November Rainbows 2016

My bro and sil r the same Maryanne.
They hve a 17 year old girl
But hve 4 under 5 then.
Very busy house but they do a fab job with their girls.
I think it depends on expectations going into it.
Tougher eve but two nearly asleep now
Mom soon to follow :)
I'll try lose weight and see where we r all at in sep :)
Oh is mad for it.
If I was fitter id prob go for it
In the hopes my back be better with less weight :)

Every 4 weeks I feel a bit af like.
Its getting stronger though
So would actually prefer it back now
To feel more normal .
My friend just got hers back .
Her daughter is 8 weeks ahead of em.
I know everyone differs though.

I'm giving up on food for em
She was very windy with tummy pains thus eve
I don't think she is ready.
I'll see how she goes.
I can always give her a teeny bit if she misses it.
When oh came home.
He took em so i could put on food
She bawled until I took her back .

Earlier today she was in her buggy
I was feeding Simon she was happy talking to us
Until I picked up simes to give him a cuddle
She bawled again

Think she is the boss of the house :)
I thought Simon would be jealous not em :)
I need to shift weight to help my back keep saying I'm gonna do couch to 5k, then I remember I've no trainers or a sturdy bra :haha:

Bought Edith a jumperoo today got it second hand for £20 bargain! She's not sure if she likes it yet but didn't cry in there so bonus :haha:
I'm with you on needing to lose the weight. I just don't feel like myself at all right now and I've got to be honest it really gets me down. I just don't know when I'm meant to fit in exercising when I'm busy with the wee man all day and then when DH comes home I'm exhausted! It'll get better now that the weather is picking up as we will be getting lots of walks in. When I'm having a badrink body confidence day I just try to remind myself that it grew the most beautiful baby and that makes it all worth it. Or at least I try to convince myself that I'm cool with the wobbles.

I can't believe my baby boy is 18 weeks tomorrow. How are our babies getting so big?? And all so gorgeous as well! He's got his last set of jags on Thursday and then we are away for my mum's birthday next Sunday to Tuesday so I'll have a busy week trying to work out all the a million things I need to take.

Hope you all have a lovely Mother's Day tomorrow!
So I'm not alone :)
By 3.5 weeks with Simon I had lost baby weight.
But I only put on 1.5 stone
This time i put on 3 by the end
Oh well mommys day today so it can feck off :)
Happy mom day to ye xxx
I'm back walking so hopefully ill start toning up soon.
I blame c section and magic boobies :)
Well I cant blame myself can I.
Hee hee.

Hope your all spoiled today xxx
I think ye hve different vaccine times to us.
Emily just had her second batch last week.
Very very little crying
And pretty much normal after them
Thank god
Much better than the first lot.
There was one less lot this time though.
Maybe that helped.

I ordered em a seat with toys too
Super seat forest friends :)
Think she will love it
Edith looks cute in her jumparoo
I really want to lost some weight and am making more healthy choices with what I eat and with trying to walk more. Would love time to go to the gym but that's not going to happen anytime soon.

Henry has his injections next week. Last ones now till 1 year booster. I'm dreading it already.

We are officially ttc!! 1dpo and feeling excited but terrified
Hope you all had a fab Mother's Day I certainly did :flower:

Edith has her last set of injections this afternoon, not bothered by them but she wasn't good after the last lot :cry:

Edith went to sleep and was put into her cot about 2200 last night (she normally dozes on and off and stays with me and I change her nappy and give her a last feed about 2330, she then goes into the cot and wakes anywhere between 0700 and 0800) so come midnight when I went to bed she was still sound asleep I ummed and ahhed about doing her nappy knowing it would wake her and she'd need feeding, or was she going to wake at some awful hour? Decided to leave sleeping and she's still asleep :wacko: it's like someone took her batteries out :haha: how she is asleep is beyond me all the noise going on! Though she is starting to stir so I'm about to grab her for a feed :cloud9:
Wow that's fab to ye both
Ttc is so exciting
Crappy in parts but u don't get more exciting for the good bits xxx
Hope u catch fast xxx

That's some sleep
Envious here :)
Missy sleeps 9-12 then wakes every hour after that.
Think its reflux.
She is very unsettled day sand night
It is exciting! Don't think our timing was quite right this month so not expecting a bfp this month.

That's a great stretch of sleep! Henry still sleeps well thank god. He does 10ish hours at night. It's bliss after having aurora that never sleeps more than 3 hours still.

Awww no lilesmom. Hope she starts settling for you soon.
When do you normally start testing? I'm crap at line spotting but love a look anyway :haha:

Right flyer I posted this morning I fed tubs and she would normally go back off to sleep I usually leave her with OH and get stuff done, but this morning she wasn't going back off so we all got up only been sat down 5 mins when she fell asleep, she is lazy :haha:

Injections this afternoon, she wailed and wailed and wailed this time :cry: she's fine ATM, she bled quite a bit also all over her white leggings :dohh:
I normally start around 10dpo as I'm a total poas aholic :rofl: it's pointless really though as in all my successful pregnancies I've never had a bfp before 15dpo. I'm pretty sure this month it won't be happening though so probably won't bother testing. You can help me line spot when the time comes.

Aww hope she's ok now. Henry bled lots last time and ruined his new dungarees.

Does anyone else's little one stay awake a lot in the day? Henry barely sleeps all day. Maybe the odd ten mins here or there but that's it. Not complaining as he sleeps so well at night and he's no trouble even when he's awake, just seems odd to me.
That's so exciting that you're officially TTC now, Maryanne. I know that it'll take some convincing to persuade DH to start ttc again when I want to. I think I'd really like to try around november/December but I can see him making us wait longer until the summer or something. I'd be mad to try now though. I don't think I'd cope.

Connor is a bit hit or miss with naps. Sometimes he'll sleep for an hour in the morning and again in the afternoon with little catnaps and then other times I'm lucky if he'll sleep for more hands 15 minutes.

I'm having more difficulty getting him to sleep through the night at the moment. I think it's just sleep regression but it's driving me mad. Most nights he will sleep until 4ish before he starts fussing on and off until he wants up at 6:30. This morning though he woke up at 6:30, came "in" our bed for a cuddle and we fell back asleep until 8 am when DH woke us up as he was leaving for work. I'd like more nights like that please.

Lucasmum, Connor has his last set of jags on Thursday. Can't say I'm looking forward to that little scream again. It breaks my heart. Hope Edith is doing okay.
Henry has his next week. I'm dreading it. Be glad to get them over with though.

Hope Edith was ok last next lucusmum?

Hope everyone else is good today?
Exciting best of luck Maryanne xx

My brain is mush. Lil miss waking loads.
Wont sleep without boob
Hve start of mastitis cos her feeding all over the place.
But think its getting better.
I hope :)

Hope ye r all well.
I caught up earlier but didn't get chance to type.

Emily is really want III Ng more food
I'm struggling to keep it slow for her
She cries for more after she eats.
Hasn't slowed down her booby feeding at all
She just half rolled :)
I had her on her side. She finished it
And smiled :)
Edith hasn't taken to well to the point njections, temp is sky high but controlled with calpol and is incredibly sleepy, that doesn't bother me as I know you need to sleep to get better, missed out on baby group today not much point all she would have done was sleep and feed :wacko:

Going to take her out after I've picked Lucas up to give us both some fresh air :flower:

You'd think I would take advantage of a sleepy baby and catch up on laundry or go through the cupboards all little things that need doing, but nope I've sat on my arse and messed about on facebook, the only useful thing I've done is wash up and make a cottage pie :haha: :blush:

It's the anniversary of my dads death today, 4 years ago he passed away, where have those years gone, it's crazy! He would have been 70 later this year, we would have had one hell of a party, think I may try and convince my mum we still should :cloud9:
U deserve some down time xx
Can I hvd some pie :) xx

That sounds like az nice v idea to hvd the party for your dad xx
Hugs xxx
Only just read this, hope your ok lucusmum. The party sounds a wonderful idea.

Hope everyone else is well?

Henry's bottom two teeth are almost about to break through. I can't believe it. Aurora didn't get any till she was seven months, and zack was almost 8 months.
Have the teeth come through yet? I keep expecting to see some as everything is in the mouth and is chewed to death but nothing yet :haha:

Easter holidays here the next two weeks so I have the big one here to drive me crazy :wacko:

Has it been 10 days yet can you test already :haha:

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