~~~November Sparklers 2010 mummies and daddies thread ~~~~

I wanna learn baby massage!! Sounds awesome :thumbup:

Phoebe is being so good today - dunno if the heel prick test knackered her out but she is just sleeping, waking up for feed and bum change and then sleeping again - no tears or fussing!? Amazing! *touch wood* this is the way it will continue!!

Lol xx

baby massage is great i did a course on it with my youngest son run by the local health visitors, really good thing to learn it really is relaxing for mother and baby and it helps with bonding as well

Emily had her heal prick today as well, luckly she slept through it lol, she didnt even know it was done

hope Phoebe stays that way for you :thumbup:

Dani, Evan also loves sucking his thumb even with the dummy. He has been so settled this evening! Has fed really well and for shorter periods. He's just fed and is asleep on me atm. Transfer to basket will take place soon! Wish me luck :)
Hi everyone, glad everyones getting on so well. Well done to all those breast feeding. Connie has formula feed and is really settled on it, we use aptamil. My oh has gone back to work today, so will be getting back into my little routine.

Sophie could you add me to front page please. Connie born on 3rd November (due date - yippee) at 1.58pm weighing 7Ib 1oz. Thanks nappy change and bottle calling so will pop on later.
Hope you all have a great day x
Have had a quick look but I haven't had chance to post on here...I don't know where the days go! Kai is two week old today, it's flown by!

Had the health visitor yesterday, was really worried about it as I've heard lots of bad things about them.....but she was lovely! She did go on a bit and kept repeating things :lol: but she gave me lots of info and leaflets etc.

Kai is now past his birth weight...he's now 7lb 1 1/2oz! Really pleased with that as he's not been feeding as much the last day or so.

Yesterday I took him out in the pram for the first time. Struggled down the 3 flights of stairs with him and buggy but managed it in the end. Left it in the car on way back up, no way I can get it and him up the stairs!
What did Kai do on this momentous occasion?? Slept the whole time! :lol:

Kai's been really sleepy lately. He slept most of yesterday (I tried waking him for feeds but he had 15mins on boob every few hours then asleep again) He was up for 3 hours in the evening and had lots of milk...at least 4oz, then put him to bed around 12:30 and he slept in til 6! I was so worried when I woke up that he was starving because one of the breast feeding counsellors said they shouldn't go over 4 hours without a feed..but he seemed ok, no more hungry than usual!

At the moment I'm worried I'm confusing him. He has breast, breast with nipple shield, bottle (EBM) and a dummy now too and he's only 2 weeks old! The dummy is to combat the comfort suckling he does and it seems to work for now...he doesn't have it all the time.

Also, I have no idea what to do with him sometimes. He's much more alert now and when he's awake and not feeding, I have no idea what to do with him. I try talking to him etc but he's too young to play so I'm a bit clueless on that!

Bloody hell, I wrote another essay....sorry! :lol:

Anna matronic: Hope LO settled in his basket!

Those with emotionals (as I call them :lol:), it's perfectly normal! Having a baby is such a massive change in your life, it's bound to affect us. I got my milk the day after Kai was born and really felt emotional. Since then, it's gotten better but I still have days where I feel lonely or that I'm not doing things right etc. I've now learned that it's normal to feel a bit overwhelmed sometimes so I try not to beat myself up about it.
Obviously helps that there's lots of support on here too :thumbup:

Should go and put Kai to bed as he's fallen asleep on my chest again!
Helpppppp!!!...I don't know what to do...

When I have been cuddling Amber my boobs have been leaking milk, even though I stopped breastfeeding a week ago...so today I got the pump out, and managed to express 2ozs in about 10ish minutes.

And now I don't know what to do :cry: Reagan is away from tomorrow morning until sunday evening, so I have a good few free days...do I carry on pumping every 2 hours and offering Amber the breast to build my supply back up, whilst still offering formula until it comes back fully...or do I get this idea of still wanting to breast feed her well and truly out of my head and stick to formula alone?!!

i know were ur coming from you&me im formula and ebm and a cant let go, only u can decide.

devasted that libs lovely yellow poop has turned to formula poop lol

registered libby today :)
pixelle - we use shields as she wont take nipple from birth, bottles and dummies.. i think u gotta do what u have to xx
you&me, don't have any advice really other than go with what you think is best....not much help really, sorry!

GG: I agree....gotta do whatever needs to be done! Just don't think my MW will like it very much :lol: x

AFM: I'm leaking big time!!! I've only had small bits of milk leakage so far but today my nightie is now soaked and I didn't realise until I moved position :blush:
Hi ladies :)

I'll do an update of the front page when Evan is asleep as it takes a while :) x x
Transfer to basket will take place soon! Wish me luck :)
that made me chuckle!! :haha:

Dani - as tempted as you must be too bf again , you gotta remember the reason you stopped in the 1st place, as soon as Reagan is back you'll have all that added stress again - and then you may need to change routine again - might be best to just carry on as you are? but Im no expert obv so maybe best ask your HV?

nice too hear things are going well Pixelle :thumbup: - were about too take Phoebe out in pram for 1st time!

GG whats formula poo look like? were mixing breast and formula and Phoebes is a mustard yellow

Lol xx
Hi all.

We went out in the pram for the first time today too. We went to the breastfeeding drop in clinic and got some helpful advice. Apparently Georgie's latch is pretty good and I was shown how to do breast compression to help him get more milk out at each feed. She did say that my supply could be a little less than it should be but she is pretty sure that can be worked on and for the first time in my life I have been told to eat more :rofl:

We then went for a long walk into the village and Georgie slept the whole time. Still stressing about him sleeping with me at night, although both my MW and HV seem to think its not a problem and will help us to get bf established. I am hoping that as he starts to get more milk out per feed, he will sleep longer and not mind sleeping alone so much. But I wont hold my breath :haha:
?I have a grisley baby today. He seems to be feeding once an hour for only ten minutes.

I'm confused. And tired.
i guess i can finally come over here now :)

i'm finding that Pixie wants to be on the boob ALL the time... most of the time just for comfort suckling so i've introduced a dummy....

i feel so bad for doing that tho :(
i guess i can finally come over here now :)

i'm finding that Pixie wants to be on the boob ALL the time... most of the time just for comfort suckling so i've introduced a dummy....

i feel so bad for doing that tho :(

:happydance: welcome over Pichi - Pixie Blossom is cutest name ever!!! Can't wait to see pics of her :thumbup:
Ive been told its best not to let babies use your nipple as a soother so sounds like your doing the right thing to me!

I ended up not going out today :( gotta full day out tomorrow and then visitors in the evening, so hopefully not such a boring day!

Hope Evan chilled out in the end AM - Ive had a very hungry baby today too - its quite demanding!

Lol xx
I'm guessing as long as she's feeding 2/4hours I shouldn't beat myself up about it. She's taking to the boob and a dummy so I guess she's not getting nipple confusion.

Hope my milk comes in soon
Hey pichi if u read the pages we have all said the same thing!! I have given evan a dummy too :). My milk came in days 4-5 it takes a tad longer after a section. You'll probs have huge rocks stuck to your chest in the morning!!

He has slept most of the evening and we are currently having some skin to skin :) only cos he pissed on himslef so I had to undress him and he is due a feed :D

I used my new medela swing. I got 2oz out very quickly bur I think cos evan had fed my boobs weren't so full?? Not sure if I prefer the medela mini to be honest. But too late now and it works.

So when is the best time to express then?? After a feed? But surely there will be less milk?? Oh I dunno. I have 2oz as back up and will do some more in the morning xx

oh now I have a beautiful sleepy baby on my chest who is only wearing a nice clean nappy that he has just poo'd in. :growlmad:
Kai likes to wee every time I take his nappy off...you'd think I would have learned by now! :lol:
He also likes to poo in fresh nappies!

As for expressing, I usually get more in the early hours of the morning, between 2am & 6am. I'll feed Kai on one boob then pump the other and switch over.
Sometimes I pump small amounts during the day but I defintely get more between the times above.

Afm: Kai's been up feeding every two hours. He had 5oz of expressed between 7pm & 10pm then on boob every 2 hours after that. Is it time for his growth spurt? Not sure when that happens but he's definitely more hungry than usual.
Pixelle...I think it is about the 2 week stage they have a growth spurt?

Pichi...I hope your section scar is not as sore today? (think I read it was over on the other thread)

Soph...BIG :hugs:...saw you haven't had lots of sleep...you are doing such a great job with Evan :thumbup:

Lol...I have onlt had a couple of days going out as still not 'meant' to drive yet!! Hope you enjoy your day and your visitors.

I ummmm cancelled hubby's doctor's appointment to discuss having the *snip* :haha:
i'm still waiting on my milk coming in ¬_____¬ had to give a wee top-up feed of aptamil last night just so i could get some sleep O___O

she's just now snoozing on daddy though. i don't want to give up on the boob - not after her latching on so well.. time will tell i guess.

my scar is tender but it's fine. I get my beads taken out tomorrow so ill be a little more comfier :)
Hello Mummies!
More babies in the pipeline then Dani!? Woo hoo!! :happydance: Ive decided I defo want more - but gonna wait at least 3 yrs and get the implant - Be crazy if we ended up pregnant at the same time again!

Pichi - love the avatar - Pixie is gorgeous!! Were having too supplement BF with bottles too - was hard decision but best for Phoebe as she just wasn't getting enough outta me.. my LO is also sleeping on her Daddy right now - its so cute isn't it :kiss:

Pixelle thats a good idea too pump the one whilst feeding on the other - I do find the one boob leaks whilst the others being used!

Lol xx

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