~~~November Sparklers 2010 mummies and daddies thread ~~~~

Oooh more babies?! My goodness hehe! It's funny for the first week after giving birth I said over and over to everyone who asked me if I would have anymore and I was very adamament.. "NO! Never again it was far too painful, he can be an only child" lol! Now almost 3 weeks on I haven't forgotten that it hurt of course, but I really can't remember how bad it was, and I kinda think hmm maybe it wasn't so bad after all I could have another! :haha::haha:

Finally decided to up Ryans forumla as well, he was on 3oz every 4 hours but I noticed that he was waking for feeds every 2-3 hours and not seeming quite as satisfied/content after his bottle as he used to, just gave him his first 4oz bottle and he guzzled the lot and fell to sleep... greedy baby!!

2 days on comfort milk though and still no poos :cry: hope it starts to work soon really don't wanna have to give my poor baby laxatives! xx
Woo i found you!!!
I forgot there was a november babies parenting thread :dohh:
I'm just getting over mastitus which completely sucks! Breastfeeding has been a TOTAL nightmare so far, i am just too stubborn to give up. Was almost tempted to night before last, i am in agony every time i feed her from the infeted boob :( i think its getting better now though. I have a mahoosive gash down my nipple tho :cry: its so unattractive and hurts like a bitch.
Going to register Raphaëlle tomorrow...it'll be our first long(ish) distance trip out :argh:
Hope everyones well...glad to see all the lovely babies :flower:
Hello Mummies!
More babies in the pipeline then Dani!? Woo hoo!! :happydance: Ive decided I defo want more - but gonna wait at least 3 yrs and get the implant - Be crazy if we ended up pregnant at the same time again!

Pichi - love the avatar - Pixie is gorgeous!! Were having too supplement BF with bottles too - was hard decision but best for Phoebe as she just wasn't getting enough outta me.. my LO is also sleeping on her Daddy right now - its so cute isn't it :kiss:

Pixelle thats a good idea too pump the one whilst feeding on the other - I do find the one boob leaks whilst the others being used!

Lol xx

she latches on no bother but i don't know how much i am giving her. i think my milk is just starting to come in now so i am going to try and express a little ticky for her to sort of add to boobie feeding. i don't want to stop her feeding at the breast because it makes me feel important if that makes sense?

i've resorted to giving her 2 bottles of about 2oz of Aptamil just for a slight top-up and to let me get more than say an hours sleep.

i feel a bit of a failure not being able to satisfy her feeding-wise and feel as though i am just giving up on her :(
I always said after Reagan was born at 29 weeks; no more babies...it took me 5 years to get my emotions in check from the NICU journey and my head around having another then I had Amber at 39 weeks, and although it was far from an easy pregnancy...I now know I CAN carry a baby to full term, and it was a completely different experience.

And I want to do it again...just once more :haha: I am going to ask my doctor at my 6 week check up how long after a section you have to wait, I think it is 6 months before TTC??

I am 32 now...can't be waiting too long :rofl:
It took me 20 years to forget just how much it hurt first time round :haha: just kidding, there were other factors as to why we didn't have any more but hubby has said that if we did have another, unless I decide to have an elective CS he isn't turning up :rofl: I would actually have an elective next time as I clearly can't push my babies out without them becoming seriously distressed :(

AFM: I am almost certain my boobies just don't have enough milk for Georgie. They never feel like rocks on my chest even if I miss a feed. They never leak. If I squeeze my nipple I barely get a pin prick of milk out and I can pump for over 30 mins and the most I have ever got out is a tablespoon full. He has fed all day and the minute he comes off he starts rooting for more and eating his fingers. After these mammoth feeds my boobs feel like empty sacks and yet Georgie still tries to get more, which makes him really cross as clearly nothing is coming out.

They say pumping will increase supply but I have no chance to pump as he is on me so often. I have tried to pump as he fed (I need H home to be able to manage this) but after only getting a dribble out, Georgie then finished on one side wanted to move to the next side but as I had just pumped there was nothing there for him!

AAARRRGGGG I don't know what to do, I thought it was just a myth that some women don't have enough milk, now I am not so sure and have no idea what to do. I am really enjoying breastfeeding and keep telling myself that it must surely get better but in the mean time, I can't bare the thought that I might be starving my baby :cry:
Hi ladies :hugs:

I had a terrible night last night! Evan didn't sleep unless on me again! It really got to me, I cried at one point. I ended up getting up with him at 6am and just out him in his bouncer. He only bloody went to sleep :haha:

I spent the day with my cousin and her 2 year old which was nice. I gave Evan a bath for the first time just me, mum has always been with me. He hated it!! Then I went to get him dressed and found I hardly have any newborn clothes mostly 0-3 months. So I sid a bit of shopping today.

Me and my cousin have come to the conclusion Evan is cold at night which is why he won't settle after he wakes up. So o bought him a padded sleepsuit am a fleece sleepsuit which I'll try out tonight. Hope it works :)

he has been brill today eating every 3-4 hours :)

am registering him tomorrow and then taking him to see his home where we live :) as long ad landlord hasn't decided to sell since I have been gone which is a massive possibility and means I might have to look into council property as can't rent privately whilst on mat pay.
Phoebe now officially exists :happydance: - registered her today :D

You got a vibrating bouncer chair Sophie? Phoebe loves ours!

Welcome over MissMamma!! :hugs:

Lol xx
Yeah it vibrates :) it's a bright starts one. Not the best buy does the job. Evan doesn't always love it, he has to be in the mood :) xx
:( :(

I'm so tired and hungry but too tired to cook so decided to get me and OH a takeaway...ordered using just eat website against my better judgement as everytime we have used them they have screwed up one way or another.. but it was either use them or go out for a 20 minute walk in the cold to the nearest cash machine.

Of course here I am one hour after starting the order and it has only just gone through...first they kept telling me my card details were wrong even though they weren't and ended up getting my card blocked, so I had to ring the bank to get it unblocked...then I put the order through AGAIN and they took the money out of my bank but didn't actually send the order through...omg! So rang them, sat in a que to speak to someone who just told me "oh right yes the order hasn't gone through, you should get your money back within 24 hours." GRRRRR!! not even an apology... if I werent so hungry I would have told her exactly where to shove the pizza I tell you now!! So I order for a third time and it has gone through ok...though I'm expecting with this bloody hassle so far I'll recieve chips that someones farted on or something ffs :growlmad:
I always pizza online through pizzahut. Rarely have a problem and relied on them when I was pregnant :D

good news here!! put on my mums coat to pop outside. When I put it on 10 days ago I couldn't do it up, tonight it was a tad loose!! :wohoo: bf so works for weightloss, as does not having time to eat :haha:
Having a baby is the best diet ever!! So many times Ive forgotten too eat and my appetite is nowhere near what it was - I need to lose lots of weight anyways - gonna get a wii fit and start with OH in the new year - I see you have just bought one Dani :happydance:

Phoebe has been very sick today - Im worried its the mixture of BF & FF affecting her tummy??

AM we were given a vibro chair - and she seems too like it - tends to pass out in it anyways!

Loula - how annoying :grr: We haven't been so bad for takeaways since LO arrived - as my OH loves cooking and is here with me till 1st Dec - from 1st I can see the menus coming out more often :winkwink:

Lol xx
LOL...hubs bought me a Wii with the fit and fit plus :happydance: He knows I wanted one so can start using it in another 3 weeks...woop woop!!!

I went back to combination feeding a few days back, and so far so good, Amber isn't sick with it though, maybe Phoebe has a tad of colic? Have you tried Infacol before every feed? What formula are you using? I think Aptimal is closest to breast milk??

Last night we did a bath (with Johnsons bedtime bubbles) booby and bed routine...and it worked :happydance: Amber was settled, and I was in bed asleep just after 11.30pm..we had a 3am feed and that was it...the best night we have had so far, may have to stick to that routine :haha:
Taking Raphi to be registered today, its the furthest and longest we will have been out. I'm petrified about feeding her in public for the first time.
My health visitor didnt turn up :growlmad: I needed to ask why my babies belly button is bleeding.
I feel crappy today. My baby's started being fussy, she used to just sleep after a feed but now she needs rocking or cuddling or holding til she drops off which means a lot less sleep for mummy :(
My OH is annoying me too, all he does is moan about how tired he is, how tired he is!
hi ladies

lol - libby has started being sick to since I started combine feeding - she is on apitmil and I think she is constipated now too :(

ok im freaking out, you know how libby fell off the bed the other day? and everyone said just watch her she will be fine, and because of my training I new the signs ect, well I just cant get it out of my head that I should of took her, she is fine in herself but a bit twisty but I think its cos of the mixed feeding.... I have huge guilt on my shoulders and then if I take her, they will be all " well why didnt you bring her sooner" and get on the phone to social services!

feeding wise, I bought a big tub of aptimal yesteday, rather than using the cartons and im slowly phasing the bfing out, I cant handle it anymore, she suckles for up to 7 hours at a time and gets full of wind from the nipple shields - which are hindering my supply and she still wont latch herself.. oh well I gave her 3 weeks of it. I feel so guilty tho, and when I was buying the formula, there was a woman in the ailse with a newborn baby so I walked past it?? and then in asda cafe there was a woman bfing so rather than give her the carton of formula , I tried her on the breast with my emergency nipple shield lol just cos I felt guilty and she would judge me?? maybe im batteling with my own demons here.

sleep wise, we are getting loads of sleep now she is having 3-4oz of formula, last night she fed at 11 then 4 then 9! she had some expressed this morning, just gonna keep it up for a long as its there but Im worried its making her tummy worse and whether I should just switch fully??

loula - has ryan pood yet? did u find anything worked for constipation?

hope everyone is well :hugs:
hi ladies

lol - libby has started being sick to since I started combine feeding - she is on apitmil and I think she is constipated now too :(

ok im freaking out, you know how libby fell off the bed the other day? and everyone said just watch her she will be fine, and because of my training I new the signs ect, well I just cant get it out of my head that I should of took her, she is fine in herself but a bit twisty but I think its cos of the mixed feeding.... I have huge guilt on my shoulders and then if I take her, they will be all " well why didnt you bring her sooner" and get on the phone to social services!

feeding wise, I bought a big tub of aptimal yesteday, rather than using the cartons and im slowly phasing the bfing out, I cant handle it anymore, she suckles for up to 7 hours at a time and gets full of wind from the nipple shields - which are hindering my supply and she still wont latch herself.. oh well I gave her 3 weeks of it. I feel so guilty tho, and when I was buying the formula, there was a woman in the ailse with a newborn baby so I walked past it?? and then in asda cafe there was a woman bfing so rather than give her the carton of formula , I tried her on the breast with my emergency nipple shield lol just cos I felt guilty and she would judge me?? maybe im batteling with my own demons here.

sleep wise, we are getting loads of sleep now she is having 3-4oz of formula, last night she fed at 11 then 4 then 9! she had some expressed this morning, just gonna keep it up for a long as its there but Im worried its making her tummy worse and whether I should just switch fully??

loula - has ryan pood yet? did u find anything worked for constipation?

hope everyone is well :hugs:

Don't feel guilty hun :hugs: if your unhappy BFing then then do what makes you happy, happy mummy = happy baby and she will get everything she needs from formula!

As for the constipation we changed him to aptamil comfort milk and noticed a difference in him within 10 hours, he was much more settled, he is sleeping at night only feeding at 11pm, then waking at 3-4am then sleeping through til 8am... he still isn't pooing on his own yet we have been helping him go once a day by gently massaging his anus and putting on a little bit of vaseline to help him pass it, I think he is stopping himself from going because he is scared it will hurt him, but once he passes a hard bit with our help we have to stand at the changing table for 10 minutes with him cos he just keeps pooing lol! Hard to believe so much poo can come out of such a tiny baby honestly!!

I'm hoping that he will start going without our help within the week as he has only been on the comfort milk for 3 days so far :flower:
GG, we're doing the same as you, aptamil and expressed milk. I thought Erin was constipated when I took her to MW yesterday as she hadn't poo'd since Monday. They weren't worried as she wasn't bloated or tender. She did a huge poo first thing this morning so nearly 4 days.
I want to keep expressing for a while and have been taking fenugreek to boost supply but haven't been doing it through the night- I need my sleep and getting up to do a feed then spend an hour pumping was making me exhausted :blush:
I feel guilty about not breast feeding her still but we were both so distressed by it, it was awful.
oh well she had a bit poo explosion on wednesday night.. I dunno hmm im fed up lol :(
pinklizzy...does fenugreek work?...I was thinking of getting some tomorrow.
whats fenugreek?

I managed too express quite a bit yesterday - and Ive just bought some nipple shields as I think Phoebe may be suffering a bit of nipple/teat confusion? She is pretty much 80% on formula now :( as she really has tantrums when I try to get her to latch on :( And she has a very bad eye - her one eye keeps getting discharge and looks very red and sore - we clean it as often as we can and are massaging her tear duct too help unblock it

GG I know its hard not too - but you gotta try to not beat yourself up over the BF- I feel awful at times but they say baby can pick up on stress etc so Im telling myself that Im doing my best - Phoebe seems happy enough and thats all that matters :hugs:

Loula I hope Ryan gets 'moving' soon :hugs:

Dani we have some infacol but not used it yet as she winds quite well - we've been using cow and gate - she's been ok so far today - guess yesterday was just an off day?

Lol xx

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