~~~November Sparklers 2010 mummies and daddies thread ~~~~

Sooo im sooo confused.. LOL

Michael is a good sleeper but when he wakes for his night feed or feeds he is soo hard to settle after change and feed.. hes solely bf but ive been trying to find another way to calm him besides just having my boob in his mouth all night to keep him calm.. he wont take a dummy and he wont take expressed milk in a bottle he just screams and if he does he sucks a few sucks and than pushes it out with his tongue.. i hate falling to sleep nursing him i feel so unsafe... but he loves to sleep with me in his mouth and when i remove myself he SCREAMS.. ive come so close to giving him formula but i cant bring myself to do that just yet.. hes a great burper and poo and pee taker.. but i want a way to calm him as he gets angry way to fast and is soo hard to settle as he wont take ANYTHING but BOOB!!
Finally got a chance to catch up with this thread! Great to see all the new mums in here, can't believe we're all having our babies now!

Stanley is 3 weeks old today. We are still managing to exclusively bf, think he's on a growth spurt as he seems to be feeding every 2 hours today which is wearing me out a bit. Luckily, he does seem to sleep well after a feed, goes down for about 90 minutes - 2 hours during the day, a bit longer at night, maybe 3 hours if I'm lucky!

Had to take him to GP on Thursday as he's very red and sore just around his bum-hole. It's apparently developed into thrush so I am using Canesten cream on it. Breaks my heart to keep changing him as it is obviously hurting him. Supposed to give him lots of nappy free time but he wees and poos so much it's hardly worth it, I am just constantly cleaning him up, and he HATES having his nappy off too. Really hoping it clears up soon. Anyone else having nappy rash issues or is it just me? :cry:

Marinewife101 - sorry to hear you're having problems putting Michael down at night. Does he not fall asleep when on the boob? I have stopped nursing in bed because I've fallen asleep a couple of times - now I go into another room now with the radio on just so I can stay awake longer than him! When he's got all sleepy on the boob he is much easier to put down without a struggle.
marinewife101 i found that pixie was like this in the hospital. i'm not breastfeeding anymore but find when she is grizzly, putting her on my chest and shoogling till she falls alseep does the trick
Can I ask, when did everyones wee ones move to 4oz? I think Pixie could do with a wee bit more to eat
we went up to 4oz a couple of days ago, so sounds about right :thumbup:

looky what I won this morning though! :D https://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=260695999915

bargain or what?! x
Bargainous!! :thumbup:

Had to take him to GP on Thursday as he's very red and sore just around his bum-hole. It's apparently developed into thrush so I am using Canesten cream on it. Breaks my heart to keep changing him as it is obviously hurting him. Supposed to give him lots of nappy free time but he wees and poos so much it's hardly worth it, I am just constantly cleaning him up, and he HATES having his nappy off too. Really hoping it clears up soon. Anyone else having nappy rash issues or is it just me? :cry:
Welcome over Hinky - I will be reading his birth story now! :thumbup:
We have been lucky on the nappy rash side, hope it clears for him asap :hugs:

Lol xx
thanks lolpants. we're slowly filtering 4oz bottles into her day and she seems to be coping with them which is good :thumbup:

i'm currently writing my birth story too... god i can't believe it's been over 2 weeks already. time is just shooting past
Amazing how fast time flies isn't it? The last month of pregnancy dragged like hell and now my little boy is a month old! hehe :D
i really can't believe it. i can't believe the fact that i've been through the process of labour (well, i feel like i cheated slightly but still)
i really can't believe it. i can't believe the fact that i've been through the process of labour (well, i feel like i cheated slightly but still)

i know, right! its crazy. I know i have a daughter now but it still seems very surreal.

i cant believe people are moaning about their LOs feeding every two hours, if Raphaëlle feeds every two hours that's good!
My OH went back to work today-I cheated and my mum came over for most of the day! :blush:
I think the combination of the Dr Brown's bottles and the Infacol are starting to work, Erin has been a lot more settled and she's bringing up her wind a lot easier.
I got Mum to she how she was after a feed this afternoon as she tends to try and curl up, bringing her little legs right up to her tummy and grunting. Mum felt that it was likely to be lower abdominal gas and the massaging her tummy worked really well. She also feels she might have a bit of reflux and is hopefully going to organise a prescription for gaviscon for us :happydance:
Hope everyone is managing to keep warm and snug, we're forecast another heavy snowfall overnight tonight :dohh:
ok... so i went to drs for reflux/colic and he dismisses me nd gives me a prescription for paracetamol and tells me to wind her properly... go figure... :grr:
ok... so i went to drs for reflux/colic and he dismisses me nd gives me a prescription for paracetamol and tells me to wind her properly... go figure... :grr:

what an arse!

have you tried holding Libby up when she needs winded. hold her so her legs dangle and straighten out. when she straightens up it helps the windies :) i got told this and Pixie brings her wind up so much better with this technique :flower:
ok... so i went to drs for reflux/colic and he dismisses me nd gives me a prescription for paracetamol and tells me to wind her properly... go figure... :grr:

omg... :wacko::wacko:

ryan has been clingy and screamy as usual today...he's been sleeping in his moses basket 15 mins at a time throughout the day so managed to load dishwasher before havin to pick him up and giv him cuddles again...he calms down and falls asleep on me pretty much strait away after i pick him up tho..surely if he was sufferin with colic or reflux is would take longer to calm him?! i just dont know whats wrong with him anymore..he does have his moments where he just screams and screams and nothing i do consoles him, but i think thats the constipation...cooled boiled water really helps him to poo but he wont drink it, but he loves gripe water so i mixed it in with the water earlier and voila! so hoping that helps keep things moving as the infacol seems to have stopped things...

is libby the same? does she cry all the time unless shes being held? xx
try rolling them as you burp them. My hv recommended this coz i said Raphi was having trouble bringing up wind and she said to sit them on your knee and roll them in a circular motion...it has worked every time for us :D
loula yeh libby cries unless she is picked up.. she only ever wakes up to feed and cry and then goes to sleep she doesnt have any " settled" awake time..

her poo has changed, think its the comfort milk its more runny and thats what we like :D big poop explosions!
pichi - yeh we do that, we get loads of wind up from her but she still pumps away all day and night... its never ending x
I can be here now :flower: birth story later. pics now Alexander St.John.
born 28rh nov 507am. 8;bs,


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Good to see you over here DF! He is gorgeous, congrats again!

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