November Rainbows 2016

Thanks ladies. I'm ok. Just need DH home. I won't tell him when he's in work. I know he will be upset which upsets me. Forgotten how hard this was.

Hope everyone else is ok.
Huge hugs sweetie xxx
So sorry.
U deserve much better. Xxx
Ur th best mom xx
I'm ok thanks all. Was in a lot pain yesterday and had really really heavy bleeding which was unusual for chemical. Got checked over though to be safe and all is ok although even the doctors were confused why I was bleeding so much and I'm so much pain. I really had forgotten how hard even an early loss was.

Hope everyone is is well today?
Am I the only one that takes "advice" badly and as a slight against my parenting skills? Made a comment about how stressful bedtime can be at the moment with Connor last night on Twitter and now SIL is full of advice. I know she means well but I find it so annoying.

Connor got hit pretty badly with the 3/4 month sleep regression and has been really out of whack since. Normal bedtime is between 10-11 depending on his feeding routine and he will have a 20 minute nap between 8-9 before then. Usually when we put him down to sleep he'll drift off really easily but the last couple of nights he's been chilled out until I put him in his crib and then he's wriggling and thrashing around like a mad man. Very frustrating when I'm tired too. Then he wakes up, or rather half wakes up, and starts kicking about during the night which totally disturbs me. I end up bringing him "into" bed with us so I can at least get some light sleep while he is out for the count. Then he wakes up between 6-7 for the day, falling back asleep and hour or two later for his first nap.

it's a bit all over the place, stressful and exhausting but it is fine. I'm confident that he's not overtired or anything like that. He's just really fussy with sleep.I have a sneaky suspicion that it has something to do with his crib being narrow and him banging his hands on the side but we aren't ready to move him into his own room yet.

Also, I may totally be in the minority here but am I the only mum that doesn't care about the lack of grown up time in the evening without baby? DH and I would be doing the same thing we do with him in he room :: watching tv/playing ps4. Either that or I'd spend my whole evening doing housework or being tempted to join Connor for an early night.

Sorry about the moan, i had nowhere else i could complain. As I say she's only trying to be nice and helpful but it always makes me feel a bit inadequate as a mum, like I'm doing somethig wrong or I don't know what I'm doing. It definitely comes from a good place but I can't help feeling judged.
Huge hugs Mary Anne xxx
So sorry beanie didn't stick xxx
Hope your not in pain now xx
It depends on my mood, what the advice is and the intention behind it.
Depends who it comes from too
But yeah I can take it as criticism sometimes xx.
When it's well intentioned I try to forget it and just do my own thing as I intended
I have to be honest that now I'm not bothered by it but when I was a first time mum it did annoy me. Now I find myself giving advice to other mums who are having their first so I kind of understand it comes from a place of just trying to help. So now I'm kind of ok with taking advice if that makes sense. But yea on my first I hated it.

As for lack of grown up time I don't give a damn :rofl: I homeschool so my kids are around me all day everyday but I love it. I don't judge anyone who needs space from their children so I hate being judged on it myself.
I like to have kid free showers sometimes if that counts hee hee
I know she only meant well but it just annoyed me. It was sort of the way that she implied I haven't done my own research on baby sleep habits/didn't know my own baby that irritated me. I'm probably just overly sensitive.

I don't know if DH would agree but I don't really mind not having "grown up only evenings". They've simply been replaced by family time where we are all together. Surely that isn't a bad thing? I do get that it isn't for everyone though but I seem to be thought of as some sort of weirdo for not craving it :haha:
No it's not a bad thing at all. I have always been the same. DH feels the same thank goodness but most people think we are odd as we really do enjoy our children's company. It's like there's this expectation that you must hate time with your children and look forward to bedtime. I do have a set bedtime for Aurora because of her age but as Zack's older he usually spends every evening down with us.
We r the same here.
Although oh gets back up to go to his man cave room at times.
But 98% of the time I'm happier with my kids
I do like a back massage 2-3 times a year

I think I had kids to be with them
Not to run away from thrm.
But I understand not everyone sees it the same as me.
Not bothered by what people say, but to be honest that's my personality it's with all aspects of my life, can get me into trouble at times though :blush:

We don't have any us time Lucas' bedtime is 2100 so can't even think about getting Edith to bed till at least 2200, mainly because between 2100-2130 something is wrong with Lucas like he is thirsty or needs a wee or his arm may be falling off or he has an gnat bite or his head wobbled in a funny way or or or, well you get the picture :wacko: however her last feed is roughly 2300 and she goes in not long after I follow about 25 mins later, it's my time to relish sitting in the bathroom all alone playing games on my phone in peace :haha: we did the same with Lucas, we've had plenty of evenings alone together and will have plenty more so for now it doesn't matter.

Took Edith to be weighed the other day 3 weeks after she dropped in their wanky charts as she'd only put on 5.5 ozs so this three weeks she had put on 6ozs, she's just not feeding as much and is sleeping through so 2-3 dropped feeds she is perfectly fine but they look at me like I'm starving the poor bugger :haha: she is exactly 15lbs now hardly wasting away :dohh:

I hope your feeling better Maryanne, my last early loss was probably the most painful, I remember going to bed and getting up not long after had already took a ton of pain killers but took even more, not entirely sure if I fell asleep or passed out that night it was horrific lotsbof hugs :hugs:

Loving simons new swing he seems to really love it :cloud9:
I'm ok. Feeling much better today. Honestly that loss was up there with one of my worst. It sound a crazy as it was only a chemical but the pain and bleeding was a lot more than some of my later losses. To be honest though I'm glad it happened sooner rather than later. It's still been heartbreaking but i find it easier to get through the earlier losses than the later ones. On to next month anyway. I'm trying to stay as positive as I can.

He looked so happy in his swing lilesmom! I'm so glad he likes it!

Your little lady looks great lucusmum? It's not like she's skin and bone is it? If she was hungry you would know. Can't force a baby to eat if they don't want it. Zack never followed their charts and I used to get so much grief over it even though there was nothing I could do.
Maybe it was worse cos soon after having Henry
Hugs hon.
Sorry it happened xxx
Out of my 4 losses.
The chemical one hit me least hsrd.
Less time to get attached and plsn.
But it's still awfull
Hugs hon xxx
Hope your physically better now xxx

Edith looks grest.
Kids eat what they want
When they want.
If a baby is hungry they be waking loads at night and cranky.
So not exactly ignorable!!!!
Stupid hv s

My gp told me I was over feeding emily
And would have to cut her bavk.
Um.... breast feed on demand.
And she said she was heading off the chart.
Then looked at get chart
And said actually she was born on 95 percentile
And is staying on it
They r never happy
Same Dr who advised me I'd find bf too difficult.
I only asked her about pumping while preg.
Not about if I should bf or not.
And I'd actually count her one of the good ones
Ha ha

Swing is fab.
I can put him in even with em in carier.
He loves it
Better weather needed now so I don't have to blanket him in it for ten mins
It was gonna be for bday
But I always end up giving him his pressie early.
Cos I'm big kid
Plus he get more use out of it
Now weather is dry mostly
And on easter hols

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