~~~November Sparklers 2010 mummies and daddies thread ~~~~

Big :hugs: Pixelle

Thank you :hugs:

oh pixelle im sorry ur feeling like this :hugs: i know how u feel on the bad mum thing defo. Iv been getting headaches and i think its from bfing and not drinking enough, are u drinking plenty water? xx

Thank you :hugs:
I've been making sure I drink lots of water. Got into the habit during pregnancy so now make sure I have at least a litre and a half if not more, during the day. I have started drinking decaff coffee again...maybe that's not helping the headaches...like a shock to the system maybe.

Massive :hugs: Pixelle! I've been feeling teary and as if I'm not coping too recently, sure it's a combination of hormones and lack of sleep. You're a fab mummy, sorry your OH hasn't been more supportive, my OH and I have had a few arguments in the last few days-tired and stressed out!

Thank you :hugs:
It's hard, isn't it?! Trying to battle with the emotions, while having a little one around...but also trying to stay semi normal in a relationship. Maybe we're too hard on ourselves and need some adjustment time!

Pixelle, HUGE :hugs: honey x

The early days aren't easy are they. I know exactly how you feel about having a baby attached to you ALL day long, I only posted just above you about not even being able to put Georgie down long enough to even have a wee. Luckily, because I am co-sleeping, I get a really good nights sleep so I have the energy to deal with him being very demanding during the day but even so, I am not sure how long I can go on for not being able to do anything all. I have got a sling, I just need to convince Georgie to go in it!

Sophie is right about needing to drink enough, you could be dehydrated, which will make you feel awful on its own without being tired and emotional. I am sorry your OH is not being as supportive as he should be, would both sitting down and setting some ground rules help? My H likes a play on his PS3 in the evening but he has a set time he goes on it so that it doesn't get in the way or cause friction between us.

I lost my dad this year, just a few days after I had our 12 week scan, I am so pleased he knew I was pregnant but so sad that he will never get to cuddle Georgie (who is named after my dad). It is understandable to get upset that he is no longer around, I have too as it is such an emotional time right now.

Keep talking and letting it all out sweetie. That is what this place is for :hugs2:

Just seen your new profile piccie, he is gorgeous x

Thank you :hugs:
My OH plays his PS3 too...as well as the laptop! We have had a chat and he realises it's not really ok for him to carry on the way he was before. I think he just wanted some 'him' time...but went about it the wrong way. We're both a bit irritable at the moment due to lack of sleep, so that doesn't help.
I do feel much better now we've talked...we still have little arguments here and there but that's to be expected, I think!

Well done for co-sleeping (not meant in a patronising way!). I could never do that...I worry too much :wacko:

Very sorry to hear about your Dad. :hugs:
It is hard, isn't it?! I still don't talk about it as much as I probably should...I tend to ignore the feelings until they build up a bit and I have to let it out! I'd be an emotional wreck everyday if I thought about things and didn't distract myself.
It's lovely you named your little one after your Dad :flower:
Kai's middle name is named after my Dad :)

Thank you about the picture, too! x

Keep talking and letting it all out sweetie. That is what this place is for :hugs2:

Just seen your new profile piccie, he is gorgeous x
<- WSS!


Lack of sleep and 'me' time certainly doesn't help with domestics does it!?

My OH is still home so is doing lots too help - when he goes back on 1st Dec I worry about how things will change. Im lucky that my OH isn't interested in gaming at all though, if anything Im a much bigger gamer than him.

:hugs: on the loss of your Dads both Coco and Pixelle :hugs:

Thank you :hugs:

Just wanted to thank you all personally as you really helped me. I felt a bit silly after posting but glad I let it out!

Congratulations Bartness and Kelly! :flower:

Today we had our first family outing. We took Kai to his Nanny's house...once I'd worked out how to adjust the car seat straps and got him in the car! :lol:
Did feel very strange driving with him in the back and not being able to see him. Anyone know if you can get mirrors so you can see baby in a rear facing car seat? Are they any good?

Tomorrow we're getting Kai registered. We have to go into town so I'm going to get some Fenugreek as yesterday my milk sort of dried up. Luckily I had some expressed and today it's back to normal....weird!
I did buy some Aptamil formula for back up...just in case it happens again and I don't have any expressed.

Loving all the new avatars of everyone's babies! :flower:
glad things are much better pixelle :) we all need to rant sometimes and here is perfect :hugs:

you can buy mirrors, i assume from babies r us or mothercare. thry clip onto the back headrest so u can see them through you front mirror. havent got one but do intend getting one when i am driving again :)
hey all- how are things going? hows breastfeeding going for those trying it? it was so hard the first 4 days for us but its getting easier
*knock knock*

Hello - can I come in please :)


No. Bugger off :rofl:

congrats Jo, Leo looks lovely :) so pleased you are finally here :)

hey rowleypowley, lovely to hear from you. How are things?? Feeding is going ok for me. Have introduced a bottle for 1am feed although not sure if I'll stick to it. Find having Evan stuck to my boob difficult!! He is mid growth spurt though which is tough x
Hi Anna - how old is Evan now?

I didn't think I would EVER get in here - lol

As for BFing, I have two opinions;
1) why didn't I do this with my girls :( - it's the most amazing thing ever
2) Owwwwwwwwwwwww ;)

hi rowley, The breastfeeding didnt really go well for me, and after batteling with my emotions decided to stop after 3 weeks. Had to use nipple shields and it was just a nightmare x
Oh I seem to be getting so stressed over the least little things lately and I can cry at the drop of a hat. I feel crap about the whole not being able to breastfeed thing :( I feel like I have to nag OH in the mornings to shift and night time just now isn't the greatest *sigh* baby blues
:hugs: Pichi! Don't beat yourself up about the BF - not everyone can do it - we've pretty much had to go 100% formula as Phoebe seems to be always hungry!

Glad to hear things are going better now Pixelle :hugs:

Welcome over FGS/Jo & Rowley! :happydance: - its getting busier in here now - so many sparklers been born :happydance: seems like only days ago we were all having our 1st scans!!

I have Phoebe fasto in my arms in a butterfly costume and Ive just had a call off a lady who is coming at 2pm to do a hearing test!! got an hr to get us both ready now - otherwise she might think im a bit odd!! :haha:

Lol xx
haha aww i hope u got pics lauren! I expect them on fb soon..

pichi - u said ur milk was coming in yesterday, u usually have tears when ur milk comes in.. but dont beat urself up about it, I did and now im embracing it, loving the sleep and the ease of oh being able to feed and make up bottles, you tried and she has had the best stuff, is there no breastfeeding support in your area? xx
There is support GG its just getting my stubbornness in check. I mean don't get me wrong I don't see anything wrong with FF its just not what I'd planned :shrug:

Pixie is content after a 3oz bottle so I guess I should be happy because she is
its not what I had planned either, but someone reminded me we just cant plan things to do with babies. We have been brainwashed to think that if we formula feed our babies they will not be as healthy or as intelliegent.. its complete bull to be honest, its better to feed your baby than let him/her starve and both be stressed and unhappy. Feeding is not the only need that needs to be met and if your completely drained from the feeding your not gonna have the energy to do the other things x
Agree 100% with gemma. Dat girl talks sense :haha: I am still perservering! Convincing myself evan is having a growth spurt and it will be better soon! He is feeding all the time but that's the only issue, I haven't had trouble like some of u girls. Evan took 5oz last night but still wasn't totally settled poor thing :(

shall see when he gets weighed this week. If it's not a great gain I'm moving on to formula. The amount he's eaten he should gain at least 2 stones :rofl:

I think it's too easy to give up to be honest. It is hard and we aren't anywhere near ptepared for that. I don't think the support is there for those that do struggle. I'm keeping at it only cos I haven't sent myself totally mad yet!!

Pichi you have to do what is best for you and pixie. I think if your milk is just coming in it could be worth another shot if bf is what u want to do. But routine wise you don't have that with bf, unlike ff.

No one will think any less of anyone. It's only food snd as long as lo is fed and happy snd u aren't having a breakdown then the choice u make is totally the right one :)
Well said Sophie and GG.

Amber was weighed today...9lbs 1ozs :rofl: the little porker!!!
thats ok for 3 weeks though isn't it?

Pixie was 7lb 4 when she was weighed so she's lost a little from her birth weight... she gets weighed again on wednesday :dance: hope she's put on again after getting her fill.

thanks girls for the words of wisdom/advice. i know i should stop beating myself up about it but i think with a mix of my stubbornness and my hormones flying about mad everything feels like it's getting on top of me (which it really isn't when i look at the larger picture)
:thumbup: It is a good gain...she went down to 7lbs 10ozs after birth, then back up to 7lbs 14ozs...and in the last 11 days she has gained up to 9lbs 1ozs, so I am happy with that.

There is so much pressure to breastfeed these days...as long as baby is fed, regardless of how, and they are happy, content and loved then that is all that matters :hugs:
she seems an all around happier baby now she has a full tum so i guess i should be thankful for that. i have her snoozing on my chest as we speak :haha:
wow you&me thats great :thumbup:

ryan was born 6lb6oz, first time he was weighed he went down to 6lb3oz and then weighed a week after on friday just gone and was 6lb14oz ... 11oz gain in one week :dance:
Putting pics up now - Phoebes hearing is perfect :happydance:

:cloud9: https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?pid=6061905&l=d606213d68&id=557145705


Well done Amber and Mummy on the fab weight gain!! :D :thumbup:

Lol xx
Hey girls,
Had the HV today and Erin has got back up to and 1oz over her birth weight! :happydance: I'm still pumping and topping her up with aptamil, although I'm getting less and less EBM each time, which makes me feel uber-guilty :cry:
I'm taking fenugreek still but also on antibiotics which I think might be affecting my supply?
I really feel as if I've given up too soon and I had lots of support from the MW's so I have no excuse as it were but even my mum who is so pro-BF is asking me whether I want to carry on expressing even as she's worried it's at a detriment to my own health :shrug:
Being a mum is so hard, I think we feel guilty whatever we do!

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