November Rainbows 2016

I don't give rice cos it constipated Simon badly
And aggravated reflux.
I gave her porridge last two days
Today she wasn't too interested so I didn't push it
She had some but pretty little.
Think ill try pear tomorrow see what she thinks.
I know with Simon I only gave every second day for a bit.
But its was at 5.5 months.
I'll do it as slow as she likes this time.
Do u mix fruit with your milk?
Again I don't think I did with si but think I might for Emily
No I just give it plain. He didn't want any today which is fine, but then he was being silly with his bottles too all day. He hasn't taken a whole one all day. Just keeps wriggling and fighting them. Hoping he's calmer tomorrow.

But of a rubbish day today. I tripped over one of Auroras toys when I was carrying Henry. He seems ok cause I somehow managed to stop myself falling on him but it's really shaken me up. Also had a meeting at out fertility clinic and we have had some bad news. Egg count is lower than previously thought. Feel a little upset but I'm blessed with three beautiful children already so I must be greatful. TTC has moved to this month though, I realised today that i would like more even if it means a smaller age gap and we don't have time to waste now. Possibly looking into freezing eggs and ivf if ttc is unsuccessful. If I can't have more then I'm ok with that but we are going to give it a good go before calling it a day.
Oh no sorry to hear xxx
Hope ye both OK xxx
Easy to fall.
Combo if tiredness and focusing on bub and not being able to see fully where your going over them. Hugs
I've gone very clumsy lately xxx

Hugs about your eggs
Best if luck for ttc xxx
Hope u catch fast with super healthy sticky bean xxx
Emily sleep been dire last two niggts.
Wriggling all night
Thrm huge poo in morn
Gas during the night.
Would u
A change food time to early in day
B give less food
C go back to milk only for few weeks
D change food type

Thanks xxx
I think that's what it must be. I've become really clumsy too. He seems ok, he's got a small bruise on his finger and it's a little swollen but doctor said it's ok. I feel so guilty :(

We give the food earlier so it's got plenty of time to settle in his tummy. He eats about 4-5 spoonfuls. You could try and see if she's better on fruit or veg? Porridge didn't agree with my first two till they were 8ish months. It was a bit heavy for their tummies.

Henry still not taking bottles properly. Doctor thinks fall might have just unsettled him as he's seems totally ok. Hate it when he won't feed.
Edith is terrified when I sneeze it's funny but sad at the same time :haha:

We all have the cold except Lucas he missed out when we had the tummy bug so got that I'm sure he will get the cold next week :dohh:

I haven't even thought about introducing food yet, the closest she has had is dentinox teething gel which she seems to like :rofl:
Aw hugs Maryanne xx
I'm sure he be fine
It could be teething? That's the only thing that used to slow Simon down on bottles :)
He was a huge feeder!! :)
It shakes u up when u fall doesn't it.
I get silly imagining falls they get properly hurt
And scare myself.
Hugs xx

I think Il just slow food down a whole lot
I think I went try too fast cos she loved it :)
Plenty time for her to start eating
Just thought she was hungry with waking lots for boob.

Emily likes bonjella too Lucasmom :)
I think it tastes weird.

Hope Lucas escapes the bug entirely xxx

Hi Lynanne xxx
Hope you and Henry are feeling better today and he is back at the milk :cloud9: I wouldn't worry about the bruise there will be plenty more as we all well know, sorry your egg count is low

I would probably go with eating earlier and maybe a bit less? lilesmom :flower:

Took Edith to be weighed today and she has only put on 4.5oz in 3 weeks, also dropped to just under the 50th centile, I'm not concerned about this she has plenty of reserve fat :haha: I was a little surprised if anything, but she's dropped her night feed, my word you'd think she was wasting away and suffering malnutrition they way the health visitor went on about :dohh: then they asked if she'd rolled yet I said no, she doesn't grip things to well either, I am officially the worst mum at the clinic c today especially when they told me they didn't think I was taking it serious :haha: that's maybe because by that point I'd got fed up of being lectured like a child and my eyes had glazed over :blush: see this is why I don't like health visitors :haha: may as well just sign Edith up for a failure in life right now, over weight underweight doesn't roll or grip useless child I tell ya :rofl:?
Emily hasn't even thought about rolling.
Not a notion of it :)
There is def nothing wrong
She just heaps prefers sitting.
So would anyone if u puke when u lie down.
I'm sure id get the tummy time lecture too
But only possible sometimes.
I'm sure Edith is flying it xxx
My hv is obsessed with postnatal depresion
She asks repeatedly in any session.
Maybe sh ed gets bonus points for finding people with it.
Not dissing depression
Just her obsession with it :)
Because I've suffered depression in the past, it's like a big red marker on Edith's file, they probably think she doesn't stand a chance with me as her mum :haha:

Though she's not stopped feeding today, they told me to offer the breast more during the day my response was like I've nothing better to do, if she's hungry I'll feed her! It's like she heard and took it on board I've managed to get nothing at all done today :wacko:
That's the exact reason I avoid the health visitors. I only have Henry weighed at injection times and refuse to go to baby clinic. I bought a baby scales and I weigh him at home. Did with Aurora too. All the do is nag and act like they know it all. Henry rolls and grabs toys but his head is still wobbly. I'm not worried at all but I know if I took him to the clinic they would only lecture me about it and how it must be my fault ( I've recently been diagnosed with PTSD over Henry's birth and time in hospital and know I know everything will be blamed on that by them. That's why I avoided getting help at the beginning) Ignore them, don't let them upset you.
Mine keeps going on about how hard it must be looking after Simon
Like he is a chore rather than my son
And like I should be depressed
Obviously I have days I wish he didn't have a stroke but he did so crying about it isn't gonna help any of us.
All hv.seem to suck....
My dad has depression and a few brothers
Maybe that's why she thinks I'm at risk
Better than not giving a shite I suppose
Lady squish went in her big girl cot last night and it's a hit.
Left one side off so I can cuddle her still
She was getting too big for us both to be comfy with her on me
Emily had banana today
She loved it but 5 hours later I saw it in her poo
She was a bit wriggly in between but not upset.
Normal reaction to something new ye think
Or avoid it for a bit?
I'd say it's normal lilesmom. It's new for her tummy so she just has to get used to it. If she's having trouble just take it down to just 3 or 4 spoonfuls at a time till she gets used to it. Henry isn't on much more than that yet. He had apple and pear today. He wasn't so keen but Aurora was around to finish it :rofl:

Glad it went well with her being in her cot. And don't worry everyone always says the same to me about having zack to care for and Aurora too. And then if I say I cope fine they look at me like I'm lying. Really annoys me.
Thanks hon.
Pear seems to suit her.
I might stick to it for a little while.

I get the same . People not believing me :)
U just adjust to anything and it becomes your norm

Simon slept through the night
Em fed for for two hours on and off between 2 and 4 but other than that slept from 8.30 to nearly 7.
Huge sleep improvement
After just one better night and a comment from oh yest.
I'm back yo thinking about a third.
My mind is so switchy!!!
Think af is thinking about coming back
Getting spots and losing tons of hair
So my hormones r doing something.
Is it much harder with two quite small?
Thinking maybe ttc around sep of I could lose some weight first.
Rationally I should wait another year till em is nearly in school
And Simon in big school
But I don't want to in other ways :)
I personally don't find it hard. I'm quite organised so we got into a good routine fairly quickly. And I don't have family to help or anything. It's just me and DH. Plus I homeschool too. I enjoy being so busy. Although I've got a friend who's children are 18 months apart who never leaves the house and admits it's a lot harder than she thought It would be. If I fall pregnant soon it will be 3 under 2.5 for us, but I'm kind of excited about the challenge. First fertile day today! If you think you can deal with it then go for it. We love close age gaps.
I replied yesterday it's gone :growlmad:

Yay to good nights sleep

I'm wondering if af is about to turn up, spots, major hair loss and cold sore :wacko: I thought it was back a few weeks ago but it turned into nothing same a few weeks before that :wacko:

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