~~~November Sparklers 2010 mummies and daddies thread ~~~~

My boobs are small too!! Was never bigger than a b cup before I got pregnant!

It does make u feel so much better :)
My boobs are small too!! Was never bigger than a b cup before I got pregnant!

It does make u feel so much better :)
hello, we have been out all day, met some of the ladies from my nct course and ate cake.. well done on the weight gain ladies xxx
Ah bless, glad Jaxon is being a little chilled out man for you Bartness.

Pichi have you tried teh hot water bottle trick yet? I was told that too but I just need to buy a hot water bottle to try it out!

Gemma & Missmamma, hope you have both managed to catch up with your sleep :hugs:

Lol, our area has some fab classes to run by our local children's centre. I am waiting for my invite from my HV to the baby massage and the post natal group, which I hear is fab and most mums carry on meeting once a week once the course finishes, so I am looking forward to that! I am already going to the Little Ones group (for under ones, Georgie was the youngest there) and the Breast Feeding drop in clinic. We live in a large but quite rural village with quite poor public transport links, which I guess is why we have such great support system for the early years.

AFM: I have finally finished making Georgie's Birth Announcement & Thank You cards for all the lovely gifts we received, wanna peek? Just need to get them all posted off now!

is that the thank you cards? they're really nice. i was going to make a nice one in photoshop and send them around :thumbup: just need to find the time.

i've not tried the water bottle trick yet no but i will tonight and let you know how it goes :)

little miss is currently snoring away all nice n cosy. my room thermometer tells me it's 21'c in here but i don't believe it... it either feels too hot or too cold :dohh:

My boobs are small too!! Was never bigger than a b cup before I got pregnant!

It does make u feel so much better :)

small boobies here too. i'm only a C :blush:

Well done Coco and George!
We've been putting a hot water bottle in Erin's crib before bed and I do think it helps.
We had the angelcare monitor on for the first time last night and I slept much better. Gave OH a shock when I took her out for a feed at 7am and forgot to turn it off! :dohh:
We live in a flying start area too Lol, I'm really hoping to do the baby massage class and there's a bumps and babies morning a couple of doors away too. I'm not very good at talking to people I don't know but I'm going to be brave once OH goes back to work.
We're going out for a meal tonight to celebrate my sister's 12 week scan, we share our house so it's going to busy busy here in June!

i have an angelcare monitor too and forget to turn the damn light bit off so it starts beeping waking my OH up :blush: :dohh:
I have the angelcare monitor too. Am I thick cos i couldn't get on with it. Ended up buying bt150 instead. Think I'll sell it if anyone is interested :)
It took me a while to get used to it. Once it was set up it was fine :)
aww I love my angelcare and with her sleeping on her tum most of the time (which I hate!) its simple to use and I always get the one beep! when i forget to switch it off lol xx
I get the 1 beep which is usually followed by me going 'balls!' And trying to get to it before it takes a beeping fit :haha:
GG- pixie always lies on her side, always has :shrug: she makes horrible noises when she sleeps though- like she's about to be sick or something :( she's fine though
haha "balls" is my word!! thats exactly what I say when I hear the beep! x
Lizzy, we must have cross posted! I am pleased the hot water bottle has worked for you, I will get one at the weekend and give it a go. It does feel a little awkward the first time you walk into one of those classes but s far everyone has been very welcoming and it will be great once our babies are wanting to be more sociable.

Pichi, I made combined BA and thank you cards, I designed them before Georgie was born (pink and blue version) and just had to add the details. It has still taken me almost 3 weeks to finish them! I used Illustrator this time. Make sure you post a piccie when you get round to doing yours!

Oh and a C cup is not small boobies! Mine are only a B/C now and that after they are apparently full of milk! :rofl:

I have an Angelcare too and they are brilliant, I just wish Georgie would sleep on it more as it gives such peace of mind.
Hello! Mind if I join you??

My little Harry arrived 3 days early on Saturday, and we're totally in love with him!

Am still absolutely shattered though after a 22 hour labour, which wasn't very nice at the end as the epidural only worked on one side :wacko: and we ended up needing a ventouse to get him out as I was too tired and in too much pain.

He was totally worth it though, and so far he's brilliant at breastfeeding. I can't get over the size of my boobs today though as milk has just come in properly!! Am jealous of those of you with C cups..mine are DD's now!!
Hello and welcome over Ginger!! Harry looks adorable!!

Love your cards Coco - can see why you do it for a living :thumbup: I could never make something as good as that - so we used hallmark cards and uploaded pics of Phoebe - managed to get 3 for 2 and cashback via quidco and worked out about £1.50 a card including postage! :D

Lizzy - Im weary of meeting new people - but would be nice to be with other Mums - I don't mean to sound snobby but Im worried the Mums who live around me won't be my sorta people - I'll prob be one of the eldest and the only non chav :haha:

Well done Evan and Sophie on the fab weight gain - that is a massive jump - so your booby juice is obviously good shizzle! :haha:

Lol xx
I think libby is going through a sput, she is wanting a 4oz bottle every 3 hrs now so I just upped it to 5oz and she has fell asleep after bloody 2! what a waste.. another bad night with her i think she is sleeping too much through the day still so is not going down well at night :(
I wish my boobs were smaller-I can't even describe the backache they are causing me.. Am usually an E cup, now probs like FF or something.. It hurts..

Yay for the weight gain girls!! Jo your cards are beautious!!

I had Addison weighed today and he has put on 400g (not sure oz's) since Friday-midwife seemed to think that was good so if she's eppy, I'm eppy.. And and and I got away with not having to have her look at my foof! SOOOO sick of people looking at my foof!! She told me so long as I promise to keep my legs closed so the tear can heal.. I told her unless there are copious amounts of tequila flowing at Christmas there is no way my legs are opening for a loooooong time, and since I am BF'ing I probs couldn't be arsed to go to the hassle of expressing just to drink anyways.. Hangovers plus new baby=epic fail!

Congrats Ginger on your little one :)

GG, defo sounds like a growth spurt, hang in there!
I think libby is going through a sput, she is wanting a 4oz bottle every 3 hrs now so I just upped it to 5oz and she has fell asleep after bloody 2! what a waste.. another bad night with her i think she is sleeping too much through the day still so is not going down well at night :(

ryan does this to me ALL the time. He usually has a 4oz bottle every 4 hours but sometimes once hes finished he keeps on suckling like he's still hungry and wants more, so i go make 1oz in another bottle and then he usually has 1 suck and spits it out or falls asleep.:haha: dont know why i bother!
:haha: @ Kelly - I got away with the MW not looking at my foof too! Just had too promise it was fine!

GG were going through same with Phoebe - just had to up from 3oz too 4 oz - she seems too be constantly hungry when she is awake - just sleeps the rest of the time!!

Im not gonna be online very much at all now for the next week - as we have the MIL and her partner with us for the next week from Spain -- she is an ex MW - so hoping she can help teach me how to be an awesome Mum and babysit on the weekend so I can finally have a drink (and hopefully deal with Phoebe in the morning so I don't have the hangover+baby = fail scenario!) :thumbup:

Lol xx
LOL Kelly!!

I've managed to get away with noone looking at my bits for the last couple of days, mainly because I was feeding Harry when the last 2 MW visits happened. Don't think I'll get away wth it tomorrow as he's having his heelprick test, plus they need to check my stitches again:wacko:

I'm so tired, and sooo weepy today:cry: Not feeling unable to cope of anything like that, just overwhelmed about how much I love my LO. Please reassure me that this is just baby blues and will sort itself out...just been crying at the 6 o clock news for gods sake!!
Ginger-I felt exactly the same at 4 days, it got better after a couple of days :hugs:
I'm not sure what to re expressing. I've been on anti-biotics for 5 days now and since then Erin has been really unsettled-crying after feeds and vomiting a lot of her feeds back. I spoke to the MW who thought it might be the AB's affecting my milk. I haven't given her any expressed milk today and she's much happier. I don't want to effect my supply so have continued pumping but do I just throw my precious milk away until I've finished the tablets? :cry: :shrug:
Welcome Ginger :) I cried at jeremy Kyle today. He did live baby scans and had disabled children, was quite a humbling watch for once.

Evan is like a wild animal at the boob at the mo! Constantly hungry too and also isn't sleeping much meaning I don't have time to pee. I've given him 2 oz of formula and now some boob, he is knackered so hope he falls asleep xx
ginger i was the exact same too.

oh im gettin extreme period pains... they're bloody sore!

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