November Rainbows 2016

Another night of no sleep for us, look at me pulling all nighters, a bit different kind of all nighters than I remember them :wacko:

She is wanting to sleep all day can hardly blame her and can't keep her awake if she was bigger I'd poke at her :haha: then she's wakes at night :dohh: she's not pooped in a few days and I think that's part of the problem :wacko:

I'm glad Henry is doing well maybe he can give Aurora and Edith some tips :rofl:
I really know how you feel. Aurora was the same. She still is. Although hopefully it won't last as long for you. She's still never slept without waking for more than 3 hours :/ must be a girl thing. Zack was an awesome sleeper too. Was Lucus?

Henry is laughing!!! I couldn't believe it as its so much earlier than both my others. First time I thought I'd misheard but he's doing it over and over again. It's the cutest sound in the world. I adore this mini man.
Let's put it this way, I never thought I would utter the words Lucas was my good sleeper :rofl: I look at other parents at the baby groups saying they self settle and sleep through, they are all calm and feeding well, then I look at my gremlin arms and legs everywhere if she feeds she groans grunts and farts her way through it, if I don't get the boob out quick enough she headbuts me :wacko:

I love the first laughs we haven't had them yet :flower:
That sounds so much like my girl. I hate to tell you but she's still the same way. I imagined when I was pregnant this little princess who I could dress up take to ballet lessons. Instead I have a wild child. She always looks messy, she farts, picks her nose and is always trying to fight with her dad and big brother. Yesterday mum and toddler group she was hissing and growling like a cat at some other little girl who tried to play with her. You ask her if she's s good girl and even she will say no
Emily laughs too.super cute :)
Coos loads to talk too.
Had Carlsberg night last night
Simon slept through for first night on yonks
And Emily went to sleep at 9.30.
Woke at 2.15 to feed.asleep again by 2.45
Until 6.40
Hurray for Emily :)
Best night yet

Simes still off form but gone off to school
I asked him if he wanted to go back to bed
He started crying
Asked if he wanted to go to school
Big smile and he said go
So he went :)
I just read out your reply to OH Maryanne, you just described my god daughter perfectly I also reckon Edith is gonna be like this naff all dainty and ballet like about her :blush: even as I type she on her play mat and instead of reaching out to try and grab bash the animals dangling down she has figured out how to actually pull the arch down destructive little madam :haha:

We have lots of cooing in amongst the grunts :haha:

Well done Emily :flower:

So I just saw a friend of mines baby for the first time she is 2 weeks younger than Edith, I've seen piccies before and have mentioned how she is not a cute baby but pretty ugly :wacko: OH has always said I'm mean, but in the flesh she is worse not all cute and squishy, she has 2 mums and her father was from a spend bank in London, now I'm not really sure how it works but if you get a choice you would be picking a gorgeous man to be the donor, or at least I would be :haha:
I have been trying so hard to catch up and actually reply to you girls (instead of just talking about myself!) but every time I do my little monkey distracts me and when he is napping during the day I feel like I ought to make the most of the time and do a spot of housework. I'm currently trying to type this while he seems content on my knee but we'll see how long that lasts. He was just playing on his mat until he started fussing.

Anyway, I'm happy to hear everyone is doing well.

Maryanne, I can't believe that Henry is laughing already! I really can't wait for that. Connor is all smiles and chats but we haven't had any real laughs yet. Aurora sounds like a wee monster (in a good, nice way!), totally my sort of girl.

Lucasmum, I'm not sure I would be coping as well as you are if Connor was pulling all nighters like Edith. It wasn't until he started sleeping through the night that I realised just how much I was missing my sleep. Seriously, how I was coping before is beyond me. Grumpy babies are cute babies but I must admit I am totally jealous of the mum's who boast that there kid only cries when they are hungry. Connor is a right, fussy grump about 5 times a day. It can be exhausting!

lilesmom, Sounds like Emily is doing great! A good sleep makes all the difference in the world for both of you! It must be lovely to hear her laugh too. I can't wait until Connor starts properly laughing.
That post took me far longer than it would have pre-Connor!! Like, three times as long. I kept having to stop and sort him, cuddle him, shoosh him. He's so content when he has all my attention but not so much if I need/want to do something else. Little grump.

I can't believe how big my little man is getting. He is just amazing. He's back to sleeping through the night from about 11/11.30 to 7/7.30! We can even put him down when he is awake last thing at night and he will fall asleep. I can barely put him down for a nap during the day though. He always wants held or he wakes up immediately. I'm so thrilled to have a decent amount of sleep and I know how lucky I am. I hope that I haven't somehow jinxed it!

Tried some tummy time earlier. Normally he cries the moment you put him down on his tummy (although that's his preferred sleeping position on me!) but he was really content, holding his head up well so I had to snap a picture. Look at my little star. Oh, and here is a rare one of us together from earlier this week!


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Lynanne you can have her! She just did a wee on our new rug. I only left her for a second to fill up her juice cup and she pulled off her jeans and nappy. Then She sat splashing in it. So just bathed her again and now I'm googling how to remove pee from a wool rug :/ the joys of motherhood.

I'm glad all is ok with you and little man. What lovely pictures. He's getting so big!

Lilesmom I'm glad Simon is picking up. It's great that he enjoys school so much.

Lucusmum I totally agree not all babies are beautiful. DH says I'm awful for saying it but it's true :rofl:
Oh dear, maybe you can keep Aurora! Not sure I need a little girl peeing on my carpet! :haha:

Got to agree some babies just aren't cute. I'm sure that they are cute to their parents though so I suppose that's the only thing that matters. Oh god, are there people out there that think our babies aren't cute?! Surely not! We have beautiful babies!!
Haha just wait till potty training lynanne. It's such fun. It's like having a puppy. But a really intelligent puppy that constantly out smarts you. I'm just glad it was the rug and not the carpet. At least I can move the rug out.

I guess everyone thinks their babies are cute. I reckon my children are probably the best looking in the world but then I bet every mum feels the same.
Potty training will be interesting for sure. I hope Connor gets the hang of it super quickly and we don't have to clean up too much pee off the carpet - or worse!

I have to say I am that mum that thinks her son is the most beautiful little baby to have ever been born. Like other babies can be cute but he's the cutest by far! :haha: It's possibly because he looks so much like his daddy and I think he's pretty handsome! Still, I know other people would disagree that he's the cutest but at least they won't think that he is hideous :haha: Right?!
No one could say our babies are ugly they are just to adorable :cloud9:

OH said that some people probably look at Edith and think fuck me what an ugly baby :cry: but in reality I guess that's true, in fact my friend said awww she's a big girl not aww she's gorgeous even though I said that about hers :growlmad:

Lucas was an ugly newborn, he was purple and swollen :haha:

I shouldn't laugh because I know in the future I'll be furious when Edith does something similar but I can't help laughing at Auroras antics :haha:

Lynanne I know what you mean about doing the housework when they are asleep, I should be emptying the tumble dryer as I type instead I'm sat on a stool looking at it :blush: that pic of you and Connor is gorgeous I wish I had time to look presentable during the day :blush:

I'm also thing an activating centre like connors would be fab with an arch she can't destroy :dohh:
All our babies are cute. Anyone says differently then they will have me to answer to :rofl:

Talking of cute babies. Excuse the scratch on his face. He's not allowed to not wear scratch mittens now.


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Aww, maryanne, he's so cute! People definitely cannot call our babies ugly! Beautiful, all of them!

Lucasmum, the play gym is from IKEA. Santa brought it for Connors Christmas :haha: it actually comes with little wooden hanging toys but Connor is too little to reach them so we switched them out for some pram toys until he's a little bigger. It's really sturdy though and pretty much impossible to knock over so that's a plus!
Lovely pics ladies. Xx
Gorgeous bubbas xxx
I'm very bad for Emily floor time.
Cant happen when Simon home!!
Also with her reflux I find it hard to.
If hungry she cries.
If full she pukes
Um. ....
She sleeps on her tummy though
So that counts :)

Oh has flu.
Proper flu mixed with man flu
So I'm single mom
Emily chose today to cluster feed bigtime.
Pretty exhausted this eve.
Hoping for another good nights sleep
But when u need it most u often get the opposite :)

Laughing aurora :)
But yeah I've minded nieces and nephews being potty trained
Not pretty at times
Ha ha
Def good it was pee though :)

Lynanne u look fab xx
I wore make up today for first time in yonks
Felt good. :)
My cutie.
I cant put any pics I put on fb here.
My phone won't link pic to two sites
So I couldn't post my better pics


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Did Aurora beat Henry up :haha: bless him I assume is skin was playing up and he caught himself, still gorgeous though :cloud9:

Awww Emily has changed loads since the last pic of her she is beautiful :cloud9:
What a beauty lilesmom! She looks so different now. Hope you managed to get some rest.

Henry is the only one that avoids her beatings :rofl: she still thinks he's a cat. And will argue with you. If you tell her he's a baby she will say 'no, cat'. If he cries she will say 'awww cat meow'. I give up telling her. But yea his face is itchy. I only had the mittens off a second and he's turned himself into scar face.

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