English pointer in him
Meow vs big scary mongrel
Not much contest really.
Meow also plays fetch :)
And follows me on our walks
Def good doggie material
Except one flaw......
U r a cat meow :)
Hee hee

Its def time for induction for both u and Henry sake
He is full term
And u need to give ur liver a break
Hope they come down fast for u after
How high did they go ?
If u don't want to answer, just ignore my Qs xxx
My bile acids only went mildly up last time
But was enough to make them induce at 39 weeks
My bile acids are high but not overly as the medication is controlling them. But my other levels, is it alt and ast or something like that are at 3 times what they should be. I wasn't feeling it last week but I'm really feeling poorly now, and the jaundice is kicking in so know that means it's time for baby to get out. Just one more day.

My cats are evil. They chase the dog, steal his food and think the rule the house. They really hate me too. Not the best combination.
I would love a house rabbit :flower: it's crazy a few years back I wouldn't have even considered a snake or an other reptile until I ended up with a couple of rescued lizards not even sure how that happened :wacko: now we have our own soddinf reptile house with a cat thrown in for good measure do feel a bit for him he is out numbered surprised he doesn't sliver along :haha: The cat is also fearless with other animals shame he is no good at it and comes of worse :wacko:

Sorry to hear your feeling so poorly but it's not long and you can countdown in hours :happydance: can't wait to see his gorgeous little face :cloud9:
Hugs Maryanne.
My alt currently 1.5 times what it should be
But everything else still in range
Think it might be contributing to my indigestion and bowel habits
But other than that I'm lucky
So far.
Glad ur meds r controlling bile acids pretty well
They will keep henry safe till he exits.
Then u should hve a chance to heal xxx
Hugs xx
I like rabbits too
But some of them r mean :)
I lived with my friend in college
She had a house rabbit
Who was super bitey
Chewed furniture and pooped everywhere

But my sis had a rabbit when I was younger who was lovely
We used to take him down the field
He would run around but came back to his name
Petey :)
And loved being rubbed.
I want a Petey :)
Awwww yeah I could go with a Petey :cloud9:

I'm off to bed had a rubbish sleep last night and we have early trains no tomorrow so no lie in :wacko:
Hope u get some proper rest hon
NT nt xx
I was asleep but Oh had a garden bonfire
And it woke me
I'm finding sleep tough this week
Not usually a problem for me
Nesting has crept back in too
Our rabbit is such a lovely little thing. He's not meant to be a house rabbit, his hutch is outside. During the day I open it up and let him gave free run of the garden but he keeps coming in through the cat flap :rofl: he like to lay with the dog by the fire and will sit on someone's lap being fussed for hours. All the animals in this house are weird.

Hope your levels stay stable lilesmom.

Hope you managed to get some rest after lucusmum

24 hours! I'm starting to get really nervous now.
Yr rabbit sounds lovely
Lil cutie.

Its so close hon.
U will do great.
Henry cuddles soon
Hurray xx

My friend called today.
Spent morn cleaning.
Then we had lunch and went to feed the ducks
It was lovely
But simes and me both wrecked :)
I tire easily these days
Good luck for tomorrow, Maryanne! I'm sure everything will go great! Cant wait for little Henry to finally be here for you.

I'm feeling a bit shattered and sore right now. Just went for a lovely autumn walk with dh and the dog to try encourage this little man out sometime soon. Pelvis, back and hips are certainly feeling it now! It was such a beautiful, crisp, sunny day that there was no way we could have passed up what might be our last opportunity of a lovely walk for a while what with Monkey's arrival and the weather undoubtedly getting rubbish!
That's lovely Lynanne :) walking is always good in helping baby get ready to come out. Just a shame its so difficult! I can barely manage our local shop atm. It's been lovely and sunny here too but so cold! Winter is on the way!
Wish it was lovely here I had to scrape ice from the car this morning!! And it's been cold all day as well as wet, winter is certainly just round the corner.

Eeeekkk tomorrow Maryanne I'm so excited for you the first of our babies to be born :happydance:

Wonder who will come next I think they will come in order :flower:

Did wonder if this little lady was going to burst out had what I thought were contractions every 4 mins or so for about an hour but it's turned into nothing so guessing it was just BH :dohh:
Also found out Mrs' 5 prams is being induced the day after me she has looked down her nose at me ever since OH says he won't visit if she is on the same ward as me :haha:
Thank you lucusmum! I'm still more terrified at the moment. Doesn't seem real.

I was just thinking who would be next? Can't wait to find out!

5 prams :rofl: I actually still can't believe anyone would need 5 prams! Makes me feel so much better for having 2 now. What a delight she sounds!
I wonder who will be next too! I totally hope it's me :haha: I don't want to have to wait too long to meet my wee man! Who knows though, he could very easily keep make me wait until the very, very end!
2 is acceptable 2 I understand, Oh how neglected our babies are going to be :rofl:

All pains of stopped kinda I get a twinge or two that makes me take notice then nothing I think it's just my body reminding me :wacko:
Haha! Poor things, how could we be so cruel. Some people have more money than sense.

Oooh you sure your not gonna beat me to it lucusmum? Keep those legs crossed!
Nah nothing again now maybe she is just protesting at the lack of prams :rofl:

Lucas has made it to the third and final trial if he makes it through the next one he is in the team :happydance:

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