~~~November Sparklers 2010 mummies and daddies thread ~~~~

thanks for comments ladies my little chubster is 8lb 03oz today :)

awww sorry ryan has colic, my nephew had it bad nd i just didnt know what to do with him he just screamed..infacol is also meant to be good xx

mei - dont feel guilty u have done best thing for u, know one tells us how hard it is, i too beat myself up over my decision, but i have no regrets now, its so much easier nd we are much happier xx
Well pixie has put weight back on :) she's now back up to 7lb 10 :)

Worked out that this little munchkin has reflux so - the crib has been lifted at one end and she's on Aptamil comfort. It seems to be helping so we're all happy.

Sorry bout.the me me me post - I'm on my phone and ill get properly up to date when I'm home :)
Hey pichi, silly question bit how did u work out pixie had reflux? Been something I wondered evan had, although being bf he shouldn't though bit some signs are there xx
I found that when she was put down on her back she'd spew up. No matter how long she'd been kept upright. She'd also scream for no apparent reason before being sick too. Raising the crib has helped and she's not so sick. We've also found having her on comfort milk has helped too. Her wind comes up better now too :)

We finally have a happy little Pixie. 5 hours sleep last night :D
Hmm evan has pikes up milk twice tonight once lots once a tiny bit but that can be normal. Hmm maybe I'll give hv a call. But he has been really settled today a totally different babu to yesterday!!

Gg what's up with libby?? Xx
she is just crying lots and wont settle, dan has her now...its getting harder not easier haha x
Hooray I finally found the parenting thread, will post z better post when I'm not on my phone
hey ladies, just an update with me and maddy. Had to go to the dr again yesterday as she was constipated and they wanted to check on her. Her weight is still slowly gaining so instead of letting her feed when she wants its every 2 hours for me with only one 4 hour sleep during the night. She seems to be getting better due to us giving her a little prune juice(as the dr said to), but the weight gain is bugging me. Plus im still needing to eat more, i have just not had an appetite and people assume because im bigger its because i want to lose weight. When in fact i just am not hungry at all!!
I finally have a bit of time to myself! :happydance:

Sorry to hear about the babies with colic...not nice! Hope everyone is coping ok....:hugs:

AFM: I've cracked and given Kai some formula :(
Yesterday he just wouldn't settle after his feeds..he was sucking his hands and getting agitated so I knew he was still hungry but just wouldn't take the breast. I didn't have any expressed milk as I'd been feeding him almost constantly all day so didn't have time to do any....so I gave him 2oz of Aptamil and he settled straight away afterwards!
I've been building up my expressed milk supply and given him boob as well as formula, more boob than formula....and now have enough expressed in the fridge so hopefully won't have to use the formula too often. It just got to the stage where I dreaded feeding him as he would lay for hours on the boob...it sounds so selfish but I had no time to myself to even go for a wee! I was unhappy so Kai was unhappy. Since the formula and expressed bottles more frequently he's been so much happier and sleeping better too.
My OH is happy too as he gets to feed Kai in the evenings with the expressed milk....and I get some time to do household stuff and try to relax after! :)

Breastfeeding alone is sooo hard...I'm just glad I managed 3 weeks constant!
At first I did feel really bad about "giving up" with the breast feeding, but now I've realised he's still getting my milk, just having little top ups of formula when he needs it, which makes me happier and him happier!

Had HV on Tuesday...he's now up to 7lb 6oz so has gained 5oz in a week :)

Hopefully I'll be back on this thread a bit more often so can reply to people properly! Feel bad about it being me, me all the time....just don't seem to have the time to respond properly!
On cue...Kai's wanting feeding! :lol:
Finally found the parenting thread.

Sorry about all babies with colic. Leo is very windy but only has little cries now and again so not too bad.

It is so reassuring to read all your posts on topping up breast milk with formula. Leo has 1 formula bottle a day as he just feeds continually. He also has reflux which doesn't help. Health visitor coming today.

Glad to hear other than colic all is well.Must say I haven't fed in public yet never did with my other two but I feel everyone would stare.
Went into mothercare in there feeding room and it is in ladies toilet and some people where ok but others made comments and it was a feeding room!!!!!
Hi ladies, sorry to hear that some of our babies have been suffering with colic, bless them, I hope things have not been too hard for you :hugs:

AFM: Well I am still sitting in my arm chair ALL DAY BLIMMIN LONG feeding Georgie as he still wont let me put him down for naps. I had 10 minutes this morning which I used for a quick shower but that was it. My food shop was delivered at 10am and it is still in bags in the kitchen, where I think its likely to stay until late afternoon.

We also had a bit of a bad night last night where Georgie kept getting really cross with my boobs again, I was so close to getting him a bottle but just as I was about to give him, he latched on and fed and fell asleep, so no need. I had forced myself to eat 2 flap jacks (oats are good for milk) during this marathon feed, so not sure if that gave my supply a boost or not :shrug:

Other news is that Georgie is really starting to liven up a little bit now and is so much more alert when he is awake. He loves using his little legs to push him self up with and really enjoys a little sing song. He is so cute xx
well lainey is 13 days old today, the HV called for her 1st visit and weighed lainey shes gone from 6lbs 14oz to 7lbs 14oz!! porky pudding lol

girls does anyone else pray for lo to sleep and then four hours later think hmm when they gonna wake up for the next feed ](*,)

why doesnt she sleep this long through the night... its been like 4 hours now, I'v got housework, dishes, washing, managed to actually brush my teeth and have a wash today and write thankyou cards out and she is still asleep.. is this normal at her age? she seems very sleep.

Excellent weight gain sophie! :happydance: they are growing so fast
Sorry u still have georgie glued to you but well done for perserveiring :hugs:x
girls does anyone else pray for lo to sleep and then four hours later think hmm when they gonna wake up for the next feed

Yes, I'm exactly the same!! Harry actually slept for 4 hours solid last night for the first time, and of course I woke up after 3 to check he was ok:dohh: He made up for it by feeding every 2 hours after that though,so no more sleep for me!! ](*,) Really cross for missing that sleep window!!

Great weight gain, Sophie!:happydance:
girls does anyone else pray for lo to sleep and then four hours later think hmm when they gonna wake up for the next feed ](*,)

why doesnt she sleep this long through the night... its been like 4 hours now, I'v got housework, dishes, washing, managed to actually brush my teeth and have a wash today and write thankyou cards out and she is still asleep.. is this normal at her age? she seems very sleep.

Excellent weight gain sophie! :happydance: they are growing so fast
Sorry u still have georgie glued to you but well done for perserveiring :hugs:x

pixie does this too. i think it's our little ones trying to get used to night and day. she's getting really good at waking up every 4 hours for her feed and she's still on 3oz. i think she'll be on 4oz soon though.

hope Libby starts getting into a routine for you soon. i know i've tried to start cleaning but it's a lost cause - soooo much stuff to find a place for!
Jaxon hasnt wanted to breast feed at all, so I went out and bought a Medela pump, though it takes three sessions to get one ozs out, its not going to well. I've been giving him formula (per my lactaion nurse) so make sure he gets enough food. However, I do offer the boob first, and if he doesnt take, I try using a nipple sheild. If I get him when he's totally asleep he'll feed, If he wakes up on his own, its bottle (he wants it NOW, doesnt want to work for it).

On the upside, the only time he really cries is when he is hungry. Otherwise he just looks around or sleeps. He is a such a good baby.

MY OH has been a God send. He stays up with Jaxon until 230/3 every morning, then puts Jaxon in his bassinet, and I'll get up with Jaxon for his next feed. So with OH's help I average about 5 hours a sleep a night.
Hi Ladies

Hope your all well - still have MIL here for another couple of days so will catch up beginning of next week!

Lol xx
Hi ladies, well evan has been diagnosed with reflux and been given infant gavisvon. Have mixed that with an ounce of formula then bf as normal. So far no tears or sick :)

mothers instinct is right, I've thought reflux for a few days. Icalled hv and they said colic bit I wasn't so sure so called gp whho wanted to see evan asap. Said he had all the classic reflux symptoms and said colic was a health visitors disease :haha:

fingers crossed this works and my baby isn't in pain anymore xxx

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