November Rainbows 2016

Also, Aurora is one of our favourite girls names with Rori being a nickname. I love it!
Nothing wrong with having a little preference. It's natural. I was slightly hoping this one was a another girl, but nope he's a boy and I'm overjoyed he is now. Now I'm nervous that they were wrong and they are going to say at the next scan he's a girl. I'd be so upset. Ive really got used to the idea of another little man in the house and can't wait to meet him.

I love our dd's name. We call her Rori for short too :) She's such a cutie. This is her at the beach after eating all the sand she could grab :rofl:
I'm the same.
I was convinced ds was a girl
He obvs isn't :)
Hee hee.

So I could very very easily be wrong.
Part of me wants a girlie little girl.
But then a brother for ds would be fab too.
So its win win :)
Aww, what a cutie Aurora is! I certainly won't be complaining if I have a boy, it's just I've always dreamed of having a girl and I know DH has too. Plus, I always find boy's names so much harder!
I was the same with ds Lynanne
But I love having a cuddly boy now ��
Awwww she is a beauty :flower:

Lilesmom your scan is the day before mine :flower:

I also think boy here as well :haha:
Imagine if we all have boys lol.

I find boys are much more cuddly than girls. My son is so sweet and kind yet Aurora is very independent and not a huge cuddler. She would rather be destroying the house than cwtching up with me. I find boys names harder to pick though.

My scan is the 30th. Looking forward to knowing baby is ok.
I think adoption is a great idea. My parents adopted my older sister before they had me, so it was always my normal. I've never known having a biological sibling. I would love to adopt one day. I also know March of Dimes recommends a full year between pregnancies to let your body heal. Make sure to share that with you partners ladies. Your health is so important too...especially for the little babies coming and the ones you already have.

I'm feeling much better as of last night. I slept a lot, and I got back to eating normally. I fell asleep without taking my vitamins on Friday (which I never do), and I didn't eat dinner that night because I was tired and feel asleep early. I think that just really messed with my system. I'm glad to be feeling better today though. I was going to call my doctor today if I still had a headache.

That really does depend on the woman and pregnancy hmmorhma. And to be honest I'm a little offended at your comment.We started ttc after my cycles started up again. We spoke to our fertility consultant and after scans and blood tests were given the green light to go ahead. And I must say this is my easiest pregnancy so far. Yes I have complications but I will always have those. Some ladies don't have the option to wait. With my egg count if I waited a year it would have been unlikely we would concieve at all. In in no way would risk my health for another child and to say think of the children we already have I feel is out of line. Of course we thought of the children we had, and that's why we consulted an expert in the field before even attempting ttc. We are lucky to be under one of the best fertility clinics in the UK. I think the main thing is you run it by a medical professional first and get get advice tailored to your specific situation. I'm sure you meant well with your advice but we are grown women who are all perfectly capable of making the decisions that are best for our families ourselves. And I certainly don't need to share the information with my partner as after 9 years ttc, 7 years of testing and 19 pregnancies the poor man knows more than most doctors. Anyway I said my bit now.

I am incredibly sorry I offended you. I didn't mean for it to come out that way. I'm so happy your pregnancy is going smoothly, and again I apologize. I don't want to offend anybody in this precious group.
We have only boys on DH's side - 6 nephews, and his siblings are finished having children. All our our inlaws and nephews are hoping for a little girl to spoil. I've only dreamt that the baby is a girl, but I think that's because everyone keeps hoping for it. We'll clearly welcome any sex, but I am so impatient for the anatomy scan. I just want that peace of mind.

Lyn, our doctor said the only reason docs tend to recommend not using the Doppler too much is to keep parents from stressing out. He said there is nothing to worry about. Obviously the Internet has mixed feelings, but I really trust our doc.
Be nice to see soon ish what everyone is having :)
Not that gender matters, more for curiosity sake
Soo glad things r goin well for us all
We r a lucky group this time xxx

Lucas mom hope it flys in for us :)
U too Maryanne.
Whens ur next check hmmohmra
30 of June or July Maryanne
I'm a sievehead.
Hope it comes round fast either way x
No probs hmmohrma.

30th of June is my 20 week scan lilesmom. Looking forward to my little Henry getting a full check over. Time is just flying by now, can't believe how quickly this pregnancy is passing.
I must ring hosp and see if I hve date for anatomy scan yet.
Darn I missed it again.
They r only open between 10 and 12 to check appoitmments.
I keep forgetting it at the right time.
I hope its not too far beyond 20 weeks!
I wanna find out gender
And obvs to know alls ok.
Sorry about my confusion,.
I mixed up ur gender scan with ur 20 week
I thought u had it already.
Nice to hve ur detailed one coming up soon xx

Lidl had mat clothes today
I got a good few bits.
Sooo much cheaper than anywhere else
Pretty nice too :)
That's great lilesmom. I must buy more. So expensive though. Ordered a few tops and leggings the other day and came to £129! DH was not amused lol. So much more comfy than squeezing into normal clothes though.

Consultant appointmet tomorrow! Yey. Will find out how Henry is coming into the world. Hoping for natural but if it has to be a section or induction then so be it. Long as he gets here safely. Hoping they will do a quick scan too. They normally do at these appointments.
I got three trousers, one vest, one top, one dress and footless tights for 50 euro
Hurray for lidl. :)
They would normally be heaps dearer than that.

I'm kinda hoping they decide I should hve thus baby at 38 weeks.
I don't mind how, just safe.
After last time, I got oc around the 37-38 weeks
I'm thinking it he better
Cos I know I'm very likely to get I again.
If I was told planned section I wouldn't be very unhappy
But recovery def harder from what I'm told.
So we will see.
Would be horrible to not be able to cuddle and pick up ds for weeks.

My baby tummy is,weird today.
Not bad I don't think.
Just very hard and feels like something is pushing outwards.
But bub isn't strong enough for that yet
Prob stretching again.
I'm gonna be huge :)
I haven't gained weight in weeks though.
Cos I'm walking lots so should be fine after birth :)
That's awesome! Must start looking in lidl.

I'd rather avoid a c section. I have awful births so I know there's a chance they will suggest one but the recovery scares me. Im so used to being able to get back to normal straight away after having a baby and I know after a section you have to be careful. We shall see tomorrow.

I'm getting lots and lots of braxton hicks over the last week, not painful ones but they are uncomfortable. Any one else getting them yet?
I'm not sure I know what bh feel like
My tummy used to feel tight with ds
But for long stretches.
Not tight and relax
Is it possible I've never had them
Or just don't recognise them
I'm not sure :)

Section recovery seems to be very variable.
My recovery after ds with infection, 2 day labour , episiotomy and high blood pressure and infection would prob be close id Id imagine .
I'm just dreading doing that all over again but ending in emergency c section anyway.
Will see what Dr says in 3.5 weeks to me ��
I was ok ish after my last two labours. I had third degree tear and ripped cervix with dd ended up in theatre after having her but I found with pain killers I was just able to get on with things. It did hurt but I could manage. I've heard you can't lift anything after a section though which is what scares me. I don't want people looking after me, I hate it. I kinda like to do my own thing and to need help doing basic things like lifting baby or not being able to pick up dd would kill me I know. Hopefully it won't come to that. Sounds like you had a horrible time having your son :( hopefully it will be easier this time for you.

Braxton hicks are like painless or slightly painful tightenings so maybe your just not noticing them or you might not have had any. They are a lot worse this time for me, wonder why. At the moment they don't hurt at all. Just means my keeps getting really tight, it's just uncomfortable.
Stupid phone I had big thing typed and it froze
My sil said her recovery was fine
She said so long as u take it super easy first week and pretty easy second week its ok
I'm really warming to planned section
The more u th I nk about it.
I don't like depending on people either
But u hve to for a short time
Otherwise it could be ages recovery xx
I googled I think some of what I blamed in baby pushing bum out
May hve been them
My bump def tight on and off today.
But no pain.
Think its stretching though.
I read between 14 and 18 weeks is huge growth spurt for bub and uterus.
Even more so than normal. :)

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