~~~November Sparklers 2010 mummies and daddies thread ~~~~

Tell it like it is GG!! :haha:

Amber is roughly on the same routine, 11, 3, 7 give or take half an hour.

Loulabump, Reagan used to suffer with bad constipation from being on preemie milk, we used to give her prune juice (from the health shop) and diluted it down with cool boiled water...not sure if the HV would recommend this though :haha: it does work however!!

My hubby really pissed me off this morning...Amber woke at 6.30am for a feed, so I nudged him and asked him to do it, his reply half asleep 'I want a lay in'...he is lucky it wasn't a bloody permanant lay in :blush: So I sat there feeding her and got all tearful before anger kicked in...he has yet to do one night feed and she is 3 weeks old!!!

Soph...did you register Evan okay...and are you okay? You have been very quiet!!
Hiya ladies :)

Dani, yes I got Evan registered yesterday so he is now official :wohoo: Was weird actually as I took my list of documents needed (passport, prove of his live birth, my pay slip etc) and they didn't ask for a single thing. I swear I could have made it up if I wanted :D

I went home yesterday to check the flat and introduce Evan to my neighbour and sort out my housing benefit. Iwas greeted with a court summons for non payment of council tax, I was due in court next Friday! I admit I forgot to pay Octobers cos thats when I was serverly stressed about everything and it slipped my mind. But I paid Oct and Nov on Nov 1st. The summons was sent on the 10th Nov :growlamd: Luckily the nice man cancelled it for me (I did have to gove a sob story about being in hospital and having a emcs etc but the exaggeration worked :D)

I am still bf and pretty successfully I think. although sometimes Evan just doesn't seem satisfied. He is getting wind which isn't meant to happen right?? Grrrr!! Also have decided he was so unsettled at night due to the cold so have got him some fleecy sleepsuits to go over his babygro and last night worked a treat, he settled well. He does only go 2-2.5 hours though no matter how long/short he feeds for!

He has had green poo too. I know this can be a milk imbalance (fore/hind milk) but it is only rarely and once in the middle of the night. Rest of the time he has nice bright yellow poo. I wonder if its cos he comfort suckles and takes too much fore milk maybe?

Also I had to give him emergency formula yesterday (aptimal) as I was in the council sorting the stuff out and he was starving. I gave it to him in an Avent bottle and basically he puked it up as quick as he drank it. I therefore don't know if it is the formula he hates or the bottle. He is fine with TT bottle but didn't have that with me.

So this leads me to my FIRST PUBLIC BREASTFEEDING :wohoo: Was ok, even though I was not really suitably dressed but I wasn't planning on being out feed time :D

GG, glad Libby has had a poo and I also think you should tell it like it is. No-one really tells you the bad stuff especially about breastfeeding, it's just sleepness nights and dirty nappies... well durh already knew that :D

Loula I do hope Ryan does a poo soon poor little mite :hugs:
hello, well I told it like it was hehe! I think they are all petrified! but I said it was all worth it and u cope..just haha! I actually really enjoyed it, Dan says I am a natural and could have a career in lecturing or something hehe Im just a gobshite and fairly confident person so I think this helps :~)

well libby has just had a massive loose poo explosion... third of the day... she still seems to be straining tho and in pain, do u think there could be a hard bit still there and the poo is just going round the side of it? I remember when children are very constipated in hospital they can get this, maybe im just worrying but there seemed to be a hard bit of poo on her bum that i had to wipe off.

soph - my cousin bfs and she was saying her lo (8 weeks) gets green poo when he is full of wind.. its the wind passing through him? app bf babies can still get wind. and well done on public bfing!!!

Im a LOT happier with my decision, I feel proud that I breastfed/expressed for 3 weeks but Im so much happier bottle feeding and dan can help, we can just have a life again, and now she is pooing I feel so much less guilty about it... just wish my milk would hurry up and go, cos expressing is a pain in the bum and my boobs are killing me by the end of day if I dont do it!

love to all mums and babies xx

Its much nicer in here with the thread not moving as fast isnt it, Its much more personal and you can reply to everyone and remember everyone x
AWW Well done Gemma!! You have just moved into a new area haven't you? It would be a good way of meeting people I guess?

Sophie - a MW in the hospital tried to tell us that you don't need to wind BF babies - its a load of rubbish - it all depends on the individual baby - Phoebe needs winding after beig BF the same as she does after a bottle.

:hugs: Dani - demand a lie in tomorrow!

Lol xx
hi can i be added to the list Lainey mae was born nov 13 at 11.49pm weighing 6lbs 14oz

oh and when u add lainey mai to the front, we didnt end up giving libby a middle name xx
Gemma and Sophie I will do the front page now :) I have not had any time to update it and we've had tons of new babies!!

Well Evan has had an awful day, my poor baby :( He has not been able to settle for very long at all and wanting the boob all the time. I am convinced it is wind as sometimes he really looks and sounds like he is in pain and brings his knees up to his chest. Interesting about the freen poo, thanks Gemma :)

Anyway I have been winding him, sometimes he burps, sometimes not and sometimes he is sick. I gave him some infacol earlier too, not sure if that has made a difference, but he has finally gone to sleep in his basket.

I think I am going to get some formula tomorrow, might try Hipp Organic this time. I need to express, but I just don't have the time and I am getting worried Evan isn't getting enough. I didn't have him weighed this week, but will by tuesday. He is having plenty of poo/wet nappies so that is ok but I just get the impression he isn't full and my boobs feel empty now as he is feeding more than I am making :(
Mums gone to get formula now bless her!! Evan won't settle for longer than 15 mins I can't cope with it and it's not fair on him either. So we'll see if we can get him settled and next feed he can try the formula and I shall expresssome milk.

I am sad as I was happy breastfeeding but as I ladies know we can't have unhappy babies and unhappy mums!! You all seem better since making the switch.
hun 3 weeks = growth spurt you sound like ur doing fab job xxx

Edit - think im having a period... bleeding and cramping, spots and I cried at gavin henson on strictly filling up and talking about his kids and at wagner on xfactor telling cheryl what he really said to the press...... gotta be!
I didn't know you could get your period so quickly?! I hope my monthly witch takes a longer vacation... :haha:
You sure gemma?? I'm still bleeding on and off from the birth! I think it's too soon for your period and is still blood from birth??

I was thinking growth spurt too! Plus his babygros ate really tight now in the legs cos he's so long so it may well be that.

I'm gonna give him the formula when he wakes so he has a nice feed if he takes it and gives my boobs a rest to build up mill cos they feel so empty!

Lol, I know it is bollocks, I haven't been winding evan much as thought that he's probs had belly ache for weeks my poor angel :(
I dunno, I started bleeding after I expressed so maybe it was just post natal, but I have cramp and spots so I dunno. I cant move I have a very wingey baby she is very unsettled today.. I gave her 4oz breastmilk at 8 but tbh it just mucks up her routine as it digests quicker so never know if she is hungry and wants another feed. She hasnt really settled since and is just lying on my chest and wont be put down. So im sat refreshing facebook and bnb with laptop on my knee as I cant put it down haha, when i say it i mean laptop haha x
Hey girls.

First chance I've had to just sit n catch up,

Pixie is now on formula; my milk just isn't enough to satisfy her so she's on 3oz roughly every 4hours or so. I'm not sure if I should let her sleep longer if she is sleeping or wake her for a feed? :shrug:

She's official now too :) all registered. Ah I love her to bits
just let her sleep, she has a good birth weight and is not jaudice xx
She was 7lb 15 but is now down to 7lb 3 which apparently is ok. She's just woken up now but she not due a feed till 1 :dohh:
just go with the flow hun, it doesnt have to be 4 hours to the dot, if she is hungrier early then give her a bottle x
She's having a sly sook of the boob to tie her over :haha: I like the closeness of her when breastfeeding :)
Well as of this morning, I get to offically join this thread. Jaxon Dean Jones was born on 11/20/10 at 706 am. He weighed 7lbs 11ozs and was 20.5 inches long. Im totally in love!
Congrats Bartness!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Hello ladies.. Finally popping over after the mahem of moving..

Please add Addison Reece Kidgell-born 14 November at 19.53-a healthy 9lb4oz :)
(not even sure you need all that info but throwing it out there)

Have not managed to catch up on entire thread but from where I started.. Sorry Pixelle about OH. Mine has been working everyday since Addison was born, half a day paternity leave and a few hours working from home. He even worked this entire weekend as the bank is doing system testing so all the bean counters have to be there :-(
Feeling really upset about it as I dont feel we have had any time to coo and ahh over our little angel.. Anyway, looking forward to the big move on Friday so thats what's keeping me going. And I had a kidney infection coupled with lung-a-vitus (yes, there is such a thing hee hee)

SO, we registered Addison on Tuesday, applied for passport on Wed and it arrived on Friday! Sorted :)

Little man is an angel.. He feeds every 2 hours during the day but then every 4 or 5 hours from 10pm through till 8am.. He is happy to be left in his moses basket, super chilled out. Only really cries when we bath him but is getting better everyday with that..

Your public breastfeeding bit made me laugh.. I am sooo shy and these boobs are soo huge it's nigh on impossible to be conspicuous in public and the more I try the more milk sprays evverywhere and nipplage all over the place.. and i get all hot and sweaty and he is like a little woodpecker digging in like a demented mole.. not a pretty sight, did i mention the overhang tummy and snakes and ladders stretch marks!!!!!

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