November Rainbows 2016

Problem is with scans is they can be majorly inaccurate. They put dd as almost 8lbs at 34 weeks. Pretty much told me I had to be induced but I refused as I was told by my midwife how out scans can be. She was born 7lbs12 at 38 weeks so they were way out. My next door neighbor was induced because of a small baby at 37 weeks and her baby was 8lb9!! Hopegully her midwife is keeping an eye on her. Anything up to 2 weeks is ok but over that try like to keep an eye on things. Hopefully her midwife is keeping an eye on it. Nice she has such good friends looking out for her too :)

Glad everyone else is feeling kicks too. It's such a wonderful feeling!

I'm good. Still tired but the doctor upped my iron so feeling a bit better.
They aren't keeping an eye on her at all
That's the problem
She doesn't get a hosp scan between anatomy scan and 40 weeks
Cos she isn't high risk.
She has,berm transferrred to a midwife clinic
Where they just measure bump and use Doppler.
She works in same hosp she will deliver in
( I used to too)
So she is going to go in to them today and ask them what to do.
Glad she will go in.
Hopefully its nothing
But better safe than sorry
When there is help if needed .

How u doin xx
She only got the anatomy scan cos she took part in a study in the hosp
7 days to scan.
The last three weeks hve gone faster than this one :)
Hope all is OK for your friend :flower:

I agree with inaccurate scans I had one at 36 weeks with Lucas and was told he was over 8lbs already and would be 10lb+ born another at 38 weeks they were worried as he was only 5-6lbs 2 days after his due date he came weighing in at 8.9lbs so not the smallest but not the whale I was promised either :haha:

I ache all over today have barely done anything as I think I overdid it yesterday :wacko:
They told her to ring her clinic and they would send her fir growth scan
I'm glad she went anyway.
Was worried she wouldn't go ask them .
Thanks xx
I was told simes be huge too
He was 7 9.
But was a week early and did get stuck.
If id gone over he could hve been big enough I suppose
Plus he had big bones, might be why he got stuck

My back is sore today too.
Think its from mouse.
He has been extra clingy the last week
Glad she's getting checked over, hopefully it's nothing to be worried about.

I'm joining the achey club too. My whole body is hurting today and my bump feels really tight and uncomfortable.

Only 7 days!!! Yey!! I'm super excited about your scan too. The suspense is too much!
Thanks xx

I'm in bed with my two trusty hot water bottles
I'll be frozen come winter time :)
But they do help my back
Part of it is in spasm at the mo.
The heat should soften it though.

No news with me.
Squish had the best seizure day he has had in ages.
Only about ten as opposed to 30-50
Hope meds r finally gonna work.
Hope it keeps going in a good direction :)

I feel really boring,
It was lashing all day
So didn't leave the house much.
Gotten way too used to being mostly dry
And going out lots
Glad they are going to see her :flower:

An early night is on the cards for me as I have an early doctors appointment to check my manky toenail, its kinda hanging by the skin at the base and while it doesnt hurt it feels weird and looks hideous :wacko:
Im in bed early too. DH leaves for work at 4 so goes up early. I normally stay up but I'm really tired tonight. Would go to sleep if DH would stop snoring. I'm close to smothering him :rofl:

Glad your little one is improving lilesmom. Must be so tough on him and you having to deal with all of that.

Hope the doctor can sort your toe out lucusmum. Doesn't sound nice at all!
I have to have a minor operation on my toenail, I think minor operation is a bit dramatic :haha: I've been referred to the surgical team and for now its left flapping about I really thought she would just pull it out today :blush:

It dosent hurt thankfully and will more than likely have to wait until at least November/December once baby is here due to needing a local anesthetic not sure if they do them or not when pregnant so will just have to wait and see :flower:
Id say u could get local while preg.
Not 100% sure but it doesn't travel through ur blood I don't think.
Hope its fast and painless xx
The most annoying sound when ur trying to sleep is snoring Maryanne
Oh is lucky to hve survived this long too sometimes :)
I'm in bed early every night with squish.
Some nights in on internet on phone
But more often lately I conk right away
Squish more or less slept through last night.
Thank god :)

No news here.
6 days left :)
You can get a local while pregnant lucusmum. I had my wisdom tooth out and a breast biopsy while I was pregnant with dd. Didn't harm baby. I'm sorry you have to have it done though. Good job you went to the doctors.

I ended up getting up in the end lilesmom before I caused him actual bodily harm.
Eek, the talk of your toe makes me feel so squeamish, lucasmum. I hope you can get it sorted soon!

I agree with lilesmom, there is nothing worse than DH snoring when I can't fall asleep. It actually makes me unreasonably angry with him! :haha:

Yesterday was our second wedding anniversary so we had a lovely, relaxed day with a walk with the dog, a spot of lunch at a cafe, a lazy afternoon of napping and a tasty dinner. It wasn't anything special but it was perfect. We'll have been together 11 years later this month and, honestly, I couldn't possibly be happier than when I get to have some relaxed time with DH, even after all this time!

Today my oldest friend from high school came over. We kind of lost touch for a year or two (I haven't seen her in about 5 years!) but I think we both are at a stage in our lives that we want to really try to remedy it. I've suggested she at least comes to visit when Monkey arrives or sometime around Christmas/New Year if it's better for her with work. Hopefully we can make a go of it as I really had a lovely time catching up today. Who know, maybe I'll even get an invite to her wedding in summer 2018!
Ur anniversary sounds lovely
I like relaxed plans too.
Ohhh good I wasnt sure I wouldnt mind but they were both removed a few years back and it should never have grown back at least I know what to expect if it doesnt fall of before then :wacko:

Your anniverasry sounds perfect lynanne :cloud9:

Snoring in this house does cause bodily harm I wake and I push and poke him till he moves and stops he complains of feeling sore I deny all knowledge :haha:

Lucas had a consultant appointment today he has child hood eczema but only round his mouth completely hideous at times and very painful, but they are happy with his course of treatment and think he will grow out of it real soon so was discharged :happydance: I showed his doctor a weird rash he has had on his neck though and it turns out it some kind of fungal infection :dohh: so more lotions and potions for 3 weeks but he isnt contagious thankfully just something to do with the PH balance in his skin.

I am still totally whacked from Sunday the back of my thighs feel like I have run a marathon, so I treated myself to the smelliest brightest sparkliest thing I could find in Lush today and I'm going to have a soak in the bath later and see if that helps I never hardly go in the bath (I should say I do shower though) as I never have the time or patience for them to fill and I get bored easily but I'm going to make myself stay for at least 20 mins :haha:
Enjoy your bath lucusmum! I can longer get out of the bath unaided so it's showers from now on :( I was stuck in the bath for ten minutes on Saturday till DH heard me calling. He was too busy play fighting with ds downstairs, fools.

Your anniversary sounds lovely Lynanne! Ours is the day after Henry is due. Knowing my luck that will be the day little man arrives lol.

5 days tomorrow lilesmom!!
I love baths
They r so good for my back.
But I don't get them much now
Cos if squish hears me running one
He goes mad if its not for him :)
I used to hve lots when preg with sime
Should help ur aches xxx
Went to pool this eve with ds
Was nice, but getting him dressed after is getting hard.
Bump is getting in my way and he is,getting bigger and heavier.

5 more days Maryanne eeeklk :)
Hurry up days.
Thanks :)
How u doin xx

I'm gone back to thinking maybe I wont hve c section now
I need to see consultant and make him make a decision
Cos I'm crap at it !! :)

I asked Oh about v day and I think ye can guess his answer :)
To be fair though, 5 yrs ago,
In my pre forum days
I wouldn't hve known either :)
24 weeks will forever be known as vagina day! Hahaha. A few of our friends are expecting babies around a similar time to us and I heard DH discussing v day on the phone to one of the dads to be last night. All I heard was 'I know, I thought it meant vagina day too'. It really must be a man thing. Bet you can't wait to reach that point.

Yea I'm ok, bloods tomorrow to check on liver. I am feeling a tad better since they increased my iron tabs though, still be glad to have them checked. I'm still not feeling totally right.

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