November Rainbows 2016

Lord Ivan The Thud (Lucas named the car) passed his MOT with only 2 advisories, he needs another 2 new tyres soon and though I got new pads and discs for the front brakes I neglected the back ones, well yes that would be because I didnt know they were there :blush: (I'm not good with cars, it has electronics in it, I'm surprised OH allowed me to buy such a fancy one) Any way :happydance::happydance:

Aww poor Henry hope his skin calms down soon, is it colder there today, we have had a few ays rain and a thick frost this morning and my skin was a lot worse, wondered if its the same for Henry :hugs:

I only did the ironing last night as I went to check uniform and he had none ironed :blush:
Glad it passed. Bet that's a relief!! Love the name :rofl:

I was wondering the same. It looks so sore and he hasn't stopped crying all morning so I'm guessing it's irritating him too.

I was meant to do mine today but I still haven't. DH got to finish work early and I can't get anything done with him home. Keep trying to get him to go out :rofl:
Poor little Henry he has my sympathy mines really painful today and itchy :wacko:

I would give it up as a bad job for today now maryanne :haha:
Love the car name :)
Glad its pretty much passed mot

Hope henry is better soon hon xxx
Maryanne, sounds like a tough decision to make. Definitely take a little time to mull it over. Three kids so young would not only be a lot of work and tiring but probably not easy on your body. I totally get that time is of the essence though so just do what feels right. Hope little Henry feels better soon.

Lucasmum, love the car name! Glad it passed it's MOT. It seems as though we all neglected our ironing over Christmas! I had a mountain to do just the other day. Really ought to stay on top of it in the future but I know I won't!

Lilesmom, I always keep up with everyone here but rarely have time to actually reply. Who knew having a baby was so time consuming? :haha: I bet you're looking forward to being able to drive again!

All is good here. I think Connor has had a growth spurt. Not only is he getting big but he's been a bit unsettled. He has been way less colicky though which is a relief. The crying was hard to deal with sometimes. Having DH home these last two weeks has been amazing. We've been able to do things as a family, keep on top of housework and share all the baby duties. I am going to miss him o much when he goes back to work on Monday!

Been feeling so rubbish about my body lately. You hear all these stories about the weight just dropping off and ladies bouncing back and here I am feeling gross, wobbly and super unattractive. I've never had the best body confidence anyway but not fitting my clothes and feeling lumpy really sucks. So it's healthier eating and more exercising here! I'm not worried about getting to prepregnancy weight (I'm about a stone off) necessarily but just toning up and feeling better about myself. I'm trying not to be too hard on myself and remember that 9 month on, 9 months off rule!

Speaking of low body confidence it means that I'm totally not feeling it in the bedroom department :blush: poor DH is being so patient and understanding but I don't really want him to come near me. I feel nervous about DTD anyway after the episiotomy and stitches, tired 90% of the time never mind the low body confidence. Poor DH is never getting lucky at this rate! :dohh:
All totally normal feelings Lynanne
I'm looking forward to go ahead to exercise
So I can properly put in an effort to lose weight.
As for sex after Simon I was mad to once I got the go ahead
But just to prove to myself everything was still in working order :)
After that once it was a good bit before anywhere near regular resumed :)
Its def tiring having bub
And chance of rest becomes more important

My poor little bub is worse refluxy
Changed her to comfort milk
But only today
I bought it
But forgot I prob need bigger tests
So just got them today.
Still mostly feeding her myself as well

Hve new antibiotic for 5 days
So ill wait till after that to see if she settles more
Hopefully she will now.

Hows henry now Maryanne?
U were saying he got a bit worse again

Have a good weekend Lucasmom xx
I figured it's normal to feel the way I'm feeling. Still, not much fun though. Poor DH won't be getting any sex for a week at least - AF got me just before bed last night. Oh how I have not missed the aching back and the sensation of having my insides twisted. Ugh! Hope it doesn't get too bad. Fortunately DH is still off work so if I am struggling he can help even more with Connor.

Hope the comfort milk helps. We switched Connor onto it at about two weeks and it felt like it took almost two weeks before he was really settled on it. Seems to be happy with it now though.
Could the antibiotic be making the reflux worse lilesmom? I found antibiotics really messed with my milk and made auroras reflux a million times worse. Hope the comfort milk helps. Hope your feeling better?

Glad all is ok lynanne. No bedroom action here either. One because I had to wait 6 weeks past when I had to be restiched, two because I've had a two week af which sucked and 3 because I don't want to fall pregnant again yet. DH is very good about it. Best to wait till your ready. I waited 5 months after zack was born.

I can't say I'm worrying about baby weight just yet, probably will though a few months down the line when I want to wear my summer clothes. At the moment my diet consists of kids leftovers and slices of toast while I'm doing the housework. Must try to improve it a little.

Still no ironing today either. Having the worst day ever! Only just all got dressed :rofl:
Henry's skin is still super sore, looks infected as its weeping so doctors with him later. Guessing more steroids and antibiotics. Poor mite.
Ahh the old body worries, it really annoys me that people shrink back with out a wobbly bit in sight, that surely ant be normal :haha: I was this time round mainly baby and did shrink back straight away, shame my shrinking back meant where the wobbly bits had stretched out and werent wobbly now they are again :haha:

No bedroom action here either, mainly because I spotted for 5 weeks and this week AF has turned up! waited 13 months for AF with Lucas not even 6 sodding weeks this time :dohh:

Connor sounds to be doing fab :flower:

I hope the comfort milk works lilesmom :hugs:

Poor Henry I hope the new creams work for him :hugs:

So we missed baby group today as the health visitor came, she wants me to take Edith to the doctors about her pooping or lack of it, I'm not overly concerned by it but hey ho, she also thinks the whites of her eyes are still looking yellow, they are a bit dark but again I wasnt worried and she also thinks she may have reflux! This is a recent development she vomits after feeds and can scream and shout alot I put it down to no poop action and over filling but she seems to think not, gosh what a delightful visit that was :wacko: She did however weigh fatty fat pants and she is now 11lb 4oz so weight wise she is doing well if nothing else :rofl:
How often does she poop lucusmum? It's normal for breastfed babies to go up to 6 days without pooping? Henry's eyes are still a little yellowish. He had dreadful jaundice. Is her skin still yellowish? Will she have to have a blood test? Sounds like it wasn't a great visit. I hate health visitors. Glad mine leaves me alone.

Yea Henry's skin is infected. Poor thing. You were right lucusmum, doctor thinks weather may have caused the flair up. It's so so cold here at the moment.
The longest was 6 days I'm not bothered about the pooping or the eyes she looks the same as Lucas did he is fine, I think she may be onto something with the reflux though reading up on it and Edith seems to fit the bill :wacko:

Poor Henry roll on the spring, what did they give you today for him I hope he is ok :hugs:
Hve tried to post two different posts
It keeps throwing up error message
Course it posts that then!!

Reflux sucks Lucasmom
Constipation makes it a hundred times worse.
Reflux medications either reduce the acid. Hurray gastric empty or thicken the food.
We gave Simon zantac
And now losec too
But so far Emily not bad enough go need them
Hoping we can not use meds.

Poor henry
Hope he is better soon
They gave him fucidin antibiotic cream. His poor skin looks even worse tonight. It's really worrying me.

We used ranitidine with aurora for her reflux. It seemed to help her. Reflux sucks. Hope you get it sorted.
Poor babies the reflux sounds evil I'm going not to have to use medication, last night was pure evil poor lady screamed in pain from about 2200 she just couldn't settle did a mercy dash to Tesco at midnight to try gripe water my god that stuff is sticky :haha: she bought up so much wind I was expecting her to end up whizzing round the room like a balloon :rofl: but we settled about 0230 and slept with only the minimum fuss she looks done for this mother by she is so tired :sleep:
Fucidin can make it look red and angry to start with, but if he is in any pain I would stop using and go back to the GP poor Henry sounds awful for him and youv:hugs:

Lilesmom does Simon still suffer? Is it a long term thing for him?
That's sounds awful lucusmum. Reflux is honestly awful. Aurora projectile vomited after every feed for months and months. When she got to about 6 months we had to put her on ranitidine as it got so severe but then as she approached 1 it just suddenly started to ease. She hasn't been sick in months now. Hope you both manage to her some rest today, sounds like you need it.

Hope your feeling better lilesmom.

It looked so bad last night but the cream must have helped as its improved a fair bit today. It's not weeping anymore and is scabbing over and is a lot less red. Fingers crossed it heals now,
Yeah Simon still had reflux
But a lot better than it was
Can hvd flares though if new or he eats too late or new med etc
Just as I think he I getting good enough go start to wean meds
He gets a flare up
Reflux is sucky.
He still isn't walking so might improve more later hopefully.
Hope things improve for ye xxx

U too Maryanne
Poor henry xx

Lynanne how ye doin
U get more nights like your great night
Hope so

Little missy soo much more settled again
Hopefully it lasts.
6 week check on Mon
Looking toward to seeing how much she has grown :)
She slept till 1100 so did I :happydance: and she is back asleep now, we havent bothered getting dressed today :blush:

I think she is suffering reflux, we vomit after 90% of feeds and just looks generally uncomfy :cry:

Doctors on monday :wacko:

Glad Henrys skin is looking a little better lets hope it continues to heal :hugs:

Awww poor Simon still suffering :cry:

Is there anything I should avoid eating that will help her or not make it worse :shrug:
Keep a diary if you can lucusmum. I found me eating dairy or egg made her reflux worse, we found out later that she was lactose intolerant and allergic to egg. But there were other foods that I ate that made it worse. This is what it says in my Doula training books

The foods that can make reflux pain worse for a baby/child are:

Fruit and fruit juice, especially oranges, apples and bananas. Pears are the least acidic and an ideal first fruit for reflux babies.
Tomatoes and tomato sauce
Tea and coffee
Spicy Foods
Fizzy drinks (especially coke)
Fatty foods (i.e. fish and chips!!)

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