November Rainbows 2016

:rofl: that's the exact reason he is Lucy he also hates it :rofl: we also call him Ethel as he is such a goody two shoes and sometimes just acts like an old lady, like tonight OH is playing some shooting game lots of loud bangs I'm ironing yet Ethel moans I'm the one makes no to much noise :dohh:

I hope you get a good night Maryanne I don't know how you manage with two littlies :hugs::flower:

Tonight we finally managed to get the Christmas tree up Lucas was pleased he was the only person in his class not to have them up yet :blush:

What are Emily Henry and Connor getting for Christmas? Edith has a play mat some soft blocks a pink electronic bear thing and a nursery rhyme book it's hardly anything but I've no idea what else to get her, she also has a ginger stuffed cat from Lucas, we have a friends who have given us so many baby toys she doesn't need anything nor will she notice or care :haha:
Haha we are such cruel mothers :rofl:

Henry has a play mat, a few Lamaze toys, and some keepsakes like a stieff bear and some cuddle company things. He has so many toys for when he's older that were auroras that there was no point buying too much.

Into the 3rd hour of non stop screaming! Someone save me. Doctor tomorrow to sort out this lactose free formula thank god. We can't go on like this. I'm ok with coping with it but no one in the house is getting any sleep and poor DH is struggling in work.
I hope the new formula will work and that he settles soon and you all get some sleep :hugs:

Not sure how tonight is going to go she is normally awake for a feed now but is asleep, I'm still feeding her have to keep giving her a jiggle to prompt her to suck :haha:
Something to have a giggle at during these long nights it's made me chuckle anyway :haha:
Hugs hon.
Hope u get some sleep
And tomorrow is better xxx

Whoops I missed a page.
This was in response to maryannes bad day xxx
Um all I've gotten her so far is some clothes
And oh got her a bunny blanket
She has got lots of presents .
And has heaps of toys from simon
I don't think we will get her much

Simons presents are lots of little things too
And lots of new clothes.
He recently went up a size again

Hope the new formula works hon xxx

Hope u get some sleep Lucasmom xxx
Bacon and eggs :rofl: maybe that might settle Henry. If he's like his dad he will do anything for bacon haha.

Appointment is at 12. Can't come quick enough. Ended up pacing round most of the night with him in the sling to settle him. It stopped him crying but he was whimpering in his sleep all night and then waking up again crying every half hour or so. It's horrible. I hope they find out what's causing it.

Hope everyone is good today :)
Poor Henry! I hope they can work out what is wrong. Connor seems to have one good day then one bad day right now. I can't stand the constant crying on a bad day. It's horrible.

Lucasmum, we've got Connor some larger clothes for summer that we got in the sale, a couple teething toys, an American football soft toy (DH!) and a play gym from ikea. We have a play mat but it doesn't have the bar bit with toys so I thought the wee play gym was ideal.. I know he will have no concept of Christmas and will be utterly spoilt by family but I wanted to buy him some presents all the same.

Lilesmom, I don't know how you manage the cluster feeding. I think it would drive me crazy.

My little guy as up at 9lbs 6oz when weighed on Tuesday. It's bonkers how quickly he is growing - he's not a wee chunk though, just getting big! This next year is going to bloody fly by and my baby will be gone before I know it!
Hope the appointment went/is going well and you can have a notebook settled night tonight :flower:

How was your play lynanne I hope you enjoyed it :flower:

Clothes are about the only thing we haven't bought Edith she has so many up to 18 months that have been bought for her as well as the hand me downs :haha:

Wow Connor is doing amazing with his weight gain I'm not sure what we weigh if the clinic is open next weds I'll take her along if not she will have to wait till 6th Jan when the health visitor next comes to nosey about :wacko:

A few pics


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Those pictures are just too cute! I especially love the one of Edith asleep on Lucas - so adorable. I have the health visitor coming out AGAIN next Wednesday. Seriously wish they would just leave me alone but I'm always way too polite to tell them that. I swear it is the most awkward thing in the world when they arrive and sort of just watch me, asking stupid questions until they weigh him and leave again. Honestly, it was less awkward having the community midwife come out and I had to show her my stitches!! :rofl:
Hugs Maryanne xxx
Hope they sort something out for ye xxx

Lucas mom those pics r sooo cute
Gorgeous kids xx

Lynanne my health nurse wanted to call week again.
I said really nicely.
I know ur very busy.
We both got checked by the Dr on Monday
So its fine if u don't call
She didn't call :)
Is calling next week though
Only postponed it
I hate them calling
But like knowing weight
Appointment done. Lactose free formula prescribed. Let's see how this goes now. Praying it's what causing the problems.

She's so cute lucusmum. Love her pudding outfit.

Thank god I won't see my health Vistor again now outside jabs and manditory checks unless I request too. On your third they really don't bother. I'm glad cause I hate my one this time. Especially after the contraception fiasco.

Henry was weighed while he was at the doctors. 13lbs1 :rofl: this child is huge! He looks like a 3 month plus baby and is barely fitting in 0-3 stuff.
I hope the milk works if not there is always the bacon and egg option :haha: they did make me chuckle

Henry is gorgeous I love his dungarees, he doesn't look that heavy he looks teeny tiny to me Lucas was similar though little Lucas lumpus we called him :haha:

I'm not sure what the norm with the health visitors here they keep telling me as there is an age difference I'll be treated like a first time mum then don't bother with me (which suits me) I think the HV saw the look of horror on my face and decided I was best being left to it :haha: but I like to know what she's weighs, though having to go out to clinic is good as it's a stay and play as well so it gets me out for a while :flower:
Those dungerees are 3-6 months :rofl: I really can't believe how fast he's growing. Zack was only 9lb at 7 weeks! But guess he was bigger born than that so it's to be expected.

That's cool that your baby clinic is like that. I would go too if ours was the same. Ours is just a bog standard weigh in. I can't be bothered going even though they suggest going every four weeks. I have scales at home so will just weigh him myself.
Aw he is adorable
Super cute
Hope the formula does the trick xxx

We r getting extra visits to take off my dressing
And check my scar.
In case of infection
So far so good :)
Little missy just moved into 0-3
Her legs r too long for the newborn
But they r still quote loose on her
Aurora was just going into 0-3 at this stage and Zack was still in newborn. He's just really really big. The 0-3 were pulling on his toes and we were struggling to do up poppers under his bum so we have put him in some bigger things. Lots of growing room in these.

Glad your healing well lilesmom :)
I think I'm going to be moving Connor onto the 0-3 stuff in the next week or so. Some of the newborn stuff fits perfectly but I can tell that there's certain things he won't get to wear again. Where are our tiny babies going?! I get the feeling he'll be swamped in the 0-3 stuff. It looks so big compared to him.

The play last night was really good. I'm always amazed at how talented my younger sisters are! I missed Connor like crazy though and couldn't wait to get home to him. It seems as though he had a screaming phase again last night while my parents took care of him. Poor wee lamb. He's been super settled today though thankfully! Unfortunately it does mean that my parents and sisters are now acting like this taking care of a screaming, colicky baby is proving difficult for me, offering help and lots of "you're doing great" comments. It's really not all that bad. Sure, I'd rather he didn't get super upset or be suffering from a sore tummy and yes sometimes it feels overwhelming but it passes. I'm doing absolutely fine. I know they are just trying to be supportive and nice but it feels as though they think I'm not managing which sucks.

Talking of things that suck. I have to go to the dentist tonight as about a week ago my tooth broke and needs sorted. I hate, hate, hate the dentist. Like I avoid it when I shouldn't and ignore issues if I can because I'm so terrified of it. Not happy at all!

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