~~~November Sparklers 2010 mummies and daddies thread ~~~~

Fenugreek is a herbal supplement that's meant to boost milk supply-my boobs do feel a lot fuller since taking it and expressing takes less time. I'm still only getting 2 oz every 2 hrs though.
Where do you get Fenugreek from? I think my supply is improving as I had a squeeze last night and got a teardrop size of milk out rather than a pin prick amount. Still a long way to go though :haha:

Does anyone else have a baby who will not be put down? When Georgie falls asleep he will sleep in my arms for ages but the second I put him down (or hand him to someone else) he cries. So far today I had 10 minutes to get dressed this morning and almost 10 minutes about an hour ago. Its driving me potty not being able eve to have a wee in peace!
Coco-I just got it from our local health food shop, you can get it from Holland and Barrett online too :thumbup:
just had hv out to weigh ryan...he has gained 11oz in one week and is now 6lb 14oz and spot on target :happydance:
Sorry for the me post but I'm not coping too well :(

The last few days I've been so upset with my OH. He is constantly on the laptop when he gets home and refuses to stop playing his stupid online game!
He does cook dinner and feeds Kai his expressed milk in a bottle but he isn't giving him his full attention and we've not spent any time together at all...without either Kai or the laptop!
I feel like crap and feel I have to constantly watch him as the other day when he was on laptop and feeding Kai he wasn't doing it right because his game was more important! Then he made his own dinner and didn't do me any...it's just lots of little things that are really upsetting me and I know I'm tired etc and maybe more emotional but it's not really acceptable! Then I feel guilty as I know he works hard and has a right to some time to himself. I hate feeling this way about him as I do love him, I just wanted things to be different to how they are :(
I've tried talking to him, shouting at him, ignoring it etc etc but it just doesn't get through to him. He said some pretty horrible things last night....it really isn't him at all to be like that. Maybe he's just tired, I don't know.

I'm also soooo tired and have had a headache for 3 days. Kai hasn't slept at all today and I was up 4 times with him in the night. He's been feeding lots today as well and I've not had a minute to even go for a wee!
He seems to fall asleep in my arms, then as soon as I put him down, he's awake. I feel guilty for wanting him to sleep and not spending time with him but I just need an hours sleep and I'll feel better!

I can't seem to stop crying either. I've been dreaming about my Dad a lot lately, whenever I get to sleep, (he died last year) and it sets me off as I wake up thinking he's alive then the realisation sets in. He would have been sooo happy to see his first Grandchild.

I'm such a mess at the moment. I feel like a crap mummy :(
Sorry to bring it all here....just don't have anyone else to talk to.
oh pixelle im sorry ur feeling like this :hugs: i know how u feel on the bad mum thing defo. Iv been getting headaches and i think its from bfing and not drinking enough, are u drinking plenty water? xx
Massive :hugs: Pixelle! I've been feeling teary and as if I'm not coping too recently, sure it's a combination of hormones and lack of sleep. You're a fab mummy, sorry your OH hasn't been more supportive, my OH and I have had a few arguments in the last few days-tired and stressed out!
Pixelle, HUGE :hugs: honey x

The early days aren't easy are they. I know exactly how you feel about having a baby attached to you ALL day long, I only posted just above you about not even being able to put Georgie down long enough to even have a wee. Luckily, because I am co-sleeping, I get a really good nights sleep so I have the energy to deal with him being very demanding during the day but even so, I am not sure how long I can go on for not being able to do anything all. I have got a sling, I just need to convince Georgie to go in it!

Sophie is right about needing to drink enough, you could be dehydrated, which will make you feel awful on its own without being tired and emotional. I am sorry your OH is not being as supportive as he should be, would both sitting down and setting some ground rules help? My H likes a play on his PS3 in the evening but he has a set time he goes on it so that it doesn't get in the way or cause friction between us.

I lost my dad this year, just a few days after I had our 12 week scan, I am so pleased he knew I was pregnant but so sad that he will never get to cuddle Georgie (who is named after my dad). It is understandable to get upset that he is no longer around, I have too as it is such an emotional time right now.

Keep talking and letting it all out sweetie. That is what this place is for :hugs2:

Just seen your new profile piccie, he is gorgeous x
Keep talking and letting it all out sweetie. That is what this place is for :hugs2:

Just seen your new profile piccie, he is gorgeous x
<- WSS!


Lack of sleep and 'me' time certainly doesn't help with domestics does it!?

My OH is still home so is doing lots too help - when he goes back on 1st Dec I worry about how things will change. Im lucky that my OH isn't interested in gaming at all though, if anything Im a much bigger gamer than him.

:hugs: on the loss of your Dads both Coco and Pixelle :hugs:
when do babies get out of this sleepy newborn stage and start being awake more? I worry she shouldnt be as sleepy as she is all the time she only really wakes for feeds x
Just gave Erin her first bath! We've been topping and tailing her until now but she seemed to really love it :happydance: She's had a feed and is now asleep on her daddy :cloud9:
Sophie is right about needing to drink enough, you could be dehydrated

Gemma :thumbup: xx

Ooops! Sorry Gemma :flower: twas good advice!

when do babies get out of this sleepy newborn stage and start being awake more? I worry she shouldnt be as sleepy as she is all the time she only really wakes for feeds x

For some reason I keep thinking about 6 weeks but I could be totally wrong. Georgie is starting to be awake a bit more, but by a bit more I do just mean an extra 10 or so minutes where he will happily sit on my lap looking at me before he opens his mouth to yell for milk!

Lizzy, yay for first baths! So many firsts for our little babies, its an exciting time :)
hope u have a good day... libby pooped! woop I feel better about the formula now :) although the poop had seeds in it, so it was blaintly the expressed I gave her yesterday, havnt managed to express much this morning, only 1 1/2 oz but she is mostly on formula now and I must say the nights are so much easier and if I could get over my own demons, we would all be so much happier and settled

oh - i have bene asked to give a talk on "life with a newborn" by my nct teacher for her new group. Going at 2 - I shouldnt be too brutal should I? Or should I tell it like it is... its bloody hard haha!!! xx
Tell it like it is. I had no clue what to expect, not that it would have made it any easier but I would have liked to have known. I kinda expected all cuddles and cuteness not shredded nerves and nipples!
Aww yay GG!

We helped ryan go about an hour before bedtime last night, and then half an hour later he went on his own :happydance:

Hoping it continues... HV recommended that we give him diluted apple juice from concentrate to help him go... she thinks that because he has been constipated for so long it is likely he has a "plug" of hard poop that he just can't get out, she says the apple juice should help to clear him out and then the comfort milk should ensure he doesn't end up constipated again...so gonna send my OH out to the shop to get some when he wakes up... bless him I've been so tired staying up every night with ryan he offered to do the night shift last night so I could get some sleep...and god do I feel better for sleeping all night without disturbances lol! He'll be in bed all day now though the lightweight :haha: I don't get to sleep all day after ive been up all night heheh xx
Defo tell it like it is!! Wish I'd been more prepared!! I thought babies were just cute lil things that sleep 99% of the time!!.. and Ive got quite a well behaved baby and Im knackered!!

Good news about Ryan pooing on his own Loula - you'll have to let us know if the juice works!

Lol xx
is\ ryan up much, libby settles right back down after her bottle so now she has one at 10 then about 3 then about 7ish

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