November Rainbows 2016

Yeah we have the issue of a small person sleeping n me as well when it comes to dtd :dohh:
Aw cutie
I love chubby babies
Lovely squishy little faces :)
The huge vomit last night was bad timing
I sat her up to burb her just as shd did big poo
The combo was too much for her
Usually silent reflux or pure milk just coming back up a bit
She isn't distressed by it so no meds.
We got them fir Simon cos he had pain with it
Emily doesn't seem to be in pain
Poor Emily, I'm wondering if our constipation issues were somehow reflux related :shrug: since being on the mess we have been once a day :shrug:

Why don't babies come with any instructions/user manuals :haha:
We had to get creative :rofl: can't see it happening often. It's not often we manage to get both small ones asleep at the same time.

It's great that he's so into cooking lucusmum. Zack can't even make a piece of toast lol.

Hope Emily's reflux gets better soon lilesmom.

Henry is still sleeping great at night. I'm so pleased. Although he's not great in the day, he is still fighting sleep and will often go 5-6 hours without sleeping. Suppose I can't have it both ways!
Zantac prob fixed the constipation
It can cause diarrhoea in some people.
Constipation worsens reflux hugely
So the Zantac is a winner for ye :)

I don't hve the energy to get creative Maryanne :)
Good for u though
When will u know if bfp or not
Do u usually test early?

Lynanne how ye doin xxx

Emily ditched her morn bottle.
Seems to be ditching the night time bit too.
Refused it totally tonight
Just hope she sleeps without it.

Eoin is back to work in morn
Hope it goes smoothly for us all :)
Bit nervous
Should know by next Wednesday. Im not going to test though, just see if af arrives or not. It sounds bad but I'm kind of hoping I don't get a bfp. It's a little soon and would mean two 11 months apart which is a bit scary. Ive been feeling really sick all night which isn't normal for me so it's panicked me a bit. I've agreed to ttc at 6/7 months if I feel ready so I've told DH that until then he will have to take precautions. Although I'm sure if I did get a bfp I'd be happy once I'd got my head around it.

That's great that she's dropped her bottles. Does she still cluster feed?

Hope tomorrow goes ok for you!
I totally understand why u would want to wait a little.
But equally I agree that if you did get bfp
U would adjust and be delighted xxx
Hope it works out how u want hon

Yeah she can still cluster
Just not as badly or as much.
She took one oz for me after all last night
I was happy she wants booby
But she settled much later than normal
Still not horribly late
Properly asleep for ten
Slept till 3.30 then
But if she will take it
I'll keep giving her tiny bit at bedtime
Settles her for longer.

Got Simon off to school
Emily actually went into her Moses basket and slept the whole time
Still asleep and Simon is gone off
Got his brekkie and meds
My brekkie
House tidied after brekkie
And back in bed beside her :)
If everyday was like this it would be a Carlsberg world :)
Simon came home asleep.
They r both asleep now
Emily in her buggy
Simon in his wheelchair
Honestly didn't expect any free time with two
Had my lunch and hve Simons ready
Still Carlsberg so far :)

How ye doin

Emily poo is gone very orange
Haven't changed diet I don't think
Used to be mustardy
Thinking maybe my milk has extra fat
Now she is older
Is this normal?
Sounds perfect lilesmom! Glad it's gone so well for you!! Don't worry about the poo. Probably something you have/are eating.

Henry has been super good today too. Must be something in the air today. He's been asleep near enough all morning. Only just woken up.
Thanks xx
Glad henry is doing great xx

My scar has opened again.
Stupid c section
Will I ever freaking heal!!;
We were awake at 0400 last night as Connor had a stuffy nose and seemed to choke on his saliva. Poor wee lamb woke us up with quite a start. He seems okay though, I don't even really think it is a cold just sniffles.e got up at 0700 for his normal feed and then went back down in his crib for another hour about 0845. In that time I managed to get ready myself, wash his bottles and clean the kitchen. Why doesn't he do that every morning?

Connor has his "6 week" check at the doctors today and I can't say I'm best pleased about having to go. MIL is taking us so DH doesn't need to take time off work and I don't have to battle with buses. DH already took time off this week to take me to the dentist. Bleh. My anxiety feels sky high today not having DH by my side. Don't get me wrong, MIL is nice and we get on fine but DH is my comfort blanket for things like this. I'm so useless in these situations, I don't know why I had a child when I knew I'd have to do this :haha:

We are going back to the in laws house after for the afternoon and dinner so I've got all the bags packed for him and the dog. I hope I'm not forgetting something! I feel so scatterbrained at the moment thanks to baby brain!

I'll try and do a proper catch up with you all this weekend when I have a bit more time!
Hope all goes ok Lynanne!

What will they do now lilesmom? How do they treat that?
Its not deep like last time thank god.
But hve fungal infection on it too
Got cream for it
She said the rest will heal itself in time
Hopefully not too much time :)
Fed up of it now.
She said to minimise lifting
And keep it clean and dry.
I've overhang so scar os too hot ( gross)
Def hve to lose weight before id think about ttc
Putting me off going again a little
But ill prob forget it all once healed :)
How ye doin xxx
It only took me 8 weeks but I've finally realised Edith doesn't like quite it's why she's not been sleeping at night the last 3 nights I've been playing music thankfully we can all sleep through it, as I always have fell asleep and it still been on in the morning :haha:

We also had out check today they do it at 8 weeks at our GP and combine with first injections, she had a check 11daya ago for the reflux so hers was more a follow up and all is well :cloud9:

First injections nurse thought I was on child 5 or 6 as I was so laid back about the injections, I'm not one of these mums who cries and sobs at the thought of the baby being stabbed, I look at the bigger picture what if I didn't vaccinate and god forbid something happens! She was surprised when I said only the second :haha: little lady was a star loved the calpol :blush: and when they gave the liquid vaccination she gulped the lot down, nurse said she has never seen a baby take the lot got into a discussion do they give extra when the companies prepare it to account for the fact some will be spat out, in which case was Edith over dosed :haha: or do they not and are most babies under vaccinated :happydance:

When it came to the needles she gave a pathetic waaaaa then smiled her way through the next ones :haha:

Unfortunately she is feeling it now has had her second dose of calpol but is quite miserable keeps sobbing for no reason isn't feeding a huge amount and is sleeping a lot poor little pickle :cry:
I hope Connors check went well and you have had a lovely afternoon at the inlaws :flower:

I hope your days are still running nice and smooth lilesmom :flower:

Good to hear Henry is doing well how is his skin getting on at the moment not to sore for him I hope :blush:
Glad things went so well! We have a little calpol over here too! He loves it.

I'm a sobber. I literally can't deal with seeing the kids in pain. When Henry had his lumbar puncture I was inconsolable. DH always comes with me to injections. It's funny as any other time I'm a cold hearted cow who never cries :rofl:

Hope she picks up soon. That men b jab is nasty. Aurora was so ill after each dose.
His skin is actually ok ish at the moment. Kind of working out what things make it worse. It seems to get worse if it gets cold. I cannot use even water wipes on his face or any other baby product or it flares up too. Had to buy these scratch mitts that go up to his elbows though as he can get the others off. He scratches his little face till it bleeds.
When I was telling OH he said it's either cause your fat or because your a cold hearted bitch that's why the nurse must have thought more kids :rofl:

I think a lumber puncture would be different and under the circumstances where Henry was so poorly crying would definitely be forgiven even from the ice queen that is me :haha:

I'm not that mean I'm worried about her now it's knocked her for six though I made lucas go to school on Thursday, he declared he was really really ill he has a cold and a bit of a sore throat, so he has been telling her I'm really mean and don't care that she is ill as I'm not holding her, that's because she is flat out on OH :wacko:

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