November Rainbows 2016

I'm on the monitor for now and waiting for my bloods to come back then it's either pesery or breaking my waters if I'm dilated enough. The ward is super slow. Only two midwives in for about 20 women.

Aurora is more of a boy than the boys! Lol. She farts, eats non stop and fights just like they do :/ she's meant to be my little princess! Still I have the rabbit :rofl:

Thank you lilesmom! How are you feeling today?
Exciting :)
If ur still at 2 even they should be able to do your waters.
I don't think they need much access for it
Great stuff xxx
Henry be here in no time

What's ur pain relief plan hon?
I know everyone differs a lot
And things can change

I'm good thanks.
Back sorer
But I've been doing more
Maybe cos of the iron
Maybe I did need it
Maybe I wont hve much evening out so with a girl
Ha ha
Lilesmom, poor DH is desperate to try sex after the midwife suggested it for getting labour going a bit more but with him having the flu last week it's been put even more on hold. Not that he was getting much before! :haha: Poor guy, I love him to pieces but I totally missed the whole being pregnant makes you want more sex thing. For me pregnancy has just been lots of pelvic pain and tiredness - not great for sexy times! Will definitely have to try it to get labour going at least if for no other reason than it might be a while after birth before I'm in the mood again! :haha:

Maryanne, I hope they dont keep you waiting too long and then everything moves along quickly. My sister didn't actually start her induction until about 10pm. Granted, she wasn't even to go to the hospital until about 3pm I think!
My poor DH hasn't had sex since the before the bfp. Poor man. Not allowed for the first 12 weeks due to my history and then my placenta was low and then I haven't wanted it since its moved out the way. He's a star though, he honestly doesn't mind. I know I moan about him but he really is my best friend as well as my DH.

Five more minutes on here and then I shall know my fate. I'm hoping to just have my waters broken.

I have to have an epidural lilesmom. It was the only way I was allowed a natural birth. I lost so much blood last time with the torn cervix and internal damage and I didn't do well under general so they want me prepped ready incase similar happens again. I don't mind though. I've had two natural births so feel Ive earnt my badge lol. Hoping to be a lot more comfortable this time.
We hadn't had sex in months Lynanne.
My libido disappeared until last week.
I've been trying to think how we could do it
That i wouldn't feel like my hips were breaking :)
We managed it yest :)
Hee hee
It does make u feel closer.
I'm def aware it will disappear again after bub for a long time
I get cranky with oh more easily if we aren't having sex.
Think poor oh was pleasantly shocked last night :)
Half hoping it helps my cervix too :)
Its a win win
If I wasn't section this time
Id 100% epidural it
I resisted last time
Until top of the drip
At that stage I took it
And was sooooo happy with it.
It was like magic.
Dh has been amazing with the whole no sex thing. He doesn't complain one bit and I know if I was to say that I didn't want to try it to bring on labour he would be 100% fine with that. I think since our bfp we've maybe had sex three times and it has been months since the last time. First trimester I felt nauseated and tired, second trimester I felt achy with pelvic and hip pain and third I've felt tired, massive, unattractive and the whole time my libido has been non existent. It's rubbish though because I do miss that intimacy and closeness, and I love that man so goddamn much. I'm so glad he is understanding about it all and I'm sure we will eventually get back to some sort of normalcy in the bedroom sometime in the new year! I hope anyway.
Are the epidurals really that good lilesmom? Can you feel anything?

I know what you mean Lynanne. I am looking forward to having that intamacy again. I have missed it
I'm so unsure on getting an epidural or not. I don't really like the idea of the needle in my back, loss of feeling in my legs etc. but I have no idea how I will cope with the pain of contractions. I'm going in totally open minded to all sorts of pain relief and ways to have baby (except water births) so will take an epidural if I need one. I've also heard that having an epidural can make your hospital stay a little longer and as I've said before I want outta that place ASAP! We will just have to wait and see!

I've been quite worried lately about how I'll cope with the pain and labour in general. I think I have a fairly low pain threshold and I know panicking/tensing can make the pain worse. With anxiety issues I might be unable to escape that! I was talking to my dad about it at the weekend and he reckons I'll be great, that I'll cope really well. So does DH. Apparently the men in my life think I'm a lot stronger and have more willpower than I think I do. It was a nice thing to hear,
I was the same in each tri Lynanne.
I had spotting anytime we tried early on
Totally turned me off trying
Then got uti from it.
But oh has been great too
But I know we both miss it

Maryanne it really was amazing
Pain just vamoosed.
Couldn't get out of bed but was just so grateful pain was gone
I didn't care.
I felt no pain at all.
Couldn't feel my contractions either though
Nurse put her hand on my belly and told me when to push
Could push no problem but just felt no pain at all
Ah that would be amazing. Last birth was so horrible pain wise. I don't think I could do that again.

Pesery for me. Cervix isn't quite ready. But not too far off.
I really didn't want epi with simon
Cos the idea of it petrified me.
I just kept my eyes forward while he did it
And didn't feel a thing
I sang while he dud it to distract myself
Was like a looper
But singing calms me
And is my happy place.
They give u numbing injection first
U feel this but its a tiny pinch regular injection
Didn't feel anything when he did it except his hands touching my back.
I had oh in front of me
I held his hands and sang
And it was a million times better than I imagined it would be.
And then magic, pain be gone for good.
Ah that would be amazing. Last birth was so horrible pain wise. I don't think I could do that again.

Pesery for me. Cervix isn't quite ready. But not too far off.

One lot hopefully do the trick for u xxx
Better to do most of the work ahead of waters breaking that u can xxx
Make it easier later xxx
Cant believe its time for our babies to start arriving
I had the epidural put in last time to try and get it to work for theatre but it wasn't working and was losing too much blood so I had to have a general. I can honestly say it wasn't that bad being put in. I was scared though. I was scared a out having the pesery today too in case it hurt but it didn't hurt one bit. Hoping it's a good sign. Allowed up to get moving now. Going to do a few trips up and down the stairs lol.

I know it's crazy!!! Who will be next??
I don't think we will be trying sex I can hardly get at the sink to wash up never mind anything else :blush::haha:

I'm actually coming round to the idea of an epidural this time I think that's because my induction wasn't planned last time and I had no infomation this time I've read up on it and it seems wise for the epidural though I had a good induction :shrug: I like the idea of the fact I can control the amount of pain relief I have with it though I would probably just keep my finger on the button :blush:

How long before they check you after the pessary is in?
I kept my finger on the button :)
Its way too tempting to be pain free
When u can be :)
I slept for a few hours after getting mine in
Hosp app tomorrow
But just pure routine
Don't think ill hve any major news after it :)
Looking forward to that epi! I'm in agony. Don't know if I'm dilating yet as they won't check me for fear of moving the pessary. Been given some co codamol though which are helping. Hoping things are moving in the right direction.

Good luck for tomorrow lilesmom, do you have many appointments left now?

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