~~~November Sparklers 2010 mummies and daddies thread ~~~~

cant beleive i havent really posted in here!...
im so in love with lainey, and love seeing her big sister give her kisses and cuddles! its so sweet.
lainey is a very calm baby tbh...she sleeps alot. i forgot how much newborns sleep lol....she takes about 3oz of feed every 3ish hours....although yesterday she seemed to stagger them by taking 1oz then falling asleep and wakin an hour later for the other 2oz! so it felt like all i did was feed her yesterday....in the nights shes really good, she has a feed around 1am then wakes at about 4.30-5am then sleeps again! so were quite lucky that she sleeps in the moses basket by the bed unlike alys who wouldnt sleep in the nights when she was a newborn! :D .......congratulations to all you lovely ladies on your LOs!

hey ladies, srry been MIA. Been crazy busy with Maddy and school. Can't believe that my little girl is a month old today, hope everyone is doing well!

Welcome Ginger :) I cried at jeremy Kyle today. He did live baby scans and had disabled children, was quite a humbling watch for once.

haha me too, balled my eyes out whilst cuddling and kissing libby, thanking god for giving me a healthy baby

hey ladies, srry been MIA. Been crazy busy with Maddy and school. Can't believe that my little girl is a month old today, hope everyone is doing well!

wondered where u had dissapeared too, glad everything is well and I know its crazy how time flies when it dragged so much in pregnancy x
I'm here!!! :yipee:

Bryelle McKenna was born on 11/23/2010 @ 12:19 p.m. weighing 5lbs. 14oz. and 19 1/2 inches long. She is GORGEOUS :cloud9: a GREAT Breastfeeding Baby :happydance: and We are IN LOVE!!! :kiss: I will write my birth story another time for I am still in the hospital and I have VERY heavy eyelids. Have had bareky any sleep. It is My own fault though because I am too paranoid to take my eyes off of her! :lol:
Yay April :) time to update the front page me thinks!! When I get a spare 20 mins :haha:

well I think evan has colic :( last night again between 7pm and about 1am he wouldn't settle wanted boob but wouldn't feed and was screaming like he was in pain. I gave him some formula which he had about an ounce of then sicked it up :( but he went out like a light strangely :) I put him in his sleeping bag now he is big enough and he seemed to love it! He also slept in my bed, not on me but in his own little area shock horror!! :haha:

this morning he has been so calm and we have had a bath together in the big bath. I hav also dressed him in some dungarees he looks adorable!!
Oh I've also had a shower, answered my. Phone. And not been interupted, tidied the kitchen and put dishwasher on and put on a load of washing.

It is 12.23 so a successful day already :)

now for lunch I jus need to heat up in the microwave :D
Sophie.. Picture picture :)

I'm starting to think my little one has colic too-Ashton had it and I promise you, it's expensive but it changed our lives-Colief.. Can get it from Boots.. Bit of a palava cos u give them a few drops in milk before a proper feed but it works wonders.. i need to get soem before we leave tomorrow..!!!
We cross-posted.. I meant pic of Evan in dungees, not of you in shower:haha:
lol ! well libby has smiled, my child genious! hv witnessed it she was staring at me talking and i said oh she has wind thinking it wud b too early but hv said no it wasnt wind she was gazing straight at... so i started talking to libby and she done it again!



new pics not on fb as using them on ty cards x
Aww look at her gem she is sooo cute :)

now is the time they change and start looking more grown up than newborns :)

I still think Evans smiles are just wind. Evan so his face is a picture when he does!!
Awww soph I hope Evan doesn't have colic. Ryan has it and it just just awful! One thing after another thing us, but thankfully he is over his constipation and is pooing on his own :dance:

He usually starts his colic related screaming session at about 3pm and he carries on until sometimes up to 3am with hardly any breaks...his poor little lungs and my poor ears, honestly it is so, so stressful... just writing this in one of the rare breaks I get where he's just lying in his moses basket whimpering, rather than full on screaming!

I'm keeping him on aptamil comfort formula as it seems to have cleared up his constipation and given time I'm hoping it will help with the colic too, although I've decided I'm giving it a couple more days and then buying some colief to see if that helps him... big :hugs: if he does have colic, its really not nice :cry:
Awww..gorgeous pics Gossipgirly!

Hope the colicky babies feel better soon as well, it can't be nice for them, or their mums! :(

Congrats to April too!:happydance:

We had a much better night, Harry only got us up at 12, 2 and then 6:30..that last 3 hours of uninterrupted sleep was a godsend!! Feeling less like a leaky tap today too :)
Loula how did u go know it is deffo colic? Will I have to take him to doctors? Most common cause of colic is reflux I read, but as evan is bf he shouldn't really get it. I just seld diagnosed from Reading what to expect book and evan has almost all the collicky symptoms.

Today though my boobs seem to have caught up and he had had 2 really good feeds and has been very settled, no tears today. His episodes usually start around 7pm though. So will see how tonight is. If he is the same as last night should I take him to baby clinic to see the hv??

Glad Ryan is over the constipation just a shame he is not settling for you xx
At first I pretty much self diagnosed it, I was googling like mad trying to figure out what might be causing his crying and colic was the thing that came up tops, he has all the symptoms but I was seeing the HV that week anyway so I waited for her visit and she confirmed colic and gave me some tips to try and comfort him, but so far nothing has worked :( xx
Hey everyone! Finally managed to pop over. I have been trying so hard at BF however think I am going to have to transfer over to FF. I know my hormones are totally off at the moment, however I really think Nathaniel needs a happy mother instead of one who is crying through his every feed and dreading when he wakes up. I feel totally terrible and depressed and am really worried this is going to develop further. I feel guilty for switching over to FF as he is only 4 days however as said above, I think the love and happiness is going to be more important.

On another note, I am waking up with terrible nightmares of LO dying all the time... I really am starting to think there is something wrong with me. Has anyone even experienced a slightly similar situation in any of this? Being a first time mum I don't really know what to do, have mentioned it to midwife and she didn't really seem bothered and suggested I carried on BF and using cabbage leaves. Just don't think I can cope with the major stress headaches and severe unhappiness any longer. As I am guessing Nathaniel can obviously sense it in some sense.

Sorry for the long and not very positive post!
Sorry to hear you are feeling so terrible Mei.. Day 3/4 is usually the worst but keep an eye on it hun and if you dont start feeling even a teeny bit better everyday then you need to go chat to doc sweets.. Dont beat yourself up about the FF either, you are right to rather be a happy Mom!!!

LouLou have you tried Colief?? I really thought nothing wouldk ever work for Ashton but it really really does work.. its like 10 quid for 7ml but last quite a long time and the colic usually settles after 3 months anyways :)

Anyone near London or know anyone near London who wants a graco autobase?? Got one going free to anyone who can collect before lunchtiime tomorrow.. Will pop it on other section too..

oh and GG she is a little beauty!!!!! SMiles are just the best!!
LouLou have you tried Colief?? I really thought nothing wouldk ever work for Ashton but it really really does work.. its like 10 quid for 7ml but last quite a long time and the colic usually settles after 3 months anyways :)

I haven't tried it yet but the HV did mention it to me while she was here, OH gets paid tomorrow and is off at the weekend so planning on making a trip into town to go and get some, I've heard boots sell it? Think I'll kill two birds with one stone and go to see the Harry Potter movie at the same time since my mum has offered to have Ryan and the dog on Saturday anyways so we could have a little break! All depends on how much OH actually gets paid tomorrow though, almost certain his work have messed up his paternity pay and we're gonna be down about £300 if I'm right... Thinking about how we''ll cope if that has happened is making me feel so ill so I'm really hoping I'm wrong, absolutely dreading his wage going in tomorrow :nope: FX'd...

On a happier note Ryan is asleep in his swing, woohoo! :wohoo:
LouLou have you tried Colief?? I really thought nothing wouldk ever work for Ashton but it really really does work.. its like 10 quid for 7ml but last quite a long time and the colic usually settles after 3 months anyways :)

I haven't tried it yet but the HV did mention it to me while she was here, OH gets paid tomorrow and is off at the weekend so planning on making a trip into town to go and get some, I've heard boots sell it? Think I'll kill two birds with one stone and go to see the Harry Potter movie at the same time since my mum has offered to have Ryan and the dog on Saturday anyways so we could have a little break! All depends on how much OH actually gets paid tomorrow though, almost certain his work have messed up his paternity pay and we're gonna be down about £300 if I'm right... Thinking about how we''ll cope if that has happened is making me feel so ill so I'm really hoping I'm wrong, absolutely dreading his wage going in tomorrow :nope: FX'd...

On a happier note Ryan is asleep in his swing, woohoo! :wohoo:

Holding thumbs for you darling.. Dont even mention work.. ffs my husband has worked like a dog for this bank and even though he gets paid by the hour he still did them a favour and worked the entire weekend with a 5 day old baby he has hardly seen.. so today is his last day and he puts in his hours until 5.. then asks his boss if he can leave at 4 and gets told, no hours are signed off until 5.. grrrr..

anyways, you can get Colief alot cheaper on ebay-probs about 5 quid:thumbup:

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