November Rainbows 2016

If he likes being held it should help Lynanne. I use a stretchy wrap and he loves it. I still wear aurora in a woven wrap on my back in a rucksack hold if she's having a bad day and it even works with her. It's the only way I get things done most days. Don't be so hard on yourself though, I'm on my third and I still have days where I can't settle him no matter what I do. It's a baby thing, they like testing us lol
Lynanne often its wind in a baby that small
I used infacol for Simon
It worked so well
And it doesn't get absorbed so its safe
Worth a try anyway.
But like the girls said sometimes they do just hve off days.
Could be growth spurt or anything xxx

Lucas mom hope u get better sleep tonight xxx

Maryanne glad henry is doing better xxx
Must get my sling sorted.
My little girl likes being in arms too
I've a sil who nearly has her own library :)
Sounds a bit like what's going on here lynanne, we have been using infacol but it dosent do a lot she's not so bad in the day but then again we spent he most of it snuggled in bed :blush: I've stopped bothering about what does and dosent get done my current motto is feck you all (specifically directed at OH :haha:)
I know infacol isn't meant to have side effects but when we tried him on it when he was about 10 days old it seemed to make him constipated then resulted in a massive poo explosion which made him miserable. Waiting until he is. Month to give gripe water a try.

I don't really care if I don't get much done around the house but when he doesn't let me put him down so I can wash his bottles... Well that's not so good. Definitely need to work out this stretchy wrap. So scared of using it wrongly that I refuse to try it out for the first time unless DH is there! Paranoid much? :haha:
I'm the same with my stretchy wrap
I've practised with dolls
But waiting on my sil to be here for Emily to go in :)

Had two week check today
Booby monster is up ten oz in a week
Was half afraid her clustering was bad milk supply
But obvs not
Just huge growth spurt
There is something else u can put in the bottle before hand
I cant remember what ifs called
Its starts to break down the lactose in milk to make it easier to digest
I've never used it
But my sil would swear by it
My little missy is in 0-3 months clothes now :)
She is flying it
Poor mouse is all snuffly though.stupid germs
I'm pretty much over the cold so hoping she is getting my antibodies now
And wont get it properly

How ye doin xxx
Wow that's a good gain makes it all worth while :flower:

So from late afternoon we seemed to be more settled here not so much griping and grumpiness she fed at 2200 for about 40 mins the longest in 48 hours fed her a small amount at midnight then she slept till 0300ish had a nappy change and fed was back settled in her got by 0400 up again at 0630 feed and change again and back by 0715 she was a little unsettled but it's always a bit chaotic from then until Lucas goes to school but she slept and fed on and off till 1000 :happydance:

Lucas made me so proud yesterday, we have been meaning to go out and chose a special Christmas decoration for Edith, but haven't got round to it yet, so yesterday Lucas came out of school with a bauble he had painted he asked if he could give it to Edith and it could be her special decoration :cloud9:
Stretchy wraps are easy peesy once you get the hang of it. Just make sure you tie them tight as the weight of baby stretches them more than you would expect.

Infacol can cause constipation lynanne. I know they claim it's got no side effects but most midwives say to avoid it nowadays. Aurora suffered badly when I gave it to her. My last two midwives have both said not to use it but guess it works for some babies or they wouldn't sell it. I've never found it to help at all though. Too scared to try it with Henry, he's miserable enough without constipation too.

That's a great weight gain lilesmom! Little miss is growing great.

Lucy's is so so sweet lucusmum! You must be so proud.

Hope everyone is well today. Super busy day here. Baby wearing group this morning in Cardiff and then a natural parenting group straight after. I enjoyed it though. Managed a train with the two small people, super proud of myself. Lady asked did I want to start up a local baby wearing group so I'm going to have a think about it. Got a lot on already and with starting the doula course next year I'm not sure I will have time. Plus not many people round here are into it.
A baby wearing group would be fab there is one here about once a month we haven't made it yet and the other regular one is about 30 miles away :wacko:

Didn't know that about infacol have been giving it to Edith and we worked out she hasn't pooped since Sunday, maybe this is why she is grumpy :shrug: haven't given her any since yesterday morning and she was a bit better by late afternoon :shrug: also had two very small poops this evening :happydance: one of which Lucas changed :haha:

Well done getting out and about with two little ones :flower:
Thank :)
Cluster feeding driving me nuts again this eve
But least i know its doing her good now
She is very good the rest of the time.
But feeds for around 4 hours every eve /night
It's draining!!

Her wind seems much better though
Think she is adjusting to higher volume of milk
Glad I didn't use infavol now
She poops every feed
So no fear on that front here ��
I know how badly constipation affect's them from sim on though.

So Oh has gone back to doing as little as possible.
Should hve known great Oh wouldn't last long.
Well done on doing train with two.
Group sounds nice
But only u know if u hve the time to do it too xx
Sounds like u will be very busy as it is xx
Get nagging him lilesmom. You should still be resting after a section. Hope Lille miss calms down with the feeding soon. Aurora used to do it and it is tough to cope with. Breastfeeding consultant always used to say that they breastfeed more in a growth spurt though to up the milk supply. It's hard though when you can't share feeding duties.

Lucy's changed a nappy? That's awesome. Zack can't cope with nappies, he's almost sick if he ever sees me changing a poopy one. Just the smell makes him retch. Need to get him to up his game lol.
I topped her up tonight after about 4 hrs.And reaching the end if my tether :)
She guzzled 1.5 ozs and then took both boobs again
Think she I just growing really fast
But man is it sucky when hrs later she is still hungry

Yeah I've been doing more house wise and Simon wise
Must take a step back again cos I overdid it yest
and oh is happy to let me!!
Then by time clustering happens in wrecked already

Got her sleeping in her pram for two chunks yest though.
Was great to get bits done
But I felt a bit lost without her in my arms.
She had been constantly up before it.
Oh doesn't do tiny babies much
He gets better when they r more interactive
Could she be sucking for comfort too lilesmom? Aurora did so we gave her a dummy. It massively improved the amount of time she spent nursing. Hope she's settles soon for you,

I must admit my DH is very good with helping. He works very long hours and is doing evening classes in uni so he's limited on how much he can do but he still tries his best. Only thing he won't do is change Henry's nappy or dress him. Cause he's a big man he's scared of hurting small babies. When they get to a few months old he's fine. It's just the smallness that makes him nervous.

Have you spoken to your oh about helping you more?
I tried to reply here about four times yesterday but always got distracted or Connor woke up. I swear I am keeping up with you all! It's lovely to hear all about all your little ones and how well they are all doing!

After a really stressful Monday with a inconsolable, screaming baby I was genuinely a little worried about how yesterday would go but it was honestly like someone had handed me a completely different baby! He was happy, cried maybe twice that wasn't hunger or nappy change related (but was easily calmed down) and even let me put him down to sleep a couple of times for about 30-45 minutes. I would love more days like that although I think he's somewhere in the middle of the two days today. Not quite as settled but I'm not getting screaming fits so I'll take the need for extra cuddles and love.

Also, this morning I am sure he was smiling at me, like for real. He has the most beautiful smile in the world and it makes my heart just melt. I'm such a lucky mummy.

I feel a wee bit rubbish and sad today though as we are leaving him with my parents tonight for the first time. I know that some people would think that we are leaving him really early and a part of me agrees but I know that he'll be fine with my parents - I'm not sure that I will though! I am a tiny bit worried that there will be tears on my part! My younger sisters are currently studying acting at college and they are putting on a play tonight so I couldn't miss it. I'm so proud of them and I love being able to support them and see all the shows that they are in. I'm just going to miss my little guy so much tonight!
Trying to keep up is nearly impossible it's not often I get two hands at once to type with :haha:

Still the same here better but not 100% my little grumbleweed I've been calling her :haha: she is forgiven because she is just so cute :cloud9:

I was going to say comfort sucking as well Lucas used to do it but spat the dummy at me every time :wacko:

OH gets no choice I tell him though he is better with baby stuff than he is housework :dohh: still I shouldn't complain.

Got my work Christmas breakfast tomorrow looking forward to seeing people but it means up and out early we are t to good at that yet :haha:

Maryanne I assume you have been autocorrected from Lucas to Lucy's or did you know that's our nickname for him :rofl:
Had caught up but didn't get enough time to reply
Yeah could be partly comfort
But wont take dodo unfortunately
She is confusing my boobs :)
Posted so as not to lose it :)

The clustering makes my boobs very full at night
So she drains them and sleeps longer stretches
But by eve the longer stretches mean less milk
So repeat cluster.
Simon used to cluster in bottles even to tank up for night time too

Aw a proper smile Lynanne
I can't wait for that here :)
Leaving him for a few hrs isn't going to harm hum xx.
Enjoy your play xxx

Maryanne oh was better today
Its my fault too
I do things and then blsme oh
He didn't ask me to do any of it.

Lucasmom she spits the dummy at me too.
Enjoy your work brekkie xxx
Oh dear, sorry lucusmum! It's his nickname though? Poor lad :rofl: we call Zack zackerina when he's whining like a little girl, he hates it :rofl:

Enjoy your being lynanne. Glad things are improving with your little one. Enjoy the smiles :)

Glad things have been better with oh today lilesmom. Men are dumb sometimes, they don't realise they need to help. I do what lucusmum does and just tell dh to do it, I run this house like a dictator :rofl:

Henry still won't talk a dummy, it's so annoying as he wants feeding all the time to suck for comfort. He just spits it out and looks at me like I'm an idiot. Then aurora decides the dummies are hers and in her mouth they go.

Today has been super hard. Henry had been screaming all day and aurora had been so naughty. Be so glad to get to bed.

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