Sounds like a nice eve planned Lucas mom xxx
Hurray its tomorrow
So excited for u xxx
Bub so soon x
We can sign both our Oh up if we hear of them recruiting for it
If I did, he would def do it.
Cos he be like sure that would be a doddle.
Still not home
My Dr called my liver results hve gone up.
But she couldn't check bile acids.
She told me to ring the hosp yo get them to check
Turns out she didn't order them toll after she talked to me today
So hosp said if I don't hear tonight
Come up in the morn
Told Oh that I might hve to go to hosp in morn.
Got back oh I called to my friends house
Let me know if u hve to go
He is seriously in the dog house the Muppet.
How u doin Maryanne?
Pains aren't gone but super patchy
Like strong period cramp in base of bump