November Rainbows 2016

Great answer from Maryanne
Anything very acidic can make it worse
A bland plain diet can help a sufferer
So id presume can help your milk
It oz most often dairy is the problem
It can take two weeks r so off it
To see the difference
We went to sleep at ten last night.
Up to feed three times
But its two the following day now
I was soo tired
It just all caught up with me
She is heaps more settled since switch to comfort milk
Still can't put her down
But least she settled for good chunks of sleep now :)
I live on coffee and oranges :wacko:

She has slept a lot today hardly surprising she had such little sleep yesterday and last night :cloud9:
Good good :)

Think my milk is getting better
Even managed a pumping session this eve :)
Hve to order bigger pump bits though
Think that's what's causing it to be a bit sensitive
Hope you all managed to get some rest. We have had an awful day. Crying non stop. I thought he would be tired after being awake all night but no. On to the fifth hour awake with most of that being crying hysterically. Just let DH bring up the ttc subject tonight, I will castrate him myself :rofl:
Aw hugs hon xxx
Does he hve reflux or trouble pooing or something
He is prob over tired now
Like u
Hugs xxx
Hope he is better and u get rest soon xxx
Oh no I'm hoping today is better for you :flower:

When she is sweet and smiley and cooing and good I want another 23, then she pukes over me and screams for three hours non stop and I wonder where the nearest childrens home I can leave her on the doorstep is :haha:

I really need to dig my pump out and start using it
I think he was a little colicky. Plus his skin is still irritating him. Think he was over tired as well so wasn't a good mix. He's still unsettled today but not as badly.

How often do your little ones smile? Henry can smile, big ones but doesn't do it that often. Aurora and Zack were both very smiley from very young so it new to me. He always looks so grumpy lol.
Edith looks grumpy all the time so did Lucas not to many smiles here and mainly given to anyone but me :dohh:
Glad it's not just Henry that's grumpy. I met my friend for a coffee the other day with the kids and all her little girl did was smile and she's 2 weeks younger than him. He sat there on my lap looking fed up. Didn't crack one smile at all.

Just had another night of nonstop crying. 3rd hour now of it. Wish I knew what was wrong.

Hope everyone had a nice weekend.
:rofl: maybe a coffee shop surrounded by woman isnt his thing

We had a poop tonight :happydance: which (sorry maryanne) resulted in a very smily baby for a while :flower:
Poor little grumpy babies! Sorry to hear Henry is colicky and having problems with his skin, maryanne, that can't be much fun for either of you! Yay for poop, Lucasmum. It's odd just how much we celebrate when our babies poop isn't it?

I think Connor might be wanting to go up to 5oz bottles. When he eats his 4oz (every three hours) he seems to be looking for a bit more. Likewise if he isn't fed at three hours on the dot then he screams bloody murder as though he is starving. We've given him 5oz tonight as he was hungry earlier than usual (last feed normally between 11-11:30 but he wanted it closer to 10:30) and he's eaten it and is quite settled now.

When you look online for advice about how much to feed babies there is so much conflicting information. Lots of babies seem to be eating less at seven weeks but if he's hungry I should be feeding him what he needs, right? He's not a tiny boy either. He'll get weighed again on Wednesday but I reckon he's probably about 12lbs+ by now. What do we think? Up his bottles to 5oz and see if he eats it?
Babies won't overeat.if he looks for it and is content after id def give it to him.
Simon Always had more than the guidelines
Was pudgy hungry baby :)
They lose the baby pudge when on the move
I think it stands to them if ever sick god forbid xx

Maryanne glad he is more settled.
Hope ye get more and more so xxx
Emily looks surprised a lot :)
Gives me lots of smiles
But needs to be fed
But not fed enough to be sleepy
And needs to not be bothered by wind or poo
And needs to be not too tired :)

We had loads of poos last night lucasmom
To the point where it was disturbing our sleep
A happy medium would be good :)
We demand feed lynanne. Basically if Henry asks for food we give it to him. I will say I've never looked at feeding guidelines and I doubt any of mine have ever followed them. He will sometimes have 5 ounce bottle, then an hour later want another ounce but then go three hours and only take 3 ounces. There's no pattern to his feeding what so ever. Our midwives recommend that way of feeding though but not sure if it differs elsewhere. If he's looking for more I'd offer it. Babies really don't over eat and you know what's best for him.Wish Henry didn't eat so much though, I spend my life making and washing bottles non stop. He's such a greedy boy!

Figured out why Hes been so unsettled. He has an ear infection and a cold. I took him to the emergency doctors in the night as he literally was hysterical for hours. The normal Gp we saw Friday kept saying it was colic and his skin and he was fine so I'm glad I took him. Poor thing must have been in pain. Emergency doctors also thinks that's why his skin has flared up so badly. He's nice and settled now after a bit of calpol and a cuddle.
It's not that I don't demand feed it's just he asks for a bottle every three hours, occasionally it goes half an hour either way! Little boy just got into a routine himself that way. Can't say it's a bad thing. He's been happy with the 4oz every three hours up until Friday or so when I've noticed that he seems to still be a little hungry. Going to try 5oz here and there for the next wee while and see how it goes down. That and continue giving him 5oz before bed every night. He slept from 11:30ish to 6:45 this morning!
I didn't mean you didn't demand feed lynanne. I just meant don't let feeding guides put you off. That's why I said you know your baby best. I wish Henry would feed less. His erratic schedule is a nightmare. Be glad when he's weaned at this rate. I'm non stop feeding it feels like.
You're right. Feeding guidelines are just that: guidelines. I know Connor best so I'm the one who knows what is best for him. Just a little bit of the old FTM paranoia creeping in!
Being a first time mum is bloody hard sometimes lynanne, I remember sometimes how confused I used to be about things. Don't question yourself though, your gut is usually right even if it goes against what books, health visitors and well meaning relatives say. There's still times now though where I have no idea what's best. Think it's part of parenthood,

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