November Rainbows 2016

I would say if Connor is looking for more wanting his feeds earlier than the normal than give it him, you know him best not some silly guideline, if he dosent drink it then so be it :flower: Is he still sleeping through the night? I have no idea what Edith eats each time some days she snacks others she gorges bit like me really :blush: but at a good feed she used to have one boob now she has at least one and a half :wacko:

Poor Henry no wonder he was screaming ear infection is quite possibly one of the worse pains ever :hugs:

Tell Emily to pass some of her pooping tips to Edith please :haha:

So Edith saw the doctor this morning and he agrees def has reflux she is to start rantadine 3 times a day and will be assessed at her 8 week check in 11 days, its such a tiny amount I cant see how it will do anything but i'm happy to try if it just stops the projectile vomiting if nothing else :wacko:

He isnt concerned about her poop habits so long as its soft and she isnt screaming in pain as she goes, which shes not :cloud9:

He couldnt really check her eyes as by this point she was wailing so loud they were screwed shut :haha: He dosent think there is a problem as she is alert happy and healthy but he will make it the first thing he checks at the 8 week check :haha:
He's so much calmer since having calpol. Feel so bad that he was in pain and didn't know. Seriously annoyed at the Gp for missing it Friday and saying it was colic.

Poor Edith :( I know some people say don't give them meds but honestly the rantadine does help. Aurora was still sick but not always after every feed. It did lessen it a lot. Hope it helps your litttle lady too. Glad the doctor wasn't worried about the other things. Must be a relief.
It always amuses me what people say about medicating babies and small children, well ideally no I wouldnt medicate but at the same time I'm not about to sit back and watch them suffer knowing there is something I can do about it :wacko: Its a very contraversial topic isnt it far to out my depth :haha:
I had it this morning with one of my mummy friends. 'Oh you gave him calpol, I've never given little Jonny calpol and he's 8 months.' Good for you love but I'm not watching my baby suffer in pain when 2.5mls of calpol can relieve it.
Maryanne, I'm always second guessing myself to be fair. People always make comment about how big he is getting or his weight gain as they think it is more than most babies. That may be the case but my baby is doing just fine thank you very much! Little comments like that and if I'm doing x, y or z do make me second guess myself for sure!

Lucasmum, he sleeps through the night when it suits him. Last night he slept from about 1130 to 0645 with only a little moan and squirm at 0545 but the night before he was up screaming on and off until 0230 before sleeping until 0700. Just depends really. Shouldn't complain though because when he does sleep it's for good stretches of time.

Just gave Connor a 5 oz bottle and he polished it off no bother, slowed a little on the last oz but that's nothing. I think I'll maybe give him one or two 5oz through the day (stick with 4oz the rest) and 5oz before bed.
Lynanne they ought to see my boy. He's massive. 15lbs6 now :rofl: I get the comments too though, always annoys me. Their dad is huge though, he's 6ft5 so my babies were never going to be small. Aurora is the same height as an average 3 year old and she's 16 months. Maybe your little man is going to be tall too!
Maybe, maryanne. His dad is 6ft and I'm 5'6 so we are pretty average in height. Not shorties anyway.

I'm sure we would all much rather not have to give our LOs medicines but sometimes needs must. Much rather not see them in pain!
If they need medicine they need it
Obvs id avoid of I could.
But not goin to leave my kids sick or in pain!!
It pisses me off so much, don't give him anything for his pain let him scream through it instead, that's just fecking cruel in my opinion, I agree much rather give something than let them suffer.

What are you feeding Henry 15lbs 6ozs :haha: though Edith is heading that direction :blush:

Lynanne you and you DH are the same height as me and OH Lucas was a ginormous baby :wacko: then from about aged 3 he didn't hardly grow at all, until he was about 6! So we had OMG he's huge what are you feeding him are doing X Y and Z then we had OMG he's so tiny are you doing X Y and Z, you can't win, parent him as you want to not what others say to do, make it up as you go along and enjoy it :hugs: just to add at 10 Lucas is average height and weight so it works out eventually :flower:

Glad he took the 5oz well :flower:
I literally couldn't see him suffer. It was horrible, he was hysterical. He's lovely and relaxed now, slept most of the day.

Lucusmum I'm sure he's switching his formula for weight gain powder :rofl: honestly he's massive. I thought Aurora grew fast but he's beating her. He's so much bigger than babies older than him when we go to our baby groups.

At the doctors now for my postnatal. Pointless really as I had a postnatal at the fertility clinic, but have to have my NHS one too.

Henry had his injections moved as he was poorly Friday. He's going to be so late having them now :/
Simes has always been big and tall for his age
In 6 yr old clothes at 3. ��
Emily is at the top of the toes in 0-3 months babygros
So looking likely to follow him ��
She has a tiny little double chin now.and legs getting chubby :)
Hve 6 week check tomorrow
Cant wait to find out how much she has grown.
:rofl: naughty Henry using weight gain powder :rofl:

You have to be cold hearted to let them scream and do nothing but it's sad that I know people who are so freaking into natural remedies they have babies screaming in pain instead :cry:

When will he have his injections now?

Hope it all goes well tomorrow lilesmom :flower:

Bloody pharmacy in tesco didn't have Edith's medsbin so she won't start until tomorrow now, I refuse to use our local chemist as they are worse than Tesco :wacko:
Good luck for the check lilesmom. Hope it goes ok!

Our local pharmacy is rubbish too lucusmum. We use Sainsbury's as it's a little better. Hope the medication helps, crossing my fingers for you.

Absolutely no idea. The receptionist thinks it won't be for around 3 weeks!! That means all his injections will be late now. Brilliant.
Zantac made a huge huge difference for Simon
Hope it does for Edith too xx

Is henry still improving Maryanne
Hope so xx

Hope Conor is settled on his extra milk xx

Had nice day today
The 4 of us went for a walk in the bog nearish to us
Then my sis and adult god daughter called.
Was lovely :)
How are we all today

We had an awful night little madam didn't sleep a lot yesterday and got her self over tired finally went to sleep just before 0300!! So the darling has done nothing but sleep today :wacko:
Sounds lovely lilesmom!

Oh no lucusmum. We had a bad night too. I feel your pain. Have you tried her on her medication yet? Hope it helps.

Henry seems better today. Hopefully he's on the mend now. Horrible seeing them poorly.
Aw hugs to Edith and u
But glad she is resting now. Xx

Glad henry is getting better too xxx

Had 6 week check today.
Little missy is 12 pounds now ::)
Was delighted.
Was all proud over my super milk
She only got 2 oz formula last few days
Then today she fed all day.
Had to give her 2 oz x 3 times.
And booby a hundred million times!
Nothing seemed to fill her
Emily is doing well and yay to super milk :happydance:

So we have literally slept all day well she has I haven't, gave her a dose of medication tons get after we finally got it, Tesco only somehow managed to lose her prescription! Finally got it sorted tonight!

I don't want to jinx anything but in the last 48 hours we have had 4 poops :happydance: I'm hoping we are getting back on track :flower:

Glad to hear Henry is feeling better :flower:
I also dig the breast pump out today managed to get 2.5 ozs she took/spat half an oz before we gave up :haha:
That's fab she is more settled
Zantac kicks in super fast xx

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